CNN — Ryan Fournier, a co-founder of the political organization Students for Trump, was arrested and charged with assault last week in North Carolina after allegedly hitting a woman with a gun, court records show.

    • @[email protected]OP
      647 months ago

      Hillary’s quote:

      You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that.

      • Flying Squid
        457 months ago

        She wasn’t even being ‘grossly generalistic’ and it’s looking like it’s more than half. A lot more.

        • Omega
          7 months ago

          If you include all Republicans and only look at homophobia, it’s already at 60%. And those are the ones that will openly attest to it.

          Now narrow that down to the most radical of them (Trump supporters) and include racists, sexist, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and include those who might still be closeted bigots.

          • @[email protected]
            -107 months ago

            The only issue I have is that Islamophobia is different from the rest in that as far as I can tell, it’s simply being against an ideology. Like being anti trumpist. Are we trumpophobic or something? I think we have to be able to criticize chosen ideologies.

            • shuzuko
              147 months ago

              The problem I see is not that Islamophobes are against the religion of Islam. They’re mostly just against brown people and use “Islam is a religion of hate” as an excuse to justify their racism. Furthermore, most Islamophobes “hate” Islam for the same reasons the love Christianity, they just don’t like that brown people have been able to do what they haven’t - suppress an entire population through the use of their religion, subjugating and oppressing women, LGBTQ+, other races, and non-believers. It’s not that most of them have any actual problems with what hard-right Islam does, they just don’t like that those brown (enter slur of choice)s are the ones doing it instead of them.

            • Omega
              107 months ago

              I think I addressed that pretty well in my comment. But you can remove literally any and all of the additional qualifiers and the point is still valid. A majority of Republicans are openly homophobic. Everything else is just extra.

              But also, people do use Islam as a justification to hate people. It’s not like being Muslim necessarily means you reinforce terrorism any more than being Christian necessarily reinforces terrorism. But being a Trump support DOES mean that you reinforce his actions.

            • @[email protected]
              37 months ago

              Criticizing Islam or it’s followers is not islamophobia. If your critiques of them get you called islamophobic. Then perhaps you should look at your critiques. As they are not likely valid.

              A phobia is an irrational unjustified fear of something. But not a valid critique.

              • VaultBoyNewVegas
                87 months ago

                Not just fear. It’s also an aversion to. I’m queer and I’m sick of having people defend homophobes because they’re “not afraid” when they’ve said something horrible about queer people.

      • Flying Squid
        47 months ago

        All the more reason for them to stop rejecting it and embrace the hate.

  • HuddaBudda
    357 months ago

    Looks like this isn’t even their first rodeo either.

    They lost their last leader in 2019 to:

    Fournier’s Students for Trump co-founder, John Lambert, accepted a federal plea deal in 2019 and was sentenced to 13 months in prison for a wire fraud scheme that collected over $46,000.

    They are withholding financial details because they claim “The leader handled the finances” Which looks like to be an ongoing investigation.

    Con men and liars.

  • @SoupBrick
    317 months ago

    I don’t see the issue here, he seems to be representing exactly what the party stands for.

    • @[email protected]
      177 months ago

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is just a prerequisite for being a member of the G.O.P at this point. Surprised it took him this long.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    307 months ago

    If you look in the modlogs, a mod on a conservative community is suppressing this story.

    Kind of amusing that the free speech crowd is censoring stuff.

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    I’ve seen people get assault with a deadly weapon for hitting pedestrians (nonfatally) with their car. Looking at you, Johnston County DA

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Is anyone else bothered by the ambiguity of that headline?

    And further irritated by the fact that both OP’s notes simply repeat the phrase “after allegedly hitting a woman with a gun” without clarifying that he, not she, was holding the gun?

    It’s so irritating to have to actually click and read the article. Especially on CNN on my phone because it’s so junk-filled.

    “He is accused of grabbing a woman by her arm and hitting her in the forehead with a firearm, according to the charging documents, which have the woman’s name redacted.”

    There, was that so hard, OP?

    I mean of course we knew, but lazy grammar needs to be fact-checked.

    What if he had been a brave unarmed MAGA individual, that boldly disarmed a woman who was brandishing a dangerous firearm at innocent people? By punching her with his bare hand?

    For one thing that would have been more newsworthy. This is more like “Dog Bites Man.”

    (Edit: And yes, it wouldn’t have been fair to arrest him for that, but it’s not unlikely, and would merit a headline)

    • @[email protected]OP
      37 months ago

      The title is the title and while I might add a word or two in brackets I don’t change it and I use the first paragraph or so whatever it is. If you don’t like the wording I would consider messaging the article’s author. It seemed straight forward to me though.