• nyahlathotep
      7 months ago

      Or she’s paid for her skills/experience/contacts, and he anon doesn’t have any of those.

      edit: She probably makes lots of money for her employer in those 1 or 2 conversations per day

        • nyahlathotep
          457 months ago

          Eh, I’m not pro-management or anything. Maybe anon should be angry at their higher-ups instead of being annoyed at the success of their wife

          • @[email protected]
            187 months ago

            Doesn’t seem to me like op is annoyed at wifes success. Op os annoyed that bullshit jobs make tons of money and the actual hard work only earns you a broken body, depression, and poverty.

            You dont think laborers deserve ample time off and good pay?
            Please explain your position.

            • nyahlathotep
              117 months ago

              You dont think laborers deserve ample time off and good pay?

              Yes, I’m an actual monster. /s.

              No! I was speculating about the anon’s situation, as are you. Maybe they have a job at a factory, risking life and limb every day. Maybe they just dislike their boring office position. Maybe they dig ditches and their back will give out before retirement. We don’t know. I did imply that they were unfairly compensated here:

              Maybe anon should be angry at their higher-ups

              And yes, I did read “My wife has a make-believe job and it’s kinda annoying” as them being annoyed specifically at their wife rather than their own work situation. This is because they were disparaging their wife’s job with “make-believe”, which seemed dismissive to me. It doesn’t seem like a stretch to go from “dismissive of their wife’s job” to “dismissive of their wife”. But I could see how you could interpret it the other way.

              • @[email protected]
                67 months ago

                This may not be the case here, but I have noticed that there is a specific subset of embittered marxists (?) who believe that work is strictly either back-breaking and life-ruining, or “not real work”.

                The way it was explained to me once is that you’re either selling your body or your brain, and selling your brain pretty much automatically makes you “small bourgeois” (because you’re like the modern equivalent of a 19th century artisan) which is a social class supposedly directly opposed to the proletariat.

                I think it’s a fundamental mistake to try to fit a modern social class/role that didn’t exist in Marx’s time through a 19th century lens and that trying to make a hierarchy of working classes is wrong, but it’s an interesting perspective nonetheless that at least explains some of the discourse we see in threads like this.

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              It’s about the value of your work. Some people work their bodies and generate hundreds of dollars worth of value in a day. Some people work their minds and/or charisma and generate hundreds of thousands in value. Mastering a high value skill is a good way to move up in the world.

              Of course all laborors deserve time off and pay based accurately on the value they generate. But if their value is based on their hours worked then their schedule will never be as lax as OPs wife.

              • @[email protected]
                77 months ago

                Considering a ton of jobs rely on having absolutely shit pay in order for them to be profitable there needs to be a better way to calculate value. There are also a bunch of jobs where it isn’t exactly possible to calculate the value generated. I keep a department running smoothly, work on communications between departments, and do a bunch of manual labor that is needed, but I’m only valued at the manual labor…

                No one should be working full time and still be unable to be independent.

        • @[email protected]
          157 months ago

          Why would it make it absurd? Those few conversations possibly bring the company incredible value. Just because someone works hard doesn’t mean their job has incredible value, since effort isn’t proportional to value.

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        We don’t know who those customers are. If she’s meeting with Google and Microsoft, or Walmart and Safeway, then “one or two customers” is huge.

        Also, we are seeing an easy day for her. Many people are hired for when the shit hits the fan. If there’s a huge recall that jeopardizes all the business with Walmart and Safeway, or some similar issue that affects Google and Microsoft, you better believe she’s doing more than 2 hours of work. That’s probably what she’s waiting for.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        That’s a lot of assumptions. I think it’s equally probable that in this insane reality we live in, she doesn’t actually do shit and is basically paid so that her salary won’t get cut from her department’s annual budget.

  • @[email protected]
    1007 months ago


    If you saw someone living a decent life while “working” a bullshit job, no you didn’t!

    • Cicraft
      337 months ago

      Yes you did, now go and demand a better working environment for the sake of “competitive pay”

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Yeah no. If I’m starving working 50 hours/week I’m gonna be pretty fuckin pissed seeing someone do fuck all for more.

