• CosmicSploogeDrizzle
    1 year ago
    • Die in a few weeks? No
    • Get more users than reddit? No
    • Be a place in the long run for privacy minded people to escape corporatism and have discussions about any topic? Yes
    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Let’s be real, most of the growth of Reddit over the last 5 or so years haven’t been the type of folks generating good content and discussion anyway. Even if Lemmy gets like 1% of the userbase this place is going to thrive.

  • Vaggumon
    261 year ago

    It was here before the Reddit implosion, will be after. Question is, will you be?

      • Vaggumon
        71 year ago

        Glad to hear it. I deleted 2 accounts with over 100k karama, and moved fully to Lemmy. I’m here to stay as well. Reddit is dead to me.

        • jay
          21 year ago

          100%, 12 year daily reddit user - feels like I’m out of a bad relationship. I moved all my third party apps off three weeks ago and have replaced all my time with Lemmy and the Fediverse.

          I didn’t realize how poorly the experience had degraded - scrolling content mindlessly, most interactions were dull and sometimes weirdly antagonistic.

          Conversely, my experience on Lemmy has been interesting content with more depth, connecting with people in a warm and welcoming way. I don’t expect this to become reddit - I wouldn’t really want it to.

          I am excited for a future here as the third party apps are removed last this week and we can start a new adventure together.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Even if this does become reddit, here at lemmy.world, just move to a different Instance, block lemmy.world, and boom. Problem solved.

            Would not take long to do. I expect many people will do just this. We’re probably going to be one of the most commonly defederated-with Instances, just due to being the largest and thus, spammiest.

      • Victron
        1 year ago

        Same. I’m not going back. Also, Lemmy/kbin have become way more active than before. I hope they gain more traction.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Was using RiF and reddit for 12 years. Been on lemmy for a few weeks and I don’t miss reddit. Certainly not going to try to use the official reddit app. So probably not using reddit even if I wanted to in the future.

  • Sota4077
    181 year ago

    This place has existed for a lot longer than the last month.

  • Ben
    161 year ago

    Hmmm the main question is whether it can get it’s content to show up in search results - this being the main selling point of Reddit and other platforms.

    Right now, if you help someone fix an issue it’s pretty much walled in and unavailable.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah, I was talking to my wife about this.

      Today I can search “whatever reddit”, but with Lemmy-like I have no idea how, since it’s not centralized.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      agreed, is there any way to fix this?

      i’m fairly certain that it really just depends on the google web crawlers to find and index pages. but if the posts are public that’s just a matter of time.

      even with reddit, a post has a new URL so takes some time to be indexed by google or other search engines.

      so maybe it’s just a matter of delivering relevant content over time so that lemmy results get preferred over others

    • manitcor
      1 year ago

      im seeing content from both my instance and beehaw’s in google’s results. stands to reason every instance is in there. I expect that the software likely needs optimizations before everything is properly indexed. before reddit google simply indexed thousands of phpbb and invision boards.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Yes, getting lemmy’s link high enough on google that it can even be compared to reddit’s is a critical but immensely difficult battle to fight since the latter has 18 years of inertia, I guess it all comes down to a matter of pumping the OC and high quality content consistently for a very long time

    • xptiger
      01 year ago

      SEOs, search engine optimizations. (Only devs not me 😩 could do that)

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        This isn’t true. SEO has been optimized to find good content that engaged users. Long gone are the days of cramming together keyword lists and throwing a few meta tags to rank high. Write high quality (preferably long form) content and it will pay dividends.

        Source: I’ve worked in digital marketing too long.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    I have high hopes for Lemmy sticking around. The explosion in users around all the Reddit drama will likely have some of them stick around, which will be a net positive. It may not be good for “doom scrolling” any time soon, but it’s really nice to see some lively conversations in communities that are just starting to really blossom.

