What makes it your favorite? Do you want to play it? If so, what’s keeping you from doing it?

For me, it’s Burning Wheel.

I bought it purely based on aesthetics back in 2008ish, then got the supplements, then Gold, then Gold Revised, with the Codex, and the anthology…

I blame it for my weakness for chunky, digest-sized, hardcover RPGs. :P I also like the graphic design, I like the prose (even if it’s divisive), and it has both interesting lessons you can plug into other games (like “let it ride,” letting success or failure stand instead of making lots of little rolls) and arcane systems that pique my interest (like the Artha cycle, which makes roleplay, metacurrency, skill rolls, and advancement all intersect). I genuinely like reading it for its own sake.

I haven’t played it because… well, since it’s not D&D, that immediately makes it harder to get people interested, sadly. It’s also a bit daunting, given its reputation as a crunchy system. But I have a group of players interested in trying new things, and fewer other games calling for my attention, so hopefully I’ll get a chance soon. :)

    • @pikasaurX4@lemm.ee
      41 year ago

      Making characters in GURPS is so fun. A friend was running a cyberpunk game one time and I brought like 3 characters so I could pick the one that fit the party the best. Sometimes we would just roll up character concepts to see how many points it would take.

      I played a lot of GURPS too, but it’s probably my all time favorite character creation system

      • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
        21 year ago

        See, one of the things holding me back is getting overwhelmed by character creation. There’s just so much to go through!

        What makes me want to try GURPS is that it seems flexible (even light) in play, would adapt to just about any genre, and allows for incremental advancement. But since I’d be the one bringing it to the table, I’d have a heck of a lot to do to make it an easy entry, despite not having played the game yet.

        • @pikasaurX4@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          Totally understandable. When I first started playing, the GM made us all premade characters to learn the rules on. Then he made templates for us when we played for real so we just had to pick a “class” and spend a few character points for customization.

          GURPS is great for any setting and really shines in settings that involve many tech levels, like time traveling (that’s the default setting, in fact). It can be quite simple and elegant, but there are rules for just about any situation you can think of, and the calculations aren’t always simple because of it. Luckily, all rule blocks are optional. Playing GURPS “Lite” is supported/recommended in the base rulebook and it’s a fully functional system on its own.

          Anyway, I just love GURPS. After playing for a while, I started loving the character creation but I agree, it can be quite the barrier to entry. Also, running games and planning sessions is a lot of work for the GM. More than most systems I’ve played. If you’re playing rules-light or don’t mind handwaving a few specifics when building enemies, it’s not as bad. But if you’re going all in and trying to make reusable stat blocks, the joys of character creation will come back to bite you lol

          • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
            21 year ago

            Ah, on the topic of templates, they’re also in Dungeon Fantasy, which helps a lot. Though I do wish the “default” settings on DF were a bit lighter.

            I know that GURPS Lite is secretly the real core rulebook. :P It’s easier to build off of that than go through the Basic Set and sift through everything. How to Be a GURPS GM, IIRC, also helps with things like skill lists.

            I think if I ever get a chance to play it, I’d probably start super simple, maybe even with Wildcard skills and some GURPS Action rules to smooth things out, then dial up the complexity until it’s at a point I’d like. I appreciate modular systems that let me do that.

  • @pikasaurX4@lemm.ee
    101 year ago

    I have so many that I’ve come across over the years but never had a chance to try. Many of them have been mentioned by others so I’ll just throw in a fresh one: Mouseguard.

    The setting just feels so cozy but also heroic. Something akin to a video game like Tunic. The rules are actually quite dense though, so I’ve never gotten buy-in from any players. But it’s one of those golden egg games that I’d really love to play some day

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
      41 year ago

      I actually want to check that out too, since it’s in the Burning Wheel orbit. :P

      That and Torchbearer, but as much as I loved the books, I think it’s the last among the three. (Though I still really want to play it.)

      • @pikasaurX4@lemm.ee
        31 year ago

        Yeah, Burning Wheel is high up on my list as well. I know the games are related, but I don’t know enough about either of them to know exactly how similar they are

        • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
          31 year ago

          I’m not an expert on the three either, but here’s my understanding:

          • Burning Wheel is the oldest of the three, the most complicated, and geared towards dramatic fantasy stories. It’s replicating classic fantasy novels and the like.