      I’m not saying I’m gonna take it out on them but if they ever complain about work I’ll eviscerate them.

        • @[email protected]
          127 months ago

          And this isn’t always possible. In fact it commonly isn’t. I do agree the people who don’t do anything and complain is stupid but many jobs don’t have any opportunity for more and you become stuck.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            Then find something else, expand your skill.

            If everyone did that, those jobs would have to change or nobody would do them.

            Live your life for yourself, not for others.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              So… teachers should all just quit and become finance bros or programmers. Because fuck the youth amiright?

                • @[email protected]
                  37 months ago

                  The market for teachers has been fucked for a WHILE in most places and it still hasn’t changed enough, in the US

              • @[email protected]
                -17 months ago

                Teachers that do it solely for the pay, yeah, totally, plus it would generate much needed pressure to improve things.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  There is a teacher shortage right now. The supposed pressure to improve things comes from where again? Who is going to be on a megaphone, chanting about poorly educated youth? Who gives a shit about illiterate, poor, people, except the manipulative assholes who get rich taking advantage of them?

                  Personally I believe the state wants poorly educated citizens They spend lots of money on stupid shit. They take pride in working several low paying jobs, poor Healthcare, poor infrastructure. Basically, poor, uneducated people are perfect slaves. Why do you think it was illegal to teach slaves to read?

            • -☆-
              17 months ago

              Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, eh?

              Ok boomer

        • @[email protected]
          117 months ago

          It’s kind of a crab bucket mentality. Virtually anyone any of us have ever seen, who had “jobs” of some sort, were working class, and not mill/billionaire class. We all have more in common with each other than with the one percent, and if someone I know has figured out a way to claw a little bit back, then more power to them so long as they’re not hurting someone. Oh, boo fucking hoo, they figured out a way to scam a livable wage out of a Fortune 500 company! I say, good for them! We should all be so lucky.

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        Instead of getting mad at a fellow worker for having a job that doesn’t exploit them, why don’t you get mad at the people who actually exploit you?

  • @[email protected]
    887 months ago

    She’s possibly a manager of some kind, I have seen plenty of managers that have days that are kinda like this, though less extreme

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          Ask the bosses that. Would you rather we all suffer? Or would you rather we make it so the people breaking their backs no longer need to?

          Trying to drag down the people who are slightly comfortable seems counter productive.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            When your slightly comfortable isn’t contributing and is ok with my back pain, I start wondering why your comfort matters more than mine.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Where did I say your comfort doesn’t matter? You’re the one making this a zero sum discussion.

              I’m also not okay with your back pain. That fucking sucks and anyone that’s getting disabled by their job should be given the time and money to recover. But we’d need stronger unions to enforce that.

  • @[email protected]
    517 months ago

    The ironic part is that the only changes are her lack of commute times and where she clocks in. Oh, and that he now knows the insides details of what she does. He should be grateful that she’s earning a paycheck and quit whining (assuming it’s even a true story). Most people can’t even afford an apartment without 2 incomes.

    • ChouxFleur
      417 months ago

      Regrettably I know many professionals whose grasp of written English is worse than OP’s.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Can’t tell you the insane amount of resumes I’ve come across that I just want to send back with corrections lmao

    • @[email protected]
      207 months ago

      You’d be shocked to learn that more than half of Americans have at best a 6th grade reading ability, so their writing won’t even make it to a high school level.

  • Flax
    237 months ago

    His make believe wife’s make believe job

  • @[email protected]
    197 months ago

    This was my job until this week. Got onto a new team with a great manager. Now I actually have to work, but I’ll get to enjoy what I do again.

  • @[email protected]
    137 months ago

    Yeah I bet it’s really annoying for your wife to contribute to her your shared income with her hustling skills gtfo. This is either fake or they’re both professional workers doing so well the man-child has to whine about how much money she they make.

    • @[email protected]
      197 months ago

      I am an elementary school teacher. I took a personal day and I was hanging with my friend. She works virtually for an NGO. She replied to a few emails, updated some data in a spreadsheet, she called a few people. That was all she did. I made some snide remarks about it and she was like ‘oh I’m sure your job is so much harder.’

