• OtterM
    203 months ago

    Please use the original title of the article. You can add additional commentary in the body of the post or in the comments

  • @DicJacobus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Sovereingty is non-negotiable. You dont give it up under any circumstance, and if someone threatens to take it away, you do like the Ukrainains did to the Russians, you lock and load. Whether that person trying to take it away is a foreign power, or your fucking neighbor. (A traitor)

    this is no joking matter. The world is under attack in many places at once by factions that are objectively fascist in nature. the Trump 2.0 MAGA crowd, The Russian Mafia State, The whole Elon Musk Megalomaniac Autistic Billionare trying to change the world thing, Multiple political parties that are subservient to foreign governments, (AfD, NR, Fidesz, SMER, Canadian PPC, and probably the CPC at this rate. and many more)

    people with the civic and legal understanding of a 1st grader can pout all they want about how they want Russia America to come to their homes and take over Ukraine Canada because of whatever tinpot reason they boiled up in their drunken rage conversation about bathroom signs on the internet, but understand, there are people who will Kill to prevent that if push came to shove.

  • FiveMacs
    73 months ago

    I’m curious which country/company is going to vanish him like a whistleblower.

    • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
      3 months ago

      I’m curious what in the hell the federal government has done in anyone’s lifetime to engender any pride in this country. Canada isn’t a people, it’s a federal government, the maple leaf, their symbol. Disregarding the off chance there may be a WW2 veteran lurking here, name one thing “Canada” has done to be proud of since 1970. Not something some guy did, not something some hockey players did, one thing that atrocious excuse for a federal government has ever done to instill any pride in their people, that wasn’t fucking propaganda exercises. All I can think of is legalizing gays and hiding Vietnam draftees.

      • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
        163 months ago

        Off the top of my head:

        Implementing a carbon tax (one of the most effective mechanisms in dealing with climate change, according to most economists and organizations in the climate change sphere.)

        Taking on a significant and impressive number of international refugees.

        Peacekeeping missions across the globe to many of the most desperate situations and people on Earth.

        Rolling out of a national dental plan currently serving low income seniors.

        The entire CERB program that was one of the most effective and efficient ways to keep people from the worst of the pandemic… (speaking of which, a death rate of half of Amwrica’s iirc.)

        A boatload of humanitarian aid and missions, including almost 20 billion to Ukraine.

        Fuck’s sake, Canada isn’t perfect but to say there’s nothing to be proud of is either childishly ignorant or trolling.

        • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
          -273 months ago

          (Makes a list of the reasons why no one gives a shit about the federal government anymore) kay buddy

          • @Glide@lemmy.ca
            3 months ago

            This is a strong list of good things our government has done for the betterment of Canada, and the world. You have drank some uniquely powerful far-right kool-aid to see that list and think there are the reasons “no one gives a shit about the federal government.” These are actions that the majority of Canadians are pleased with.

            Get off Facebook, or whatever insane echo chamber is leading you to these absurd delusions and try interacting with a variety of people. This imaginary category of “everyone” you have created in your head is a small, tightly-knit, loud minority.

          • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
            43 months ago

            That sentence doesn’t even make sense unless you actually somehow think people are like “fucking government helping seniors again, I wanted them to have rotting teeth!”

            What a goof.

      • Jake Farm
        113 months ago

        Does a country need to change the world to be proud of it?

        • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
          3 months ago

          Not the question that was asked. I literally meant internal actions of the federal government that would make a person proud. Doesn’t sound like you’re very proud of your country either, probably just like the land and your neighbours.

          • @Glide@lemmy.ca
            133 months ago

            The fact that you need to find a national pride to find value in having a nation is concern. We are a people linked by a shared history and culture. There are elements I am proud of, such as our penchant for relative kindness and understanding, and our recent pushes towards more progressive stances and living, and there are elements I am disgusted by, such as our need to find value in being marginally better than the bigots to our south.