  • Fubber Nuckin'
    111 year ago

    Personal opinion: activity will spike around now, then plateau not much lower than its peak. It’ll probably never be as popular as Reddit. I imagine most people will run into some minor inconvenience, then never try to use it again, and the rest of us will be here for years.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I guess a big spike is still ahead, which will be around Saturday, once the 3rd party reddit apps shut down for good.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    I was pretty happy I was able to find my first answer on Google by using lemmy.world in the search today

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    Lemmy is really the only solution because it is becoming as indepth as reddit is/was. What sucks is it will still be like a splinternet situation, having to spread all of our solutions across the internet.

      • Sophia
        11 year ago

        That’s whats holding me back on fully moving to Lemmy. Aside from the smaller number of users and, consequently, content, the need to use more than one account and website can be really annoying.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          You don’t need more than one account. To follow other lemmy instances from your lemmy.world account, copy the full link from the other instances sub, and paste it in the search page on lemmy.world foudn by click the magnifying glass in the top right. It should pop up in the search result where you can subscribe.

          • Sophia
            21 year ago

            I was talking about defederation :/ Especially from beehaw, I really like it there but can’t interact with lemmy.world or sh.itjust.works from there 😰

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              part of the reason I spend most of my time on kbin. It works with all of those. Things will chang over time though and i think i just saw yesterday that theres some issue with lemmy.ml now. In any case, i agree, not being able to reach content isn’t a good experience.

        • Dr Cog
          51 year ago

          The whole concept of federation is that you only need to use one account and one website to access all the others.

          Maybe the thing we need to work on is educating people about how the fediverse works

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          We went from everyone hosting their personal websites to thousands of blogs to a handful social media websites. The history has favoured homogenisation. Fediverse (not Lemmy) might be that one thing where everyone shares their thoughts; siloed social media websites like Reddit will probably become irrelevant in the future like the “internet” forums from the ‘00s are today.

  • Bleeping Lobster
    71 year ago

    Two things to bear in mind…

    1. Lemmy existed before this current reddit fiasco, so it will exist after

    2. there are a critical mass of users now, and imo the userbase will continue to grow, with more and more unique content added

    3. Android / iOS apps are out, and in development. Mod tools are coming (iirc). As fediverse becomes less technical / easier to use, it’s only going to attract more people

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I think the app part is the biggest factor. I’m using Jerboa, and while it’s still good and useful, it definitely has some bugs (crashing when uploading photos has been annoying). I’m still sticking with it, but I can see a more average internet user getting frustrated with that or with the somewhat weird sign-up process and learning how federation-y stuff works.

      It’d be sick to have a standard “this is how you sign up” tutorial built into each app!

      • Bleeping Lobster
        11 year ago

        undefined> I can see a more average internet user getting frustrated with that or with the somewhat weird sign-up process and learning how federation-y stuff works.

        Yep this is it. Just got to be patient and keep doing what we’re doing, being helpful / polite when communicating, adding content where we cant. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I think it’s likely that we’re only seeing the first wave as well. The ones most affected by third party app shutdowns are the ones that are posting all of the content and doing the moderation. Once the apps go away, it’s likely the most valuable of reddit’s users do as well. I have been on reddit since like 07 I think, and once I can’t use Apollo any longer my use of reddit is effectively gone. I’ll still occasionally browse on desktop, but even then the only way I can tolerate the desktop version is with a bunch of add ons and old.reddit which I assume is next on the block.

      We’ve already seen this on twitter. Now it’s just an echo chamber for nazis, increasingly fewer celebs, and marketers (which, tbh it kinda always has been, it’s just worse now.) Moving over to mastodon wasn’t fun for a week or two, but now there is a critical mass and basically everything I got from twitter I can get from masto now. Twitter still has tons of users and dwarfs masto, but that’s a lot of chaff for not a lot of wheat.

      In terms of apps, some are out, but there is still nothing that comes close to Apollo especially on iOS. With the dev of Sync and I think RIF announcing Lemmy clients, that’s about going to be a done deal. Quite a lot of my regular follows from twitter didn’t move over until Ivory and a couple of other good clients came out, so as soon as there is a comparable set of Lemmy clients, I’d say it’s pretty much done.

