It could be anything, something weird at night, a sound, a light or a cryptid.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I was out one night with my dad looking through a telescope at the Orion Nebula when suddenly I noticed one of the stars was moving. It was a dim light and I figured it was a satellite. I tracked it for a while, but then it came to a stop and went the other way. My dad and I swapped off tracking it for probably 10 minutes watching it come almost to a stop and go a different direction several times.

    I haven’t the slightest idea what I saw. It was small and dim and sometimes it was hard to pick it out from the other stars. I imagine it had to of been either pretty small or far away. Either way it didn’t make any sense.

  • @WanderA
    31 year ago

    Oh! Good question. Although I don’t have an unexplainable experience, I wonder if we have paranormal communities.

  • JWBananas
    31 year ago

    The CEO of an unprofitable company went to war with the thousands of unpaid workers that keep his company running. Can’t explain that.

  • Cool Beance
    21 year ago

    Sometimes things around me just get nudged ever so slightly, like enough for something to wobble but never to the point of something falling over. I’ll just be sitting while on my phone or something and then my headset stand will get nudged. There’s no air, and nothing fell on the stand to make it move… There’s no earthquake or anything really.

    I don’t mind it too much but sometimes it just makes me stop and be like “What the fuck man”

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    One time, driving back on the highway with some friends, the mid afternoon sky suddenly turned purple for a couple seconds. We all saw it.

    I’ve never been able to find any explanation of what happened. Closest I’ve got is maybe a transformer exploded, but it didn’t make the news or anything.

  • asjmcguire
    21 year ago

    There is a theatre attached to our house. It has only existed since 1991, before that it was a single story machine workshop, and before that - all manner of other things. There is a large Theatre Pipe Organ in it, and we host midweek groups who come down on their special outings (WI, Probus Club etc). One day we had one of these groups in, and as usual when they left we went around the building checking the toilets etc to make sure everyone was out. Most of the time people arrived by coach, but sometimes if the group was closer to us, and a smaller size, they came in cars.

    This day we checked everyone was out, and as usual quite exhausted - we locked up the building and went through to the house for a smoke and a coffee before heading back through to tidy away the plates and bowls and start collating the left over scones, butter, jam, cakes etc so store in a fridge and pick our way through over the next several days.

    On returning back to the foyer - the fire extinguisher which sits on a bracket on the wall, was sitting upright in the middle of the floor. It couldn’t have fallen off the bracket, because it would be laying in it’s side near the wall in that case. It was sitting upright - a good 3-4 metres away from the wall. There is simply no way it could naturally have ended up where it was - without someone physically putting it there. But the building was locked, and we would definitely have noticed if it was there when we locked up the building and left, because we would have had to walk around it to leave the building.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I’m a scientist, so I’m not suggesting this isn’t some weird natural phenomenon.

    But I was walking home with some friends, we were going down a very inclined street. No cars, it was late at night. No wind at all, no rain, just your average night after a hot Brazilian day.

    And then I see something speeding up the street. I ask my friends and they see it too. The thing then reaches us - it’s a roll of toilet paper. Ok… What? How is it climbing that fast and for so long? But it keeps going, and up it went.

    Nobody understands how it moved the way it did. We just call it the “toilet paper happening”.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    One time, I was hanging out with my cousin at my great aunt’s house. We were in a room with a door to the garage. The garage door knob started shaking violently. We ran in thinking someone was messing with us (which wouldn’t even make sense, these relatives were old and serious). There was no one in the garage. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I don’t know what to think about it.

  • Lockely
    1 year ago

    Six floating orange orb-like lights in the evening sky in an arranged pattern like / \. This was in the 90s so we didn’t have drones, and they were fucking huge, like, half the size of the moon huge. They just hung there, occasionally one of them would blink out and then come back. Absolutely no sound at all.

    Saw it with some friends. We ran inside to tell our parents and when we all came back outside it was gone.

    Weirdest shit ever. Never seen anything before or after.

  • adamthinks
    11 year ago

    This was about 20 years ago. It was a midwinter night in Massachusetts and it was cold as heck out. I was working as a cook and was closing up with my fiancee. We had just finished cleaning and were taking a moment to rest before leaving. We were sitting on the carpeted floor outside the kitchen in the large dining room. The chefs office was to our left with the heavy door open and their was a tiled hallway also to the left out of sight that led to the dining room. One of the parts of our closing down was to walk the building, check the bathrooms, and make sure everyone had left for the night before locking the doors and shutting everything down. I had just finished doing that before we sat down. As we talked we started hearing the clack clack of footsteps on the tile in the hallway. The kind of sound dress shoes make. And they were coming closer. They sounded like they had come out of the bathroom and were walking towards the dining room. Which was confusing, because I’d just checked. They kept coming. So we called out “Hello?”. Twice.
    But there was no answer, and the footsteps continued. We perked up waiting for whoever it was to enter the carpeted dining room so we could see who it was. We heard the footsteps continue on closer until they were just outside the dining room. At which point they would have been visible, but on carpet. So there were no longer any footsteps, but there was also nobody there. That hallway entrance was about 20 feet away. We were startled and confused. We just sat there not sure what had just happened. A number of seconds passed (or about the time it would have taken someone walking at that pace to cross those 20 feet) and then suddenly there was a large gust of wind and the heavy door to the chefs office that was directly to our left slammed shut. We weren’t sitting any longer. We got up went out the back door, shutting the last lights off as we left and locked up and got the hell out of there. I don’t really believe in ghosts. Sometimes I’ve thought that what people call ghosts are just different realities or moments in time converging on each other. I don’t know what that was. But it was something. And it scared the shit out of us.

    • Ratboy
      1 year ago

      The timeline convergence is definitely a theory that I’ve thought about before. I definitely believe in ghosts, but not in the Christian sense. I’ve had too many unexplainable experiences that have never happened before or after, so there must be an explanation that we as a species are not advanced enough to have proven scientifically…yet