            I place no value on the nationalism that you seem to be suggesting we should be finding, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be looking for it through our government. Our government is just that: our government. They’re not our wayward child, nor our burgeoning hobby. We aren’t supposed to be “proud” of them; they’re supposed to work for us. They are not our values, nor our culture. At best, they’re supposed to represent our culture and values. When they do, I’m not “proud,” I’m satisfied, and when they don’t, I’m angry, not disappointed.

            • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
              3 months ago

              No. We aren’t. But more to the point, I guess you agree with my initial thought then “Might as well, this country has become a joke”

              • @Glide@lemmy.ca
                93 months ago

                Fuck no, I do not agree with you, and I’m not sure I could disagree with you more. The notion that we’re a joke of a country unless we find some insane, nationalistic zeal led by a small circle of ogliarchs is fucking insane.

          • Jake Farm
            73 months ago

            I mean with the amount of corruption in my country, what I am proud of is my community and culture. I think that is most people though. Except the ones indoctrinated with xenophobia.

            • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
              -153 months ago

              The federal government has done everything in their power to stamp out anything resembling local cultures, using taxation, economic policies, the RCMP, moronic laws and policies, and unchecked immigration to wipe all that away as best they could, and replace it with a “post national state”, in their own disgusting words.

              • Jake Farm
                83 months ago

                Its more about cheap labour to undermine labor rights rather than any sort of ethnic cleansing.

                • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
                  3 months ago

                  Two birds, one stone, divided populace. So even if you are right, why the fuck would that make you want to defend them?

          • @Auli@lemmy.ca
            23 months ago

            I’m not proud of Canada anymore. I wa when younger now there just doesn’t seem to be anything there to be proud of. I don’t even want to stand during the anthom anymore but dondue to pressure. Why am I hear family and it’s my home. Just don’t feel pride about being Canadian.

            • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
              -93 months ago

              The RCMP revealing themselves over time to be the crookedest sonsabitches in the country sure hasn’t helped matters.

      • @AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org
        43 months ago

        I mean if I’m allowed to have a non true or false pride and can have some level of granularity, I’m proud of a lot of things.

        I think we’ve done pretty good with national pharmacare, and dental care. I know its not perfect, and it came to slow, and the roll out wasn’t great, but I have pride in the fact that were offering it.

        I’m proud of the way we extended the way EI covers maternity and sick leave in the 1970s.

        I’m proud of the legalisation of marijuana, because it now means that people have access to a product that gets tested for quality and health concerns.

        Sure none of it is perfect, but I’ll take 30% of what it should be as long as its a start. If we wait for perfection well never get anywhere. We just have to keep striving for better.

  • @healthetank@lemmy.ca
    63 months ago

    Out of curiosity, what kinds of things would a federal government have done to make you feel this sense of pride you’re looking for? Are there any governments anywhere that have accomplished that task?

    • @Jamablaya@lemmy.todayOP
      -93 months ago

      A real charter of rights and freedoms, and a government not composed of people who think their job is to continually erode year by year every citizens’ rights and privileges. There’s a few out there like that, not many.

      • @AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org
        43 months ago

        Based on the track record of the US trying to roll back rights at a federal level and make them handled on a state level, wouldn’t we be basically in the same boat of our rights being eroded?

        Honest question, have you thought about joining an organisation locally that advocated for the changes that you would like to see? They say the first step to change is local change. I know municipal and provincial government is less buzz worthy but it impacts people daily a lot more.

  • @plaguesandbacon@lemmy.ca
    13 months ago

    Braid is an idiot of the highest order, but I agree with him here. That said, I highly doubt that orange douche nozzle would actually go through with something like this

  • @nyan@lemmy.cafe
    13 months ago

    Free clue: Trump doesn’t mean 90% of what he says. He’s just a real-world troll who enjoys stirring up shit and watching people run around. Despite his bloviations, most of what he claims he would like to do, he ain’t gonna be able to, and based on his previous track record he’s going to have forgotten half of it in a year’s time anyway.

    If you genuinely want to live in a country run by someone like that, I suggest you emigrate and stop bothering those of us who actually want to live in this country. Y’know, the one that doesn’t have mass shootings so often that they no longer reliably make the national news, among other things.