      All that said, Reddit’s already a shell of what it was even a few months ago. It’s maybe not as easy to tell, but as someone who’s been there forever, you can tell this is different. And I know personally, even though I used reddit like junkies used meth, I’m now checking rss again, discord for various communities, Lemmy, kbin, and even a few specific forums and so forth.

      Spez running an absolute master class in how to ruin a business.

      • Bleeping Lobster
        11 year ago

        undefined> Spez running an absolute master class in how to ruin a business.

        It kinda feels like watching a slow-motion car crash. Fascinating, horrific, hard to look away. It really is quite incredible how he manages to bumble his way from fuckup to fuckup… yet still has his job.

        Like you say, 1st July will be interesting to see just how much of an impact closing the apps has on their userbase. I’ve dipped my toe back in and it feels like the discourse has gone downhill bigtime, which doesn’t surprise me… users set the tone of a site, so if a large exodus of people who have some sort of belief in doing the right thing happens, the ‘power users’ left are not going to be the nicest of people. Some will just be too busy / numb to give a shit, but many of the ones left will be bootlickers by nature.

  • Gleddified
    71 year ago

    I’m ride or die once my 3PA stops working, so I hope it sticks around.

    Gotta say, it would be more attractive if every other post wasn’t a meta post about the platform and/or reddit. I hope we get some bots capable of ripping reddit posts and slapping them into Lemmy communities. As much as I’d like to pretend I’m a man of culture, sometimes I want shitposts and Tiktok reposts of someone’s dog being stupid…

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      That’s funny, because I am quite interested in the meta reddit posts. It’s interesting to see how things are unfolding. Though I do think it will of course settle down with time

    • Sterben
      31 year ago

      I think it is just momentary, as it is the topic of the moment. Give it some time and we will forget about reddit. ☺️😅

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    I think it’s here to stay, and it makes me hopeful that we can get a somewhat mainstream version of the Internet as originally envisioned. The corpo hellscape we have right now is garbage.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’m confident that the Fediverse will last. Sure, there’s a lot of challenges with having nodes that can choose to not federate with each other; However, a large majority should federate over time so there can be cross-collaboration. At its worst case, we’ll have some segmented nodes that, while unfederated, will still foster good communities. Nodes will come and go.

    While these large, centralized services for social media exist, people will always gravitate toward convenience. Unless catastrophe strikes, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. will always exist. But the fediverse gives us choice in a system where we generally had no choice but to use those platforms. After all, the alternative was old Forums that still had a solid userbase while other Forums collapsed and disappeared. If you provide a similar or better service to centralized services that is also convenient and user-friendly, then people will join the fediverse.

    At the moment it is nascent, complex, and requires some confidence. Things that seem simple such as searching for another Community on another instance and joining it can be difficult for users to grasp. Over time this will get better.

    Having grown up alongside the internet in its infancy, I’ve been very appreciative to experience the way in which it has changed over time. We’re seeing another gradual shift, and a massive user base will associate with the fediverse. It’s not going anywhere, but it certainly will never topple these massive corporations that have invested heavily into centralizing power, capturing the regulators and markets, and establishing themselves as information cartels that feast on the flow of money in the economy (read: parasitic leeches).

    At the end of the day, I couldn’t care less about these other social media platforms. I’ve embraced decentralization and am having a blast here with the fediverse. It reminds me of the earlier days of the internet. I’m excited to see where this evolves and also watch it grow.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I hope they’re going to find a way to make the whole federation thing less messy, otherwise I don’t think Lemmy is going to be as big as Reddit ever was.

    Also they have to solve the front page, where new topics are loading in from the TOP pushing everything down. Really annoying.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      This seems to be fixed in the new 0.18 release. Haven’t had this problem on other instances.

      I hope lemmy won’t become a reddit clone. Reddit was nice as long as it lasted, but it was a corporation. Lemmy feels more like the way internet should be.