      The sheer audacity. I do all that shit she does, in 20 minutes before class starts, while I am slamming coffee and doughnuts. Then I do exhausting work all day.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        If every worker wants other’s to have it as bad as them we’d all be slaves, blame the employers and economic conditions rather than the worker who has it better than you. Really if your job is stressful and more work you should want better conditions for yourself, not worse conditions for someone else. She has knowledge that professional employers think is worth paying for, that’s not something you should blame her for.

        IMO I think for teachers and nurses, they should be way better compensated, and even treated as a special class.

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          While I agree, and I am a part of my teachers union, I also don’t see any evidence that teachers will suddenly become respected and well paid. Like, Suddenly we all realized that we should feel grateful that we can read. Nope.

          My NGO, WFH friend thinks she is working hard. The reality is, in our current system, the harder one works the less one is going to make. For her she has a stable position in the NGO.

          Their goal is to help save fisheries and wild fish stock. In reality she doesn’t even know what salmon looks like unless it’s on a bagel.

          You think these billionaires are just a billion times more hard working? They are just manipulative, insular, myopic, and selfish. Those are the key ingredients to success in our system. Surprise surprise, they are the opposite characteristics that a good teacher requires.

          • @[email protected]
            57 months ago

            The reality is, in our current system, the harder one works the less one is going to make. For her she has a stable position in the NGO.

            That’s not her fault though so resenting people for who have these roles is indirectly resenting your own ability to achieve what they have. Billionaire employers are a different story because they’re billionaires by virtue of those they employ. Overall the wealth gap between employers vs people like you and your friend who have to work everyday, regardless of what that entails, is wider than it’s ever been. The problem isn’t really that someone has a cushy job it’s that those billionaires who do nothing are taxed lower than they’ve ever been and have your money, you’re educating their future employees and they’re not paying you/us a fair wage for that service they benefit from.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        Fellow teacher here. Wow thats crazy and you totally got it right.

        Meanwhile I doubt her clients argue with her about stuff.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          Hey teacher! Actually I wanna ask you a question. I’m trying to find teacher spaces to replace reddit. Any luck with teaching stuff here?

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            I haven’t seen anything yet. I still actually browse /r/teachers because of that same issue. Hopefully something gains traction, though!

    • @[email protected]
      97 months ago

      Wow, being envious of his wife’s job makes him a man-child and incapable of understanding how marital income works.

      You read that much into a fucking greentext 😂😂

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      This is half the reason social services suck so much.

      The other half is funding. But even with all the funding in the world, if the staff is a bunch of lazy asses, the service will suck.

      • @[email protected]
        157 months ago

        The vast majority of social services are handled by state employees, not federal. Those state employees are often underpaid and overworked, and often only stay in their position because they understand the need too.

        The problem with federal employees is that they’re often underpaid compared to similar jobs in the private sector. Most of them only choose to remain federal employees because it offers a lot better work life balance compared to the private sector.

    • [email protected]
      507 months ago

      I only recently learned that large onlyfans accounts hire employees to reply to all of the messages. Does data entry in the field of sex work qualify as being a sex worker or are you merely a sex industry ghost writer?

      • Margot Robbie
        57 months ago

        I only recently learned that large onlyfans accounts hire employees to reply to all of the messages.

        I think most public figures with large social media accounts do. It’s not really possible for a single person to answer messages for someone with millions or even thousands of followers, but the appearance of personal connection is important to build your brand. All of it boils down to the commoditization of the fear of loneliness.

        It’s very unhealthy.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        I wouldn’t call it “data entry”. They do provide the actual sexual service to the customer - even if they are lying about who they are. I mean, it’s not like the actual model isn’t lying…

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          But then we need to define sex to answer the question, your definition may or may not include only fans models and the people who respond to messages depending what was class as sex

    • @[email protected]
      257 months ago

      Just because she’s a woman?

      Plenty of jobs are like this. It’s half the reason corporations are able to go on massive firing sprees every other year: because the second they bother to look they find people like’s OP’s wife