I’m jonesing for these tower defense games. The first edition was released by Robot Entertainment in 2011, Orcs Must Die 2 came out in 2012, OMD Unchained (online multi-player) was from 2014 and OMD 3 was from 2020/2021. They’re all great fun and I am sad that we may never get an OMD 4. Game 1 was single-player, 2 and 3 had coop mode too.

I toyed with the idea of creating a community here for the games, but I’m not sure there are enough fans / enough things to talk about now.

For now, here’s an awesome slide show from Unchained, for any fans: https://de.ign.com/orcs-must-die-unchained-ps4/112585/gallery/embed

  • @Jimbo
    116 months ago

    I tried the series and was never a huge fan, (I was always a Sanctum kinda guy) but picked up Orcs Must Die 3 recently and been really enjoying it! Seems like the best in the series so far.

    Still waiting on Sanctum 3 tho

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    Orcs Must Die was one of the last series that my friend and I played in co-op. We went from League (burn out) to recapturing some true gaming magic thanks to these games. I don’t play multiplayer these days but thanks for reminding me to give the 3rd entry a solo try.

  • Annoyed_🦀 🏅
    6 months ago

    Ohh, never know there’s omd3, only heard about unchained being f2p and lost interest with the franchise from then on. Might give omd3 a try in the future, omd1/2 is great fun

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      Omd3 is pretty cool it has these “war” levels that have massive massive hoards and you get new traps to deal with them.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        I think I’ve played OMD3 the most now and right, that’s largely because of the new options, traps and weapons. Robot did a great job moving the series foreword without removing any of the fun. And the DLC just extended that a lot more.

  • @[email protected]
    56 months ago

    I love orcs must die but hate playing it alone. Every now n then I binge orcs must die with a friend and it’s awesome

  • Ashen44
    15 months ago

    OMD is a fantastic series! I remember playing the first one back on the 360, and then being sad because I didn’t have a PC to play 2 when it came out. When I eventually got a PC I sunk so many hours into the series. I’m also quite sad the series is probably over because there really isn’t anything else that fills that space. I’ve tried Sanctum but it’s just not for me.