I got excited until I realized they meant the reboot and not the first game in the series…

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    It’s a pretty decent game, I still don’t understand why everyone was so down on it. I had a lot of fun playing it, there was decent variety, the gunplay was good, and the silly storylines were entertaining.

    • ampersandrew
      610 months ago

      The frequent complaints I heard (which I double checked just now against Open Critic) were monotony, uninteresting story and characters, and enough bugs to be annoying.

    • Gamma
      510 months ago

      Anything that doesn’t revolutionize a genre is seen as inferior nowadays :/

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        My buddy even produced a 60second live action ad for them that got axed over the “drama”. People act like all the other games were masterpieces somehow. I’d still also love to see a remaster of the first two games but that’s neither here nor there.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      Because the series hasn’t done anything new since Saints Row 3. It’s just the same game over and over again, and even that was just a more polished version of Crackdown.

      • all-knight-party
        10 months ago

        I’m not sure what you mean. Saints Row 4’s large criticism was that it was too different from SR’s heritage what with being a super hero game instead of GTA on crack. Past that Gat out of Hell isn’t a mainline title and was even further out there, and then Agents of Mayhem wasn’t even a Saints game, and I enjoyed the hell out of that game’s unique merits.

        The SR reboot was the first real Saints Row release since 3, so you could say that it didn’t do enough different (which I can’t speak for, I didn’t play it), but saying the series hasn’t done anything new since 3 is not correct. Whether those games were super great or not is a different discussion, but they were doing something different, unless you just didn’t specify between something different for the series or something different from all other video games.

          • all-knight-party
            210 months ago

            It had flaws, but I found the three hero swapping mechanic pretty fun, especially due to each one having a class that made them better or worse against certain enemies, and I loved the whole triple jumping thing, combat felt unique and fun.

            The rest of the game has a lot of not so awesome bits, but I found it absolutely good enough to warrant an improved sequel. Hopefully they do something with it one day.

    • Queen HawlSeraOP
      410 months ago

      I’ve heard it was because it was a tame, out of touch, white washed version of a series that used to be edgier…

      Haven’t played it so I don’t know how true that is.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        It’s just different, I don’t know as I’ve gotten older the “edginess” of the older titles doesn’t really hit with me anyways so I didn’t miss it at all and I felt it was replaced with a more modern take on the idea. They did some really fun stuff with it, for example there’s a set of missions where you go LARPing all over the map with dart guns in a kind of weird mix of mad max and high fantasy. I didn’t like the characters in the crew at first either but they grow on you I don’t think the gang in the other games was any less corny or goofy these ones are just more modern takes.

        I think edginess had it’s time, but it’s old hat now. It still feels every bit a madcap gang adventure a Saints game should be. I wouldn’t spend $60 on it, but for $20 it’s a winner all day if you just want a dumb fun game. There’s plenty to do and plenty of actually new gameplay changing things to discover and unlock. Clearing out gangs feels a bit repetitive, but not much different from something like Far Cry 3/4/5/6

        Maybe it’s not your thing, and I think it’s probably fair to level the critique that it’s not what the hardcore fans really wanted, but I don’t think the game fails to deliver a good experience overall especially now that it’s all bugfixed etc. (which it was shortly after launch but still that launch sucked a little)

        • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
          110 months ago

          I still laugh at the one-liners the PC gives after the boss fights. I fuckin’ loved that about the first one. You’re a silent protagonist, except during these random awkward moments after defeating a boss and then you just deliver the dumbest puns and jokes unexpectedly.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Might have had fun playing it if we didn’t have to try the same mission 5+ times because the vehicle we were meant to steal didn’t spawn in, if when i go to an area to kill the rival gang there its empty. Person i was trying to play with couldn’t get the fast travel points which was a bug as i tried to get it for them by using their computer and couldn’t but on mine i could. Things like that meant we lost interest very quick

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    My biggest complaints about it is awful performance, and that it silently deletes the savegames if I uninstall the game, no cloud save even!

    I spent so damn long in the editor creating this kickass Eddie Riggs wannabe and now he’s gone because I wanted to wait a bit for a performance patch. 😭 So I haven’t had the motivation to return to the game since I found out.