I’ll go first. Mine is the instant knockout drug. Like Dexter’s intramuscular injection that causes someone to immediately lose consciousness. Or in the movie Split where there’s the aerosol spray in your face that makes you instantly unconscious. Or pretty much any time someone uses chloroform.

  • @[email protected]
    029 minutes ago

    People getting shot with a shitty handgun and they’re dead as soon as they hit the ground. Even if its a fatal shot, chances are quite high you’re going to die minutes or hours or days later if you make it to a hospital.

    People hiding behind cars from bullets. Bullets being shot at the car and somehow not hitting them. Only the engine block could stop most bullets.

  • @[email protected]
    -125 minutes ago

    Normalization of the protagonist using violence before any attempt of diplomacy, without the narrative condemning this action

  • @[email protected]
    87 hours ago

    Explosive decompression in space. It seems to always last forever, suck EVERYTHING out, even if it’s a tiny hole through which a giant xenomorph is liquified. The delta P is like one atmosphere, pathetic really.

    Then there’s noise in space.

  • @[email protected]
    25 hours ago

    I have two.

    When a woman’s child is threatened she goes stupid and hysterical. Like in Lost when she just keeps screaming “my baby!”. Yes parents get highly motivated when their child is in danger but they don’t get stupid and lose agency.

    In any setting where rope would be rare and expensive and they just cut the bonds instead of untying them. It’s understandable when time is critical like a prisoner break or the building is on fire. But in a society where someone spent a week making that rope and you just cut it instead of taking 5 min to preserve the rope.

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    Star Trek is awful for this, but this conversation:

    Subject Matter Expert: Oh no, the defences are down

    Captain: How long do you need to fix them?

    SME: Two hours

    Captain: You have one

    No, motherfucker, the person that you fucking PAY for their expertise on this very subject said it would take two hours!

    Management is full of these cunts that think they can just dictate a timeline and have people that actually know their shit dance to their tune.

    • @[email protected]
      35 hours ago

      But also if you know anything about engineering, it’s double your expected timeline just in case Shit Happens™️. I can fairly safely predict delivery in two hours. I might be able to deliver in one. Under-promise and over-deliver, or risk vice versa.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      Honestly this happens a lot. Generally people give estimates reflecting other responsibilities when cutting time is possible

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4 hours ago

    I have grown to really fucking hate deus ex machina in any form. Luck is always a factor, but c’mon. It usually comes down to lazy writing and they just couldn’t be assed to come up with an explanation.

  • @[email protected]
    25 hours ago

    For that matter, when someone gets shot center mass and they collapse like Cypher just pulled them from the matrix

  • @[email protected]
    89 hours ago

    Cliffhangers are getting out of control. It used to be that a movie or season would end by wrapping up the story and maybe throw a little teaser in at the end for next season. That’s fine. But it seems like now they just try to stretch out a story or plot for as long as humanly possible.

    It has gotten to the point where I will not watch a show until I either know it doesn’t end in a major cliffhanger or the next season is being filmed. Not confirmed, but actively in production.

    A good example is Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. I’m still mad about that ending, even more so with the next movie being delayed.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    810 hours ago

    Not quite a pet peeve, but close. The whole “We’re not in a (movie/show/game/whatever)!” type of dialogue.

    That, or cliffhangers that will never be resolved due to the show/movie either being cancelled, discontinued, whatever. Looking at you, Sliders season 5 ending!

  • @[email protected]
    59 hours ago

    Cutting or stabbing through full plate armor with a sword. Why would anyone wear an armor that is easily cut or stabbed through?!

    • @[email protected]
      34 hours ago

      A lot of that sort of armor is more designed to deflect hits off of it. If someone can get a solid hit in, it’s possible to cut through it.

      Which leads to another pet peeve of mine, which is armor that’s clearly designed in a way that it wouldn’t be good at deflecting hits. Particularly anything for women that has cups for the breasts.

    • @[email protected]
      17 hours ago

      In real life it’s more like going after a man sized can of tuna, with the bastard child of an axe, a hammer, and a crowbar.

  • @[email protected]
    1412 hours ago

    “The mentor/parent has to die so that the hero can prove they’re self-actualized” or whatever. It’s okay for your hero to have living parents, even if their parents are also heroes. I promise your story won’t be less interesting if your character’s mentor figure survives.

    • @[email protected]
      611 hours ago

      In my tabletop RPG campaigns I always make it a point for my characters to have at least one living parent, and usually two. These games are always so full of haunted orphans whose villages were burned to the ground or whatever.

  • @[email protected]
    1211 hours ago

    Nonsensical or thoroughly debunked technobabble. The most annoying for me is faster than light communication via quantum entangled particles. Yes entangled particles will change each other’s state faster than light but this effect CANNOT be used to send information of any kind. At all. Ever. This has been known since engagement was first discovered but Hollywood is always like “I’m just going to ignore that second part.” I don’t even have anything against ftl comms or any other physics breaking things, just use an explanation that isn’t literally impossible and well known why it’s impossible for God’s sake.

    • @[email protected]
      10 hours ago

      Better yet, don’t use an explanation at all!

      If you establish something as just being part of your setting that is accepted by the characters in it like it’s no big deal, you can just move on with the actual plot. If it’s not actually going to be relevant to anything plot wise, don’t waste time with useless technobabble!

      Slap a “Zephyr FTL Communications” logo on the side of the terminal and call it a day. The audience doesn’t always need to know how, just what. And show, don’t tell.

      You can have a character exposition dump about a piece of tech that should be as normal to the other characters as a telephone (so why would anyone talk about it existing casually outside of very specific circumstances), or just… have the character use the damn thing and add a little splash screen on the device “Thank you for using Cisco Intergalactic FTL calls”.

  • apotheotic (she/her)
    510 hours ago

    The fat funny character.

    The “I can fix them” love interest.

    Any situation that could have been resolved with any modicum of healthy communication.

    Superheroes that cause more damage to the place they’re trying to “save”.

  • @[email protected]
    1512 hours ago

    When there’s a breakfast table full of food but the protagonist is running late so they only take a bite of toast and then leaves.