thought that was funny, how sensative can you be to ban people for having a different opinion🤣

  • Rom [he/him]
    378 months ago

    You know the modlog is public, right?

    What a shocker, a reactionary’s “different opinion” turns out to be defending transphobia and calling people mentally ill for pointing out harmful stereotypes.

    • @[email protected]OP
      -28 months ago

      i never called anyone mentally ill nor defended transphobia. wtf are you talking about. i like hogwarts legacy game and did not find those harmful things those people said were in the game. sounds like someone is lying

      • Kuori [she/her]
        208 months ago

        the words you wrote implied someone would have to be mentally ill in order to see the obvious anti-semitism in rowling’s portrayal of goblins, being as they are essentially the 4chan greedy merchant meme

        you can stop lying now

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    This is amazing. You tried to make them look bad, but you didn’t know your filth was public record. 🤣 Maybe go back to Reddit, trash.

    • @[email protected]OP
      17 months ago

      i didnt do anything wrong, and now youre name calling and bullying. that is so pathetic. get a life

        • @[email protected]OP
          -27 months ago

          that analogy doesnt work because i didnt punch anybody 🤣

          its funny your first thought is violence after being exposed for what youre really doing in this comment section

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            An analogy is a comparison between two different things for the purpose of explaining an often unfamiliar concept.

            In this case, it works perfectly regardless of your comprehension.

            However, I’m sure you comprehend it fine, you just don’t want the conversation to progress because you’ll be painted in a corner. You already know that what you did was offensive but because you don’t think you’re “wrong,” you feel attacked. Everyone knows you posted that with the specific intent to get into an argument. When you were denied that argument, you got angry and posted this—which you found did not get the validation you craved.

            Now you’re trying to play the victim to mock what you consider to be oversensitivity. The real oversensitivity it you giving a shit who is in a game. ❄️

            • @[email protected]OP
              -17 months ago

              i comprehended the analogy. me not punching anybody means i didnt do anything offensive. i mean, really, think about it. i still dont get why those 2 comments are what got me banned. nobodies given a reason, they just want to find a victim and attack them, like what youre doing right now

              and what do you mean my oversensitivity is me caring who is in a game? what are you referring to? i seriously don’t know

              • @[email protected]
                37 months ago

                But you did punch them, metaphorically. You posted the questionable content to a community you knew would be hurt by it. That action was intentional. Regardless that you feel you did nothing wrong, to them you did.

                I guess you could see this as a lesson.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  -27 months ago

                  what quetionable content? i just said i like the game, it put a huge smile on my mothers face to explore hogwarts, which that alone was worth the 30 bucks i spent on it

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Best to stay away from the entire instance. They can and will get you blocked banned from other instances as well.

    EDIT: They just got one of my accounts banned for 30 days for disagreeing with them and responding back to their childish meme posts.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      If you go into a conservative sub and start posting “libtard” content, they will ban you too. If you don’t like zero-tolerance-lefty people, don’t interact with them 🤷‍♂️