Do you have any games that you like but you never finished for any reason? Which game is it? Doesn’t matter how many times you play and replay it you just never get to see the credits roll. I think Skyrim gonna be a quite common answer xD

      172 years ago

      This is a game that should be my ideal game. Everything about it screams that I’d love it. But I’ve attempted to start it probably 6 different times, ranging between 2 and 10ish hours of play each time. I just can’t get hooked and now I’ve done the intro too many times :( I really want to love this game.

        22 years ago

        I found that I really had to put all other games aside and focus on it.

        I actually started by playing the first two games before starting 3 and that really helped me focus on just playing 3 because at that point I was super invested. 1 and 2 are both pretty short games (compared to 3) but super different from each other so if you want to give that a try it might be worth it.

          22 years ago

          Witcher 1 desperately needs a remake. Everything about the game is just janky. But the story is good, which is what got me through it. 2 is much closer to 3 in terms of gameplay.

          But I agree that playing 1 and 2 puts context to so many things in 3. It really enhances the experience.

      42 years ago

      This. I have 80 something hours in but I haven’t played in years and I’m hesitant to start again.

    242 years ago

    Almost every game I have played in the past few years. Between personal life and a shit attention span it’s harder to finish games I enjoy before jumping to the next one.

      32 years ago

      I’m in the same boat. I’ve started taking a stance of only getting new games whenever I finish the ones that I’ve already started… Didn’t work so well because I just keep procrastinating playing those games. I think my problem is more about being unmotivated and depression than actually lack of time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    172 years ago

    RDR2. I like every game design philosophy this game stands for. I love how slower-paced and contemplative, how tactile with everything it is. I just can’t summon the excitement to go through the story.

      42 years ago

      Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I was taking my pace but it took me so long to get anything done that eventually it just fizzled out for me. I don’t think I made it half way through the story and at this point I don’t think I can go back and play it because it seems like such a chore.

    2 years ago

    Witcher 3. Cyberpunk. Shadow of War. Horizon zero dawn. Ghost of Tsushima. Red dead redemption 2. God of war. Ratchet and Clank. Control. Returnal. Fire Emblem Engage, and Three Houses. Hollow knight. Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 and 3. Demons souls remake. Monster Hunter Rise. Outer Wilds. Death Stranding. Prey. FF7 remake. Half life Alyx. And many many many more.

    I’ve played through most of them and tried replaying them multiple times but always get bored before the end.

    The only reason I haven’t purchased ff16 is because I know I won’t finish it. That and it looks like a devil may cry clone so I’ll wait for it to be on sale.

    I have a major “never finish good games” problem. It’s probably a shorter list to name games I have finished.

    • oʍʇǝuoǝnu
      32 years ago

      I have the same problem, either life gets in the way just long enough for me to lose interest/find picking the game back up to be too daunting, or I get side tracked on side missions and getting the best gear before fighting the last boss that I get bored/lose interest. Ironically, the games that I actually do beat, I am generally so overpowered by the end of it that the final boss/mission is little to no challenge and I lose interest immediately after.

    132 years ago

    So many. Skyrim among them. In the same vein, I’ve never finished Oblivion or Fallout: New Vegas, either, despite massive hour counts in all of the above and owning them across multiple systems. I think I have some kind of disorder that if I really like a game, I can’t force myself to finish it, because that’d mean it’s over. As a result of that, I have hundreds of games that are proably about 3/4s complete. I don’t get it.

      52 years ago

      I’m in the same boat with oblivion and Skyrim. Add Morrowind to that list as well. I love open world games but have a hard time finishing them because I get distracted by side quests and then distracted by life, stop playing for awhile, then when I pick it back up I forget where I left off, have a hard time remembering the mechanics, don’t want to restart from scratch, and just move on to something else. Now I’ve been playing (and replaying) mostly linear fps games like all the old Jedi knight games, the halo games, and a few other games that are more “on rails” that I know I’ll be able to finish.

        22 years ago

        Morrowind was the only Bethesda game I beat everything for until relatively recently, and it still took me forever to finish the main quest. That was back when I was younger and could handle staying up all night to play it though.

      22 years ago

      Ha, I too delay the ending for as long as possible (even if its a mediocre game with good game mechanics). But I’ve wisened up and had a few games I forced myself to enjoy the ending before stuff was 100% complete. Like Jedi Survivor. And AC Valhalla.

      AC Odyssey was completed eventually, but after AC Valhalla, because I put it away, tired out of side quests before the ending. Ive still not completed TES Oblivion. Or Mad Max. Or Dying Light 1. DL2 was a close call but got it done.

  • Ram
    122 years ago

    Bravely Default, Xenogears, Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy 10, Final Fantasy 11, Final Fantasy 12, Zelda ALTTP, Zelda MM, Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life, Xenoblade 1, Xenoblade 3…

    I set a rule with myself. I’ll play games while I’m having fun and then stop when there’s something else. I don’t really care to beat games, I’ll play them to enjoy them! 😊

    112 years ago

    Homeworld 1. Childhood favourite space rts but wasn’t good enough to finish it. Since progress and troops carry between levels, a screw-up early can really hurt down the line. The narration, the sound design, it was so compelling. I have the remaster, but always want to start a fresh run and try it all again. Never made it to the end without losing steam.

    112 years ago

    Cities Skylines was that for me for 8 years. Not that theres an end credits, but I never played long enough to get to a max level city. I bought every DLC for it even, and never played more than one session before I put the game away, and started a new city next time.

    Up until a few months ago. Just as they released the last DLC for this game I turned obsessed with it. Been through two full level cities now, and begun optimizing the later city to handle 100K population. Im at 80K now, and got two roads into the city that clogs up at anything, that I need to find a fix for if I wanna grow further.

    92 years ago

    … most of them, embarrassingly. I buy games when they’re on steep sale, but rarely actually gst to the end of them (Hollow Knight was the last one I completed, as I recall).

    2 years ago

    The outer worlds by obsidian

    Felt like a spiritual successor to fallout: new vegas, loved the story. I’ve puttens of hours into it over multiple run throughs, I just can’t seem to stick with it to the end. Worst part is I have no idea how close I’ve got. Was I an hour away from beating it? 10 hours? I think I’ll go download it again honestly

      52 years ago

      I did finish this game and I was disappointed with the length (which is a good thing). But also i remember feeling that it was pretty obvious that the end game was coming up soon. So maybe you weren’t close.

        32 years ago

        I had the same feeling about the games length. First disappointed, then I realised that I didn’t go through hours of filler content and was happy.

        Great game imo. Hope the second part won’t be cancelled or ruined by the usual bs that plagues other games.

      22 years ago

      Oh whaaaat. I live the game, played through it twice. I won’t spoil anything, but I’m also curious how far you got when you dropped out. What was going on that made you decide to put it down?

    72 years ago

    Persona 5 for me, its one of those games where if you put it down for more than a few weeks its hard to jump back in because of all the characters and systems you gotta remember.