
I’m a big fan of podcasts and I’ve been enjoying “Against the Rules” and “Darknet Diaries” lately.

Now, I want to hear your recommendations! What podcasts do you love and why? Let’s build an epic list of must-listen podcasts together.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

  • @Tahssi
    41 year ago

    Dungeons and Daddies, a chaotic and hilarious Dungeons and Dragons podcast. It does have some good emotional parts as well.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Behind the Bastards, a deep dive into the various shit people of history. Episode one is Saddam Hussein: Erotic Novelist.

    There’s nearly 700 episodes, and I’ve yet to run tio a dud. Loads of great guests. My only gripe is that it’s a touch Amerocentric, but other than that I’d recommend it to basically anyone. Not kid friendly, in case that wasn’t obvious.

    • nicktron
      1 year ago

      I think it’s only fair to add that this podcast has a very left leaning bias. I’m not saying that that is bad, just being objective.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I like listening to historical podcasts, and my favorites are “The History of Rome” (which has finished) and its followup “The History of Byzantium” and “Hardcore History” . I’ve heard good things about “Revolutions” by the creator of “The History of Rome” but I haven’t checked it out yet.

    Also I’ve been enjoying “Fall of Civilizations” a lot, but so far have only listened to a few of the episodes.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I’ve listened to all of these podcasts besides Hardcore history, and I can highly recommend all of them. It’s hard to pick a favourite but it might be Revolutions, which I found the most eye-opening, especially season 3 on the french revolution. I’m currently working my way through Wittenberg to Westphalia, the Wars of the Reformation, which is meant to be on the 30 years way, but takes a very deep dive into the life, economy, history and culture of the middle ages and early modern period.

    • GNU/Dhruv
      11 year ago

      The Fall of Civilizations is one of my favorite podcasts right now! I highly recommend it if you like to think about history from a sort of different point of view. The host is really invested in trying to contextualize what things may have looked and felt like from the common person’s point of view.

  • curiosityLynx
    31 year ago

    Massively depends on what you’re into.

    That said, I follow these podcasts:

    News related comedy:

    • Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me from NPR
    • Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4
    • The Bugle
    • Breaking The News from BBC Scotland


    • Dicefunk (I recommend seasons 3 & 4 in particular)


    • Punwatch
    • (also The Bugle sometimes)

    Science communication:

    • The Infinite Monkey Cage
    • Daniel And Jorge Explain The Universe
    • The Curious Cases Of Rutherford & Fry
    • Supermassive
    • A Problem Squared
    • Creature Feature
    • My Favourite Theorem

    About Media:

    • Failure To Launch, about TV pilots that failed to become full series
    • Get Played, originally called “How Did This Get Played?” and focused on the worst games ever made, now about games in general
    • Dream Factory, about plots of non-existing movies


    • Malicious Life
    • Darknet Diaries
    • Human Factor Security


    • You’re Dead To Me
  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I like; 99% Invisible & Radio Lab, those are my main 2, i also listen to Malicious Life & some others I can’t think of right now.

  • captaincoupi
    21 year ago

    Hardcore History. The come out a few times a year and are incredibly long (some episodes are five hours), but listening to Dan Carlin talk is really engaging. Plus he has one of those voices you can fall asleep to.
    It Could Happen Here. Keeps my righteous anger at ‘the man’ topped up.
    Criminal Records. Fun crime podcast focussed on the weird and less heard of crimes in history.

  • smallerdemon
    21 year ago

    Trashfuture is a great podcast. It is, ostensibly, a tech-pessimist podcast, but every now and then there are some great UK-centric politics that bleed through since they are based in the UK. All of the host are kind of leftist weirdo Marxists and they really take the piss out of “technology companies” that are nothing more than shell games of moving things around that have been around forever and calling it a tech company. One of my favorites.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    My top podcasts lately:

    • QAnon Anonymous: started out chronicling the QAnon freakshow but moved towards more general deep dives into modern and past conspiracy movements

    • Minion Death Cult: laughing at right wing comment sections

    • This Is Revolution: great leftist interview/discussion

    • Joy Tactics: extremely funny stuff

    • Uhh Yeah Dude: one of the longest running podcasts out (13 years) and still funny as hell

    I dip into some other podcasts from time to time like Chapo Trap House, Comedy Bang Bang, and Vice’s CYBER.

    I also listen to some paranormal/weird shows that I can recommend if anyone is interested.

  • digitalpanopticon
    21 year ago
    • History on Fire (Italian Prof talks about interesting events and people)
    • The Deprogramm (An iraqi, a slav and a american rant about things)
    • Duncan Trussell Family Hour (Classical “guy invites interesting people to talk to”)
    • Blowback (Historic events regarding american imperialism)
  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Behind the bastards, Self explanatory.

    Ear hustle, A podcast about prison made by prisoners in prison.

    Knowledge Fight, a couple of dudes who like to sit around and talk about Alex Jones. Essentially deconstructing his bullshit.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    -Last Podcast on The Left - crime and comedy is a perfect mix for me.

    -Bow and Blade and The Medieval Podcast - I love medieval history

    -Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History -general history (waiting for another episode is like waiting for Christmas)

    -Unsolved Misteries Podcast- I love the TV show and that podcast is great too :)

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Hello Internet - I love the hosts, though the show is over (or, on hiatus if you truly believe)

    Cortex- I listen to this mostly because CGP Grey is on it (who also was one of the hosts on Hello Internet). It’s also nice for tech news/ productivity information, though sometimes I get a bit frustrated at the show

    Dear Hank and John (or Dear John and Hank) - John and Hank Green answer listener questions. I’m really a sucker for this “two guys talk at the mic” format lmao

    Dungeons and Daddies- a DnD podcast with Freddie Wong that I find immensely entertaining

    Well There’s Your Problem - an engineering disasters podcast. I really enjoy listening to the hosts, though they do tend to ramble. I like it, but might not be for everyone

    Edit: Almost forgot, Wizards of Waverly Place Podcast. David Deloise and Jen Stone (The dad and Harper from the show) watch old Wizards of Waverly Place episodes and talks about them as well as has guests from the show on. This one can get a bit frustrating for me as the podcast feels a bit rushed, and their social media presence is very click baity. But I find it interesting none the less

  • plum
    11 year ago

    I’d strongly recommend Dungeons & Daddies (not a BDSM podcast, it is indeed Dungeons & Dragons). It’s about 4 dads trying to save their sons in another realm.

    Super digestible, not TOO strict about rules, and I die of laughter anytime Beth May says anything.