If you’re an American citizen in a red state, that looks visibly Mexican/South American and speaks fluent Spanish, you should lean into this! Go put on a serape, a sombrero, some chanclas and sell tamales or tortillas in front of the local mall right now while singing “Feliz navidad” - just be the full, lead-huffing boomer racist fantasy caricature. Get arrested and then get yourself a FAT settlement for civil rights violations… while we still have courts and judges who don’t have spray tan stains on their white collared robes.
“Fat settlement” is spelled a little differently in reality:
Mark Lyttle, an American citizen with mental disabilities who was wrongfully detained and deported to Mexico and forced to live on the streets and in prisons for months, settled his case for $175,000 against the federal government.
just be the full, lead-huffing boomer racist fantasy caricature.
They love their racist caricatures though. You know: to point to and reinforce prejudices. Hell, that strategy is more likely to land a position with the GOP than detained.
If you’re an American citizen in a red state, that looks visibly Mexican/South American and speaks fluent Spanish, you should lean into this! Go put on a serape, a sombrero, some chanclas and sell tamales or tortillas in front of the local mall right now while singing “Feliz navidad” - just be the full, lead-huffing boomer racist fantasy caricature. Get arrested and then get yourself a FAT settlement for civil rights violations… while we still have courts and judges who don’t have spray tan stains on their white collared robes.
Omg, please make this a thing.
“Fat settlement” is spelled a little differently in reality:
Mark Lyttle, an American citizen with mental disabilities who was wrongfully detained and deported to Mexico and forced to live on the streets and in prisons for months, settled his case for $175,000 against the federal government.
They love their racist caricatures though. You know: to point to and reinforce prejudices. Hell, that strategy is more likely to land a position with the GOP than detained.