In my opinion, Abby from TLOU 2. During the first part of the game, she is portrayed as the bad girl, but when she become the playable character, you understand that she isn’t:

-Her father and friends were unnecessarly killed.
-She became pariah from her clan when she saved a member of a rival clan.
-She have been harschly tortured.
-She spared Ellie despite having occasions to kill her for understandable reasons.

I don’t get why many players didn’t changed their minds at the second part of the game, it’s so obvious that the real bad people are Ellie and Joël. Theres no problem about having sympathy for bad guys, but you must keep your critical mind.

And what infuriates me is that people even harassed the voice actress because of what her character did. Come on, guys !

  • @Duchess
    171 year ago

    i’m only a couple of seasons in to breaking bad but i truly don’t understand why skylar is so hated. i think she’s reacting not only rationally but startlingly calmly considering the circumstances.

    • Bertha
      141 year ago

      I feel like it’s because of really good writing. Walter is objectively a bad guy. He’s committing crimes, he’s making a dangerous and highly addictive drug, he’s killing people, just because he’s too proud to accept help from his former colleagues. But the writing is great, the acting is incredible, so we see Walter from his own perspective–as the hero of the story. Skylar’s not appreciating him as a hero, she’s upset with him for putting the family at risk. When Skylar reacts reasonably to Walt’s behavior, it makes us mad because it makes Walt mad.

      • @Duchess
        51 year ago

        i think it is easy to get caught up in this kind of thinking, i agree, but the show itself does an excellent job of showing contrast by really displaying the ripple effect that walter’s actions have

      • blivet
        41 year ago

        Also, purely from a mechanical standpoint, her character’s goal is effectively to prevent the premise of the story from playing out, which is the exact opposite of what the viewers want.

    • snooggums
      51 year ago

      At the core it really is sexism. A male character criticizing the main male character’s shitty behavior would not get nearly the rage that Skylar got.

      Honestly it is a testament to the writing and the actress on making the character being reasonable so anger inducing.

      • @Duchess
        31 year ago

        the writing really is fantastic but i think i really lost all sympathy for walter when he tried to assault skylar. i’d also like to add that, while not an excuse, the whirlwind of hormones a pregnant woman would be experiencing makes it nothing short of a miracle skylar managed to keep a lid on everything

    • SloganLessons
      41 year ago

      The show is about a guy going down the crime route, and Skylar is an obstacle to that. From the viewer perspective, Walter is fun to watch, he’s doing something cool. Cooking Meth is cool. But then comes that boring character that nags him about “morality”. Boooringgggg, who the hell does this chick thinks she is? I came to watch a show about a guy going in a downward spiral, why is she nagging?

      Pardon my “monkey brain” thought process description lol. My point is that from what I’ve seen, people tend to dislike characters that stand in the way of the protagonist doing the main thing that he’s supposed to be doing.

      For example, Chichi from Dragon Ball, Goku’s wife, tends to be disliked because she “nags” Goku. Her “nagging” tends to be basically reminding him that he’s a father and has responsibilities, like helping out at home and financially. It’s a shounen so it was always overlooked, but technically Chichi is the only one managing finances, and they’ve been living off only from her father’s wealth. Wealth that eventually starts to run out at the end of the Z series iirc. Goku, for all intents and purposes, is a terrible family man.

      But, it’s a fighting show. It’s about Goku and his friends fighting bad guys. So people don’t like when characters detract from that objective, so they hate those characters, even if they are actually being the reasonable ones.

      • @Duchess
        21 year ago

        i get the point you’re trying to make but goku and walter white are quite fundamentally different characters lol

        • SloganLessons
          31 year ago

          Oh yeah of course, didn’t mean to imply they are similar lol. The only connection I’m making is about the similarity of side characters of their stories being hated by the viewers

          Walter supposed to cook meth > people hate Skylar for standing in the way

          Goku supposed to fight > people hate Chichi for standing in the way

    • ImaginaryFox
      21 year ago

      Same reason people rooted for Nancy in Weeds. Fictional works don’t have the same logic and morality of real life applied to them, since audiences wish for things that they wouldn’t wish to happen in real life. Like who says my current life is too boring and these people I like are redundant need to be written out, and there needs to be something tragic that happens because everything is too happy right now.

  • Cat
    1 year ago

    Jar Jar Binks was not a bad “person” in Star Wars but was a hated character. He was one of the nicest good guys.

    The actor who played Jar Jar Binks, Ahmed Best, said that the widespread criticism of his character had led to him considering suicide.

    • MerluOP
      91 year ago

      I can understand that people doesn’t like the character (honestly, i think he is a bit irritating), the problem is that too many people are treating Star Wars as a religion, and a simply annoying character as a blasphemy.

      • Itty53
        11 year ago

        I’m gonna go ahead and say there’s a legitimate argument to make that star wars is a religious or spiritual endeavor for at least a fraction of the fans.