          • Mouseguard came out next, is significantly simpler, and obviously made to evoke the feeling of the comics it’s based on.

          • Torchbearer is the newest of the three, is an intermediate level of complexity, and geared towards dungeon crawling and the like. Think old-school RPG with a Burning Wheel chassis.

          I still haven’t got my hands on Mouseguard, and I’d love to try all of them at some point. It just breaks towards Burning Wheel for me, to begin at the beginning—but they all have a unique appeal. :)

            • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
              21 year ago

              I did find a Burning Wheel LP with that name, so I’ll have to check it out!

              There’s also a podcast I loved called Campaign, and since a lot (all?) of the cast were improvisers, they would hop into scenes as NPCs quite often. (I’m pretty over that podcast, but when I liked it, that was one of my favorite parts.) I tried that in other games, but it was a bit hard to get non-improvisers to get into it. I’ll have to try again!

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
      31 year ago

      Ah, that reminds me of City of Mist, where leaning too hard towards your mundane or supernatural side would do the same.

      I’ve also found it interesting how vibrant the Japanese tabletop RPG scene seems to be, but how little of it makes its way over here. It seems like there’d be a huge market for it.

  • @bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’ve watched people play MOTW and Paranoia. Both look plenty fun.

    I’d also love to try one of the WH40K RPGs, but they seem like a big commitment. And like you said, it’s a lot harder to find people who want to go beyond D&D

    • @acockworkorange@mander.xyz
      21 year ago

      I’ve had ambivalent feelings about Paranoia for a long time. I love the setting and it’s inspirations (especially Terry Gilligan’s Brazil). I have the XP edition, and the rules were confusing to the point of causing me drowsiness. I think they just put a rules section because they had to, and the GM is supposed to fly by the seat of their pants based on what is the most fun.

      That said, I’d love to try it.

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
      21 year ago

      I’ve had the change to play Paranoia, actually! It was a ton of fun, and one of my favorite gaming memories. It ran great as a fun one shot.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
    1 year ago

    I’ve heard so many crazy stories about RIFTS that I’ve always wanted to play it. But none of my friends wanna play it, and I’ve also heard it’s an absolute nightmare of a game system to actually play it.

    • @GrayBackgroundMusic@lemm.ee
      31 year ago

      Yeah, it’s rough. I never liked the mechanics. I love the different settings and world building. However, it’s not balanced in the slightest. You can play a glitter boy pilot or a Russian peasant in poverty. Same starting points. It takes a strong gm hand to balance it.

    • Perrin42
      21 year ago

      I collected nearly all the books for a long time and love the setting, but I’ve rarely been able to play it. I have heard there’s a version called Savage Rifts that has better mechanics, but I’ve never looked into it myself.

  • @mozzribo@leminal.space
    91 year ago

    Shadowrun. I love the idea and most of the mechanics. But all of these editions, all of them confusing and too crunchy for the lack of competent editing… Except Anarchy. I’ll probably get around playing that one. Now if I could only get my hands on a physical copy…

    Also Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game. I love the source novels, while the mechanics of the game seem like a lot of fun. But physical copies are worth a fortune and it’s not easy finding a group who would be down with the setting. I might be able to give Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (Diceless) a go, though.

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
      41 year ago

      Shadowrun really has been mishandled by Catalyst. :/ You also get big Shadowrun fans who genuinely love the setting actively discouraging people from using the rules sometimes. “Shadowrun is great, but it sucks, so if you want to play Shadowrun (which you should!) avoid using Shadowrun.” :P

      I’ve also heard Amber come up a bunch over the years. I keep meaning to check it out.

  • @Susaga@ttrpg.network
    71 year ago

    Genesys. Technically. I’ve played the Star Wars FFG system that eventually became Genesys (and loved it), but I haven’t played Genesys itself. I even own the Genesys dice, but I lack anyone else to roll them with.

    • @pikasaurX4@lemm.ee
      31 year ago

      I finally got a physical copy of the Genesys rules last year, but I’m in the same boat. I played in a Star Wars game for a couple years and I love the system but I doubt I’ll ever have a group to play Genesys with

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
      21 year ago

      Ah, Ars Magica is another one. I found it as a teenager browsing the internet. I even downloaded the free PDF they offered and started printing it out, before realizing just how much paper that would be. :P

        • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
          11 year ago

          Huh, I hadn’t thought of that, since PF2e is mostly poised as a D&D alternative rules system, but the setting must be popular given the existence of Savage Pathfinder… I’ll have to do more digging into the lore!

