Fuck the police
Fuck maga and the racist bigots dominating American policy.
Thank you American voters.Well I think they really only did two things : A) appeal to far right people with their roots waaaay out in the boondocks mostly northward rather than southwestward using stuff like dog whistles, and B) use doublespeak to simultaneously appeal to, draw in, and superficially radicalize the more centre right types just enough to get their vote over the top, to have a substantial base, and to be able to call it ‘a mandate’. I mean they really went out into the deep country for campaigning.
You forgot the most important step: lie your ass off constantly faster than the truth can catch up to you
The “mandate”, for instance, is horseshit. There is no mandate. Trump won by one of the smallest margins in American history and immediate turned around to cry, “The people love me! They voted for me overwhelmingly! Best most fairest election of all time!”
As of 2023, there were over 42 million Spanish speakers in America.
I used to live in South Gate, a neighborhood in L.A. We were the only family in the neighborhood that didn’t speak Spanish. Even the local pizza places didn’t understand us well enough to order from. We didn’t complain, we were the white people who chose to move there and we were fine with it. But we’re talking about a neighborhood full of homeowners, not undocumented immigrants. Some of them were in the U.S. for generations.
And then there’s Florida:
First settled by the Spanish in the 16th century, 19% of Floridians now speak Spanish, which is the most widely taught second language. In Miami, 67% of residents spoke Spanish as their first language in 2000.
In addition, there are several other major cities in Florida with a sizable percentage of the population able to speak Spanish, most notably Tampa (18%) and Orlando (16.6%).
The U.S. has no official language. Spanish is one of many spoken in the U.S. A large proportion of the U.S. used to be Mexico. Of course we have a ton of people here who speak Spanish.
But, you know, “they all look and sound alike.”
The U.S. has no official language
I’m sure that bill is just around the corner
Almost certainly. They’ve been wanting it for years now.
Come to Miami. Any place you go can speak to you in Spanish… You don’t have to be in Hialeah or South Miami. I’m not fluent, but I get by, I will make it a point to use Spanish as much as possible from now on.
And even if they have an official language what then?
Nothing really changes
Guilty until proven innocent, unfortunately.
Literally. Having to show your fucking birth certificate to prove you are a citizen?
I suppose next they will demand the “long form” birth certificate like they did with Obama. And then they will show it and it won’t matter anyway.
I suppose next they will demand the “long form” birth certificate like they did with Obama. And then they will show it and it won’t matter anyway.
So, no different than the first time?
People will have to show their parents’ birth certificate too, with his attempts to end birthright citizenship.
Papers, please.
Unfortunately, that was decided by SCOTUS a while ago in Terry v. Ohio.
We’ve been getting news reports like this and ones about Native Americans, and they are egregious, but it’s worth noting we’re not getting enough stories about the undocumented people and how badly they’re being treated. They’re people too. What’s being done to them is legal under this administration, but it’s evil.
I don’t know about you but we are getting a lot of stories locally about ICE. They just don’t make the mainstream news.
There are a lot of people who don’t pay attention to local news, only mainstream. Hell, there were people ON LEMMY saying the ICE raids were all hot air AS THEY WERE HAPPENING because they weren’t paying attention.
Honest question and genuinely not suggesting anything, but, Isn’t this what the second amendment is for?
There is a difference between second amendment culture and your second amendment rights.
2A culture is pretty much MAGA: “Respect my authority or I won’t respect your right to exist.” As a former conservative who owns guns, this line of thinking is very pervasive through gun owning circles. But you need to remember that they will fully support laws that bar the other people from owning guns like the Black Panthers.
Bare in mind that the Constitution is just a piece of paper. It only has power when the government and the will of the people give it power. You can assume for at least the next four years, the Constitution will be seen as “rules that allow me to stay in power but don’t protect you from me”.
Bare in mind that the Constitution is just a piece of paper. It only has power when the government and the will of the people give it power.
There’s a scene from The West Wing that really impressed upon me the great challenge of holding even the seemingly most stable democracies together. Toby Ziegler was working with representatives of a newly forming government and a constitutional scholar played by Christopher Lloyd to craft a constitution. Toby takes issue with the amount of power they are considering vesting in their executive branch, preferring instead a parliamentary system. Christopher Lloyd’s character responds to him with almost this exact point, telling him that their work just then was to instill a democratic spirit in those leaders and through them the broader populace of their country.
the 2A lunatics are the ones who want the tyranny
How would this family getting in a shootout with the cops have helped them?
The 2nd amendment was designed for a different time. As you say, guns won’t protect anyone from the governments tyranny anymore. War has escalated the instruments it uses over the last 300 years.
Guns are not a solution, and never were.
guns won’t protect anyone from the governments tyranny anymore
Probably not. I’m mostly looking into buying a gun to protect myself from the overwhelming number of braindead/racist/Nazi Americans and all the desperate people Republican leadership will produce who start committing crimes due to their desperation.
Technically, yes. But I strongly recommend never pointing a gun at a law enforcement officer unless there are significantly more of you than there are of them.
Or perhaps if you’re 300 yards away with a magnified optic, just for example.
If you’re an American citizen in a red state, that looks visibly Mexican/South American and speaks fluent Spanish, you should lean into this! Go put on a serape, a sombrero, some chanclas and sell tamales or tortillas in front of the local mall right now while singing “Feliz navidad” - just be the full, lead-huffing boomer racist fantasy caricature. Get arrested and then get yourself a FAT settlement for civil rights violations… while we still have courts and judges who don’t have spray tan stains on their white collared robes.
Omg, please make this a thing.
“Fat settlement” is spelled a little differently in reality:
Mark Lyttle, an American citizen with mental disabilities who was wrongfully detained and deported to Mexico and forced to live on the streets and in prisons for months, settled his case for $175,000 against the federal government.
just be the full, lead-huffing boomer racist fantasy caricature.
They love their racist caricatures though. You know: to point to and reinforce prejudices. Hell, that strategy is more likely to land a position with the GOP than detained.
T H I S ?
I’m going with dramatic effect
Good old
So basically you can be arrested over a mandatory high school education requirement. Fucking great.
This is what Trump wants.
This is possibly not a real thing that happened.
Of all the news agencies I looked into that tried to verify this story, they all came up empty handed. Even snipes did a dive in on it and found nothing
So yeah look at all the comments posted here jumping to conclusions.
I like the idea of Snopes being called “Snipes” in an parallel universe. It gives it an air of vigilante je ne sais quoi and it makes me giddy.
Hopefully, we start seeing civil rights lawsuits for the usual – 4th and probably 5th Amendment violations. You know, the classics.
Then it makes it’s way to the supreme court and they give it their stamp of approval.
Got a real NKVD going on here. A real “people’s police.”
I am relearning Spanish because of this. When I did factory work a long time ago I worked with a buncha guys from El Salvador and Honduras and learned enough to converse. Time to pick it back up! Arrest my 5th gen American ass, fascists!