• @[email protected]B
    39 months ago

    Yeah I don’t trust that site either; read this summary of the linked article

    Click to expand

    Automakers are spending billions on stock buybacks rather than workers and electric vehicles. This benefits shareholders but hollows out companies. Ford, GM, and Stellantis could afford union demands if not for buybacks and executive pay. Investments in the 1980s shifted to stock performance rather than new technologies. Now unions and environmentalists see their goals align in demanding funds go to a just transition instead of Wall Street. Critics argue buybacks waste over $1 trillion annually that could be used to support workers and climate solutions. The UAW strike is an inflection point as both groups want a seat at the table for green projects that create jobs. Corporations try to pit them against each other but there is money for workers and the environment if priorities change.

    Banning stock buybacks could free up trillions and help ensure workers and the planet are supported.

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