    • NotTheOnlyGamer
      91 year ago

      I hate how the Star Wars fandom responded to Ep 1. Ahmed Best & Jake Lloyd deserved so much better. Lucas did nothing to protect them, either.

      • Remillard
        1 year ago

        I hate how the Star Wars fans respond to PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING. I was the biggest Star Wars geek as a kid; it was THE thing I collected and played with extensively. As many characters as I could get, ships. Made my own stuff. Generally freaking appalled at everyone’s behavior since then.

        • Ganondorf
          41 year ago

          Star Wars has the most toxic fan base, but that first place position is possibly shared with video game players.

            • Ganondorf
              21 year ago

              Star Wars gamers are the singularities found at the center of most galaxies: giant black holes formed of hatred, misogyny, chip crums and neck pubes.

              • NotTheOnlyGamer
                11 year ago

                Geez, that’s an awful image. And here I used to like Star Wars Racer. And the Rogue Squadron trilogy.

      • Rikudou_Sage
        21 year ago

        I just read about Jake Lloyd’s life and damn, he doesn’t have it easy. He has paranoid schizophrenia and was in prison.

    • harmonea
      11 year ago

      The actor who played Jar Jar Binks, Ahmed Best, said that the widespread criticism of his character had led to him considering suicide.

      While this is absolutely sad and I hope he’s healed past this, I feel like it’s also strange? No actor is ever going to play only beloved characters. Many are neutral side characters or even villains, meant to be hated. As long as the hate didn’t bleed through into real life, why internalize anger that’s really directed at the writers for creating such an annoyance of a character?

        • harmonea
          11 year ago

          Well, I did say

          As long as the hate didn’t bleed through into real life

          I suppose the person I quoted misrepresented the reason the actor took it so personally. It’s not “people didn’t like my character,” it’s “a few people are assholes who can’t separate fiction from reality.”

    • Chetzemoka
      41 year ago

      As a kid watching TNG, I loved Wesley Crusher. It made me feel like I could be part of that crew now and not in some hypothetical future when I grew up. I know that wasn’t the goal of the character, but it meant a lot to kid me

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Wesley Crusher isn’t that bad of a character, and while he is kind of obnoxious and insufferable early on, Wil Wheaton never should have been blamed for that. The problem is with Eugene Wesley Roddenberry shoehorning a highly idealized self-insert character into the show, overriding the writers every time they tried to prevent Wesley from being written as a messiah character, and using his executive power to rewrite scripts so the wonderful, smart, kind, brilliant, handsome, young Gene Wesley saves the day by being amazing. You can’t blame a character or an actor for bad writing and a weird old man’s desire to groom a protégé.

  • JowlesMcGee
    71 year ago

    I think it’s died down some in recent years, but Tom Nook from animal crossing. They’ve done a lot to try and make him even more friendly in recent games, but even in the first he sees a guy who ended up in his town who didn’t have any plans, money, or even a place to stay. He decided to give that person a horse with a loan that had no interest and could be paid off at any time, and even gave him a few chores to pay him and help him meet the townspeople. Dude was super nice, but all everyone remembered was that you had to pay him money and so there’s this version of the character in people’s heads where he’s this super mean and greedy guy.

    • KbinItTogether
      1 year ago

      He decided to give that person a horse with a loan

      I know it’s a typo but that sounds like an awesome start to a western video game, regardless of how it’s interpreted – either getting a horse and a loan for supplies, a horse that needs to be paid for later, or a horse that took out a loan by some kind of paperwork error and now has more money than you. I’d play any of those.

      And also I’m with you, I think the funny jokes about Tom Nook took off into a smear campaign. Having no time limit, interest free, and also being in a world where money is everywhere and literally grows on trees makes it an amazing deal.

      • JowlesMcGee
        31 year ago

        Haha, whoops, that’s what I get for but proof reading. I agree, it’s a very funny image, so I’ll leave it as is!

  • SloganLessons
    51 year ago

    I don’t get why many players didn’t changed their minds at the second part of the game, it’s so obvious that the real bad people are Ellie and Joël. Theres no problem about having sympathy for bad guys, but you must keep your critical mind.

    I think one of the points of the story was that there aren’t bad guys (or everyone is a bad guy, depends on how each person decides to see it). Joel was selfish for wanting to protect Ellie, Ellie was selfish for wanting revenge, and Abby went through with her revenge despite being begged not to. It’s miserable story with miserable characters, there are no good guys.

    As for why so many players didn’t change their minds, imo it’s due to several factors but I mainly blame pacing. The cut-out at the middle of the game, at a climax moment no less, into a new story that takes around 12 hours, turned off a lot of people. I can see people not giving Abby a chance due to her story starting at an inopportune moment, after being invested in Ellie for around 10-12 hours.

    I don’t think it would fix all issues, especially because communities about hating TLoU2 and/or Abby popped up before the game came out (and they still exist after 3 years (jesus christ)), but I can see Abby being less hated if her story was presented differently.