          I’ve also had this thought that I was burnt out on crunchier RPGs, before reading PF2e and realizing, no, I’m just tired of fighting against a rules system. :P I’d love to get in some crunchier games, too, so long as they work properly and deliver on their design goals.

          and I’ll have to check out Me, Myself & Die! I think I’ve heard the name before.

  • @Shyfer@ttrpg.network
    1 year ago

    I want to play a lot more Chronicles of Darkness, but most people prefer fantasy or sci-fi and those who want urban horror prefer World of Darkness. They don’t market it well.

    I’ve also never played Blades in the Dark game. I think I need someone else to DM it for me first. I don’t really have PBTA down, my mind hasn’t quite grasped it yet.

  • @ZDL@diyrpg.org
    1 year ago

    Why is it so hard for people to read the blurb on the right?:

    This community is for meaningful discussions of tabletop/pen & paper RPGs

    Do not submit video game content unless the game is based on a tabletop RPG property and is newsworthy.

    Off-Topic: Book trade, Boardgames, wargames, video games are generally off-topic.

    (Emphasis entirely mine.)

  • NoYouLogOff [he/him, they/them]
    61 year ago

    Vampire the Masquerade, if only because I’m not into being bad guys. Love the vibes, vamps are fun, but I find it just a little too dark to want to RP as or write about.

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.networkOP
      1 year ago

      It also kind of sucks that 5e apparently makes it mandatory to be bad guys. One of the announcements pretty much said that if you’re not playing miserable and truly irredeemable monsters, you’re having bad wrong fun.

      For what it’s worth, apparently the older editions can be played as “goth superheroes.” You’d still grapple with dark themes, but get to, you know… succeed against them.

  • @funkyb@ttrpg.network
    51 year ago

    Star wars FFG and Deadlands. I love the flavor of both. I doubt I’ll ever play star wars, but some of my current groups will probably give deadlands a try.

    • @RebekahWSD@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      I’ve played a lot of Classic Deadlands and its quite fun! Combat can take forever though, with an even moderately small group.

      • @funkyb@ttrpg.network
        21 year ago

        Yeah, I think if I do end up playing it’ll be the newest version. I have the patience for crunchy systems but most of the people I play with don’t. And the thought of playing anything more complex than 5e with some of them terrifies me.

        • @RebekahWSD@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          Yeah, it’s not for the faint of heart, the Classic system. Flavorful though, starting poker hands for magic (well. One of the magics), all those dice types! And character creation that still makes me slow down.

          Not as slow as making a character in Mutants & Masterminds though.

  • @RebekahWSD@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    Exalted! I did get to play…one game before that group imploded. Also any of the World of Darkness settings. No one here wants to play them, the only people that do get way way way too into it and are very unnerving to actually be around. Great for them, but I just rant to meet one a week, not a life of it.

  • @ZDL@diyrpg.org
    51 year ago

    From way back in the days, Valley of the Pharaohs. While not my first game that attempted to be historically accurate (that honour falls to Chivalry & Sorcery) it was the first such game I found that not only tried to be historically accurate but also supplied loads of supporting material for it. (This was more important pre-Internet than it is now because it was both time-consuming and hard to find good, solid historical information that was usable in play.)

    But I could never interest anybody in playing it.

    • @acockworkorange@mander.xyz
      11 year ago

      So there’s this Spanish rpg called The Door of Ishtar, which takes place in Mesopotamia after Zargon the Great defeats the Sumerians and founds Akkad. Such a rich world that I had to buy. I know I’ll never get to play it though.

        • @acockworkorange@mander.xyz
          11 year ago

          My Spanish is limited, there’s no translation into any other language, the book uses its own game system… If I can’t find people to play Bulldogs Fate, what are my chances of finding people for this, even better good game master and players?

        • @ZDL@diyrpg.org
          11 year ago

          I’m not sure what “attitude” you’re projecting onto me.

          I owned Valley of the Pharaohs. I tried to get people to give it a shot. Nobody took me up on it.

          Where’s the “attitude”?

            • @ZDL@diyrpg.org
              11 year ago

              Ah. I wasn’t aware of this. I’ll pay attention to which program was used in the future. :D