Soooomewhheeeere oooout theeeere…

  • CynderCoyote
    21 year ago

    Absolutely! I was just thinking about this movie, what with the other thread referencing Don Bluth. It’s totally one of those movies that you revisit as an adult and are like: “holy shit, they made this for kids?”

    Me then: “hehe, what a silly mouse with his big floppy hat and big floppy ears!”

    Me now: “Did this literal children’s movie just teach me about eastern European religious persecution and the exploitation of immigrants in America during the machine politics era?”

    Great movie, though. Hot take: I kinda liked Fievel Goes West better than the original, but that might have been because it was the only one we had after our VCR ate the first one…

  • @WanderA
    21 year ago

    Yes, one of my favorite trilogies. I love community remix of the song.

  • Frosty
    11 year ago

    Yes, in theatres with my mother, since Sears (where she worked) had an exclusive screening at the cinema in the neighboring mall.