    Anyway, about the actual topic of the post, mine would be Pip from South Park. His only crime was that the other characters were far more interesting than him, so he was overshadowed. But somehow, it looks like some people actually hate him, even Trey Parker. Poor kid lol

    • Ganondorf
      1 year ago

      I honestly don’t trust the narrative opinions of anyone who thinks TLoU2 sucked. By proclaiming you don’t like that game’s narrative, you simply call yourself out as not understanding it. There are no good guys or bad guys in TLOU story - and that’s the whole point. TLOU2 really turns the good vs evil narrative of the first game on its head after already turning the narrative on its head with the final scene of the first game. TLOU is entirely about what it takes for someone to give in to their worst impulses and how there’s a monster in all of us; It’s a showcase of the toxic and never-ending revenge cycle. TLOU2 really tied it all together perfectly by forcing empathy and understanding on the player. It’s a game designed to consider empathy for all its characters, which some people clearly overlook because they aren’t capable of that.

      • SloganLessons
        11 year ago

        Just want to point out that you can understand a narrative, or the point of the writer, and still dislike it. It probably wasn’t your intention but proclaiming that if someone doesn’t like X then he doesn’t understand it is a bit condescending; and kills any potential constructive discussion.

        Personally I don’t think they nailed the execution. I already talked about pacing, but another issue for me was ludonarrative dissonance. It usually doesn’t bother me, actually most times I don’t even think about it, but in this game I was constantly aware of it.

        On one hand, it tells a heavy handed story about how violence and revenge are horrible, on the other it has a fun gameplay that allows me to experiment with killing enemies in different ways to see how the AI reacts.

        After I beat the game, I replayed the combat sections just for fun. The devs were probably also aware that they made good mechanics because I remember one of the cheats is having infinite bomb arrows. Me, walking around blowing up everyone like a badass, is definitely not the vibe that the writers were hoping for in their game, I expect.

        Hopefully they’ll fix some of the issues the TV series. If they handle better the pacing, they’ll have a really good show in their hands

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I agree with most of your points except:

    1. Abbys dad was not killed unnecessarily, it was well deserved for trying to sacrifice an unconcsious girl with the excuse of ‘not conplicating things’
    2. There are no real bad guys in the world of TLOU (except for david) almost everyone you see is just another survivor whose needs opposes yours
    • MerluOP
      31 year ago
      1. Ellie’s sacrifice was necessary to eradicate the disease that turned people into zombies. Moreover, the latter was very angry with Joel for having “saved” her from this fate.

      2. Many people were dead because Ellie did not want to mourn the death of joel, so they were actually dead for nothing.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago
        1. Necessary or not, she was not asked for her consent by either party, even if we, as the player, know what she would have wanted (disregarding the issue of if a kid can even consent) the doctors didn’t know, that’s why they decided to keep her drugged up to avoid further complications
        2. Yes people die over virtually nothing in TLOU, that’s the point! lest you forget Abby was literally the top wolf, you don’t get that rank without killing and torturing a lot of people I’m not saying Joel and Ellie were the good guys, my point is there are no good/bad guys in this scenario The idea of the second game is the ‘cycle of violence’, it’s very naive to solely blame Ellie for everything that happens in TLOU2
  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    31 year ago

    people even harassed the voice actress

    What the actual??? Like, WHAT!? What kind of losers that give dumbasses a bad name did that??

    • MerluOP
      11 year ago

      I had the same reaction when i found out.

    • nicetriangle
      1 year ago

      I think understanding that stuff like that actually happens is a good explainer for why the world is a mess these days. People like that somehow actually exist and they have access to the internet. It’s awful.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Some wrestlers. They’re playing characters, but once in a while in some countries will get smacked by people because they think it’s real.

  • Ronno
    21 year ago

    Every character that is supposed to be hated and the actor did an amazing job. For example, people used to hate Goffrey in Game of Thrones, while that is exactly the goal of that character.

    • nicetriangle
      91 year ago

      Apparently the actor who played Joffrey even got like hate mail and threats. People are so goddamn stupid.

      • stopthatgirl7
        41 year ago

        The woman who played Skylar also got so much abuse. It’s wild that some people really can not separate an actor from a role.

        • Ganondorf
          21 year ago

          I was scrolling looking for someone to mention Skylar. Skylar’s actions are likely no different than what most people would’ve done. She was hurt, betrayed and trapped by a egotistical sociopath and lashed out in retaliation.

          • stopthatgirl7
            21 year ago

            But people hated her because they loved Walter White. He was the “hero” and she was the shrill harpy. It was wild.

      • MerluOP
        41 year ago

        Can’t agree more. I’ll never understand such people.

    • MerluOP
      91 year ago

      In this case, the character was actually made to be hated, so it’s off topic for the current thread.

  • Itty53
    11 year ago

    In this thread: examples of characters who offended the precious sensibilities of right wing clowns. That’s the common thread of 90% of examples if not more.

  • Eigengrau
    11 year ago

    Nemona from pkmn SV

    I shit you not i swear i seen peops called her a groomer