I remember seeing it on Nickelodeon and being like, wow, this is really foreign Brittish.

  • Johannes Silverfox
    31 year ago

    Ah, the nostalgia…my introduction to dry British humor.

    “Penfold, the engine is knocking.”

    “Oh, I suppose we’d better let it in, then.”

  • Xoa Gray
    31 year ago

    This was actually on TV when I was a kid. I wanna’ say on PBS or something like that. I remember it being on along the same time as Rocky and Bullwinkle was. Early in the mornings (for me on the east coast, US) like 4-5:00 before the other channels started their cartoon runs. I slept weird when I was a kid so it was either the first, or last thing I saw during the day.

  • @Muzukun
    21 year ago

    ahh I honestly vaguely remember the day I first saw this show.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I remember being a confused little kid when they said he lived in a pillbox, when it looked like a mailbox. I guess pillar box is British for mailbox. :)