Been on a binge of Pathfinder 1e 3rd party content after finishing up writing the current chapter of my campaign. What are your opinions of Dreamscarred Press’ Psionics? Comments online seem to universally love it, and I think im starting to as well. Any personal experience with the ruleset?

  • @Eagle0600
    11 year ago

    I know it’s been 28 days, but since no-one else has commented at all, I might as well.

    I love it. It’s great. I’ve had limited experience actually playing characters using psionics, mostly psychic warriors, but I’ve had a lot of fun when I have. They don’t come across as particularly overpowered, except perhaps that Inertial Armour power is OP, but psionics has enough downsides built into it that that might not be a huge problem.

    I’m not a huge fan of how metapsionics and psionic feats rely on psionic focus, and how psionic focus is recovered. I’ve built my own variant of psionic focus rules to try to improve that a little bit, link here: