• Quads
  • @[email protected]
    53 minutes ago

    Duckman, though that was not for kids.

    Ren and Stimpy and Rocko’s Modern Life both had stuff that was bizarre and only allowed in a kid’s show because it was over their heads.

    Batman TAS and Gargoyles both had some heavy shit. The latter also had a guy die by having fire erupt from behind his eyeballs, and a scene where a surgeon explains a gunshot wound in visceral detail. God I love that show.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4 hours ago

    I was a kid in the 90’s. It’d probably be easier to list the normalest cartoons. Like Doug.

    Freakazoid, possibly. Or Toxic Avenger. Though the latter is more insane that they turned the original concept into something for kids in the first place.

    • @[email protected]
      54 hours ago

      I was amazed at the shit they were allowed to play in the after school block on Nick/CN sometimes. Rocco might take the cake with the masterbation milking episode

      • It wasn’t originally designed for kids, and it really shows with the pilot episode. It had swearing in it and most of the jokes would go over kids’ heads. Certainly went over mine until I re-watched it as an adult.

  • @[email protected]
    67 hours ago

    The first one that comes to mind is this one from probably the early 90s. From what I remember it was a group of kids and one of them is sick or something and the other kids try to save him? In the end they each sacrifice a year of their life so that the sick friend can live. I wanna say Steven Spielberg was a producer.

    There was also that one crossover movie where a bunch of cartoon characters from whatever was popular in the 80s did an anti-drug movie.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    Oh, man, when I was a kid around 1990 I was in France (maybe? Pretty sure it was somewhere in Europe), and they had this subtitled cartoon (I didn’t know either language) that “starred” a villain named something like Amin Tumani (“I’m in to money”, but made into a name) that was a stereotypical middle easterner. And to add to the crazy I’m 99.9% sure he died at the end of every episode.

    If anyone knows anything about this cartoon, LMK.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    68 hours ago

    The old Nintendo cartoons, things like the Mario Super Show and the classic Sonic show. If you thought live action Mario and Luigi arguing with fungus people was weird, sometimes the people behind the cartoons would get so lazy that they wouldn’t fully draw some of the frames or throw in a lazy scenario for the main characters like “what if Yoshi had a secret family he was hiding off-screen”. Of note, people often ask me “why are you so relatively soft on the Zelda CDi games” and the answer relates to the deal of effort.

    If puppet shows count, objectively it’s Mr. Meaty.