• @[email protected]
    163 hours ago

    My friends and I dropped ADHD meds at an outdoor concert. They were having fun and having a good time and I sat down in the grass and replied to some school emails and did a handful of tasks that I have been putting off.

    It was the first time in my life that I wasn’t unintentionally listening to everyone’s conversations at the exact same time and solutioning their problems all at the same time.

    I ended up going to Mexico and going into a reputable doctor and purchased ADHD meds. I later in life went to a doctor and got diagnosed.

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago

      Wait wait wait. Is the hearing all the conversations around you an ADHD thing? Are you serious? I just thought it was like, an ability.

      • JoJoOP
        52 hours ago

        It’s a curse

        It puts my brain to 150% processing and I just wanna listen to one conversation and aaaaaa

        Even when I can’t listen to the dozens of voices due to them being nearly inaudible it still enables the part of my brain to try to decode them, so about 75% is used to try to listen to words that I don’t even wanna listen to

        This is why ANC is heaven

        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          Oh man. Mine actually is able to listen and understand each conversation. My brain will not only listen but mentally join that conversation. Lord help me if a few people in earshot are having technical problems with their phones or computers. I will literally pull my phone out in the middle of dinner with a friend and start finding the solution for multiple people’s problems while my friend is like WTF, you were just telling me about your day and abruptly stopped talking and went into your phone.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        22 hours ago

        I just thought it was like, an ability.

        For me, it’s more a dis-ability as it makes it hard to concentrate on the conversation that I’m in or task that I’m doing.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hour ago

        It’s an ability if you’re a prehistoric hunter or in a dense jungle with predators. We have the ability to listen to everything and be able to process sounds, smell and visual changes.

        Having dinner with a date and it’s less of an “ability” and more of “you’re being an unattentive asshole” because your date is just another conversation in a sea of conversations.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hour ago

        It’s both, ADHD people just have a much, much harder time learning to filter it. But neurotypical people can learn to do it too sometimes. I envy the ability to turn it off

    • @[email protected]
      53 hours ago

      if you don’t mind my asking, which meds? i had a friend on a stimulant who described a similar experience to yours, so she switched to a non-stimulant (stratterra) and vastly preferred the effects.

      deffo not trying to tell you how to live your life btw! i’ve just run into a lot of folks who for some reason or another have only ever tried like, one or two meds and just figured that’s as good as it gets. our brains can be so whacky different, sometimes it feels like a wonder that any one drug has similar effects on anybody, especially when adhd is in the mix lol

      • @[email protected]
        17 minutes ago

        Vyvanse. Strattera makes me feel sick (like, as if I have a cold) and extremely pissed off 24/7. Does absolutely nothing for the ADHD.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    6 hours ago


    I need the ADHD meds now. GIMME!!! I WANNA BE DOG!!!

    But seriously: I saw someone posting videos of their handwriting and organization and shit before and after Adderall and it was like seeing someone in real life taking the drug from Limitless. I need to try that shit because it might actually help.

    • @[email protected]
      145 hours ago

      I had the exact same reaction and i don’t trust that sentiment, i think i’m just hoping for a singular miracle pill that i can take and it will solve all my issues.

      Still thought it was worth a try but even getting an appointment with a psychologist of any kind was tough, so here i am still unmedicated even though i relate to a lot of ADD symptoms

      • @[email protected]
        64 hours ago

        I can add an unfortunate example in the opposite direction: I’ve been having trouble getting my prescription filled so I haven’t had my meds for more than a month

        My handwriting has deteriorated observably (my phone is actually having trouble recognizing my swipe-typing gestures, too) and my living space is in shambles. Fuck the DEA.

  • nifty
    569 hours ago

    This comic is cute, but I don’t want people to set the wrong expectations for adhd medication. For everyone across the board, it doesn’t work like a stimulant, as in make you faster, but quiets you down and allows you to focus. But you may still be tired or depressed. In short, it’s not a magic pill and you should reflect on the affect it has on you. Some people can take their meds and go to sleep, that’s one way to tell how it affects you.

      • @[email protected]
        127 minutes ago

        Doesn’t work that way for me. I just look back at the day and realize I was less distracted than usual.

    • @[email protected]
      117 hours ago

      That’s not necessarily true. Myself, and several other people I know, have definitely experienced a boost from stimulants, just not in the same wired way neurotypical people get. Sometimes it feels like a weight off your shoulders that in a way almost feels stimulating. At the very least more talkative.

      • nifty
        34 hours ago

        Yeah that’s why I didn’t generalize my comment to all people

  • shameless
    2711 hours ago

    Vyvanse ended up making the dog way bigger on some days, I’m on atomoxetine and that’s been way more manageable.

    In case anyone has found themselves to be sensitive to stimulant medication, don’t be afraid to ask about trying non-stimulants 🙂

    • @[email protected]
      24 hours ago

      Atoxetmine gave me wicked mood swings on the come down. And also, sexually, when I came, it would feel muted. Like felt like a 1/2 cum.

      This made my relationship with my wife waaaaay worse.

      Ritalin is the only ADHD med that Taiwan has access to. The come down is less intense.

    • @[email protected]
      610 hours ago

      Non-stimulants? I am on extended release ritalin and it suuuuucks. Everything is the same as it used to be but now i feel like i am on speed for 5 minutes, an hour after i take it.

      Everythings sucks 🥺

  • @[email protected]
    9915 hours ago

    Adhd meds turn you into a Furry confirmed (although, what you you already were one beforehand? Does it cancel out?)

  • ThyTTY
    2413 hours ago

    I’m at my third type of medication and still no difference. At least I’m not absolutely drained as on first one but yet to see a positive impact. Yes, I’m diagnosed.

  • @[email protected]
    1312 hours ago

    I wish tbh, been diagnosed for 3 years and still haven’t found meds that work. I suppose that’s inevitably part of it, but it sucks to just not be able to do things because my brain doesn’t want to give me good chemicals.

  • Miles O'Brien
    12 hours ago

    Meds that I tried didn’t help me. Fuck me I guess 🙃

    To be fair I have not tried any new meds in many years, so I’m sure there’s new ones I haven’t tried, but I couldn’t afford the appointments or medications anyway…

    • @[email protected]
      3015 hours ago

      If my kid ever feels like this, I am going to be angry, and have a LOT of questions. Mostly in a very pissed off tone.

      …I don’t have kids, and the last time someone COULD HAVE potentially gotten pregnant from me and kept it secret would have been 2006. But I’m 99.9% sure I don’t have kids.

      So if I found out I have a kid, I would be confuuuuuuused.