I wouldn’t worry too much. She’s just a cartoon, she says those things to everyone who watches that anime
She’s trying to trick you into loving yourself as much as she does! Don’t fall for it!
She’s def up to something. When my wife of 12 years starts being extra nice I’m wondering wtf she’s up to.
Some of you are oblivious to sarcasm by the way
People can’t read your intented tone, without clarification there is no way to know if you’re serious or not How people don’t understand that is beyond me
I tell you, it’s always something with her. Guess I’ll go get a new gaming PC to keep her happy…
that poor lady is trying to groom this guy into viability and he’s posting on 4chan.
and they wonder why birth rates are declining.
Anons hand learned a lot of new words since I last posted a slowpoke combo
wait a minute… Eva Braun didn’t have a master’s degree
Eva Braun did have a masters degree from the era she time travelled from. But there are no records of it in the 20th century
Uh… you okay buddy?