Also me: the passage screenshot made my Times of Israel is wrong (they don’t seem to speak Arabic nor to fact check things) but here is a link to the real news:“October 7” added to Jordan’s school curriculum
These books aren’t out yet, but they would distribute them next semester
There’s no problem with adding the October 7th history to the books… BUT not sure how I feel about the omission problem were civilians taken hostage are referred to as “settlers” 😐 😐
You’re starting to make me think I shouldn’t automatically assume some website’s ranking of truth is 100% reliable.
What’s next, I have to start looking into claims people make for reliability?! This is really going to slow down my general read-the-headline-react-immediately policy.
I have a great idea! What if someone creates a website called MediaBiasFactCheckBiasFactCheck?
Now I know what you’re thinking, what if MediaBiasFactCheckBiasFactCheck also is biased? Well, I have a great idea! What if someon-
No you don’t understand. Jeffrey Settlerman won a Pullitzer Prize and the New York Ttimes is a highly respectable outlet. They would never do such a thing as fabricate rape stories with zero evidence except contradictory testimonies.
I am media aware because instead of consuming propaganda sites I only consume respectable American news outlets which are full of anonymous unverifiable witness testimonies which happen to include IDF soldiers.
Because I initially searched for info and didn’t find anything, then made the meme… and after posting it, I found an article on Roya News. I didn’t want to be dishonest, but I didn’t want to remove it either because it’s clear that these people don’t care to read or fact-check the crap they post. So, I edited the post and added the body. Could result in a good discussion, no?
Yep, sorry!
PS: It reminded me of this:
The Israeli military said a video that falsely claimed a basic calendar was a Hamas guard list was a “translation error” after several journalists and native speakers on social media pointed out that the written Arabic words on the calendar were only identifying the days of the week.
No disclaimers here, they actually pretended that Hamas fighter names were on that piece of paper, turns out it was a calendar.
Soldier 1: Careful soldiers, Intel says we’ll encounter an expert guard here named Monday
Soldier 2: I hate Monday
Link to the times article?
Thanks! You never know what’s real and what’s fake anymore.
The news is actually correct – its just a screenshot of a wrong page from the book.
You can’t really call anyone settlers any more, unless you move to Antarctica or another planet then all the livable space on Earth has been settled for hundreds of years at this point.