• @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Biden will face the same challenges Trump had in 2020, namely that it is harder to have people fired up and enthusiastic to show up to the polls when their current choice is already in office. I think that Biden will have pandemic fall out inflation to hurt him with independents like Trump had his covid response hurt him with independents. It really will be a coin flip IMO.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -74 months ago

      I wish we had better people running.

      I voted for Obama twice. He was very disappointing, in my opinion, but I felt the Republican candidates were garbage. I know Democrats get upset when you say their messiah was disappointing but had the potential to be one of the greatest presidents in history.

      One thing that defines me is I like people who create jobs. One thing I admire about Elon is that he has created many good paying jobs. That is how trickle-down is supposed to work.

      Romney prided himself on destroying jobs and outsourcing jobs. A person like that will never get my vote.

      That is part of the appeal to the blue-collar people and Trump. It is a nice catch phrase: MAGA, Make America Great Again. Bring the jobs home.

      Now, I am not convinced he delivered on that promise, but I like the idea of breaking our ties to countries like China, which abuses people and wants to invade our allies.

      Overall I am not thrilled with Trump but life was good under Trump. Unless something radical changes, he will get my vote in the next election. I just wish the Republicans had run someone better.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        The economy is actually doing quite well under Biden. Between the IRA and CHIPS, and other measures, manufacturing is looking good. Blue collar jobs are doing fine too, with some hiccups due to world events. I’d rather have Biden anyway especially since he has let the Central bank have autonomy to set interest rates unlike Trump who took a less conservative approach and more of a populist approach.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -74 months ago

          Inflation and polls say otherwise. People do not feel the economy is good, consumer debt is rising along with foreclosures.

          • @[email protected]
            44 months ago

            Inflation has risen by 3.1% from Jan 2023 to Jan 2024. The target that the Federal Reserve has is 3%. Consumer confidence may be a different story though, as even though market indicators say there’s a strong economy, people saying that the economy is bad will make people say that the economy is bad. There’s currently a labor shortage and strong jobs growth and wages are starting to grow in real terms for the first time in a while.

            Granted, the only thing that matters in the end is if people think the economy is bad

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -64 months ago


              4.1% over the year. 8 % the prior year 4.7 the year before that.

              The problem is prices are going up faster than wages. As long as inflation outpaces the cost of things, we are not in a strong economy.

              If people were piling on debt just to live and could afford a home, I would agree we have a stronger economy. Right now, I can’t say that with a straight face.

  • NeuromancerOPM
    -254 months ago

    I’m a never Biden person. As much as I don’t like Trump, things were going in the right direction under Trump.

    I will give Biden props for handling Ukraine and Gaza. I support giving aid to Ukraine but I don’t support boots on the ground.

    • @Fal
      94 months ago

      Explain how things were better under trump, and then explain how it was related to anything trump did.

      • NeuromancerOPM
        -114 months ago

        Well it sounds like you already have your mind made up.

        What has Biden done better? Higher inflation? We all love that higher inflation.

        • @Fal
          74 months ago

          You missed the critical second step. Explain why Biden is responsible for the levels of inflation

          • NeuromancerOPM
            -104 months ago

            His policies. He handed out a lot of money which drove up inflation.



            The main area where Biden has faced criticism relates to outsized government spending. The $2 trillion American Rescue Plan, in particular, has come under scrutiny by economists for contributing to the surge in inflation.

            • @Fal
              74 months ago

              So the inflation reduction act is responsible for the inflation that started before the act was even written? You’re kidding right? (Your first link)

              Your own article cites

              The effects [of the inflation reduction act] will not be evident for a long time and inflation currently stands at a four-decade high.

              He handed out a lot of money which drove up inflation.

              The american rescue plan is 1.9T over 10 years is the cause of inflation? Which part of the american rescue plan do you disagree with exactly? And why is that the cause of inflation, and not the trillions of dollars handed out under trump

              • NeuromancerOPM
                -104 months ago

                Did you ignore the second article or only focus on the one? I even cited the relevant section for you.

                The point is that there are multiple things the idiot has done to create inflation.

                • @Fal
                  34 months ago

                  I addressed both articles. What would trump have done differently? Which parts of the american rescue plan shouldn’t have been done, and how much did that contribute to inflation?