• Todd BonzalezOP
    41 hour ago

    I see that this is still trending, and I didn’t know who the artist was who modified this when I posted it (read: I didn’t make this), but better late than never.

    The artist is Amanda Morley Miller.

  • @[email protected]
    71 hour ago

    This is bad and you should feel bad.

    How dare you take the most out of pocket and tone deaf comic and make it a heart breaking political piece?

  • @[email protected]
    143 hours ago

    I can’t believe how effective this is at tapping into our understanding of what’s supposed to happen in this meme and applying it to what’s actually happening in the real world. The title tells you what it’s going to be and even still the message hit hard out of left field. This is how you get a point across.

  • @[email protected]
    315 hours ago

    This was almost my Mom in 1980. She was bleeding out due to a complication from pregnancy. If the doctors hadn’t performed an emergency abortion she’d have died, and I’d never have lived. Abortions save lives.

  • @[email protected]
    3518 hours ago

    How the fuck will this reach people who believe the government is controlled by Jews who employ space lasers and drag queens?

    • @[email protected]
      73 hours ago

      Tell them less (fewer) abortions are exactly what the black trans community want the most.

      But honestly, just start throwing southern preachers who promote politics from the pulpit in prison, as dense and arrogant as they are, they’ll get the message eventually.

  • @[email protected]
    23 hours ago

    Oh fuck that’s good. Oh man, there needs to be a word to describe something like this. Where it’s brilliant but deeply upsetting troubling and realistic at the same time.

  • Kelly Aster 🏳️‍⚧️
    1951 day ago

    JFC this is horrifying and heartbreaking. But that’s the reality for women in Republican-ruled U.S. states, they are being denied health care. The cruelty is intentional.

  • Tony Bark
    481 day ago

    Pretty hard to “think of the children,” like Republicans keep demanding we do, when there are no children to give.

    • @[email protected]
      166 hours ago

      Jesus Christ, Lemmy Christofascists.

      FTFY. It’s not Lemmy’s fault that that’s what’s happening IRL!

    • @[email protected]
      681 day ago

      It’s actually spot on the reality of things. Women are dying now in red states from ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages.

      • @[email protected]
        217 hours ago

        The comparison for forced birthers is a fraction of a percent to the amount of abortions procured year to year. I hate it, but they’re at least somewhat logically consistent there. Still reduces the quality of life for those that survive forced pregnancies drastically and risks permanent bodily harm. That’s where the hypocrisy shows on how much they value life imo. Raise them to suffer cuz “it’s God’s plan.”

        • @[email protected]
          65 hours ago

          I feel like risks permanent bodily harm is putting it lightly because pregnancy changes your body permanently even if everything goes “right” not to mention changes your brain permanently.

      • @[email protected]
        151 day ago

        We all do/should. I don’t know if it has gotten worse or if I have just started to realize how bad it actually is but, this state sucks in a lot of ways.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        It looks like its something like 135 ish per year to 210 ish per year (its like 407 over a 3 year period) in texas with a dramatic increase in pregnancy-related fatalies among white and black women. Note that the avg increase over the same time nationwide is something like 11% (other states also implemented bans) so this is possibly wholly explainable with abortion bans.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hours ago

        Here’s an article with a graph. Given that the figures are measured per 100,000 live births, one would need to find how many births occurred in the state of Texas in the years graphed. I was able to find that exact figure for 2022 in a document from the CDC (on page 8) which comes out to 389,533. Since the overall Texas maternal mortality rate was about 28.5 per 100k births for that year (per the news article), the total number of mortalities would have been about 110.

        If you want I could go find the figure for earlier years as well, but this should serve as a general ballpark the numbers are in. Keep in mind that the maternal mortality rate only factors in live births, so does not include any pregnancy complications involving an unviable fetus.

        • @[email protected]
          3 hours ago

          Abortion is the treatment for miscarriage, hospitals in some US states (read: third-world hell-holes) are refusing to treat mothers miscarrying as their fascist overlords state government officials have fully banned all abortions. The hospital staff could literally go to jail for saving the life of a dying woman who’s pregnancy failed naturally. So you end up with situations like this where mothers just die in the parking lot of the hospital. I imagine they get to come in after that though, no more potential abortions and the morgue is probably right there in the basement! How convenient.

        • NutWrench
          15 hours ago

          I assume she’s telling him, “we can’t help you and you need to leave.”

          • @[email protected]
            139 minutes ago

            More like we couldn’t help her as she wasn’t dying hard enough and we asked her to leave and come back when she was properly almost dead.

        • Todd BonzalezOP
          1321 day ago

          The original Loss comic is about a miscarriage. The husband goes to the hospital, is directed to his wife’s room, and he has to cope with the loss of the pregnancy with his wife. The reason this 4-panel comic became a meme is largely because this was a departure from the previous tone of the webcomic it came from, and was used as a “fridging” trope, so people tend to make fun of it (but I digress).

          In a red state, the hospital would refuse treatment for a miscarriage out of fear of being criminally charged with performing an abortion for helping terminate a non-viable pregnancy. They would turn the patient away, and only intervene with the patient is bleeding out and dying, but by that point it’s usually too late.

          What is depicted in this comic is a real-world example of what happens to women in red states who suffer miscarriages. They are denied medical treatment, and have literally bled out and died in their cars in the parking lot because nobody would help them.

          1 in 5 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. A lot of women have died completely unnecessary deaths in red states since Roe v. Wade was struck down.

          • @[email protected]
            47 hours ago

            Thanks for the explanation. I thought there was another layer of meaning packed in I was missing.

          • @[email protected]
            231 day ago

            The proportion of pregnancies that end in miscarriage is MUCH higher than that. Many “pregnancies” (read: fertilized ova) don’t implant in the uterus or implant and fail to progress which ends up looking like a heavy period that’s a little late. Judging the start of “life” as fertilization is absolutely inane because of how many fertilized ova just don’t make it past 16 cells or so.

            • Todd BonzalezOP
              20 hours ago

              You’re describing “implantation failure”, which is definitely more common than 1 in 5, but it is also not considered a miscarriage and it virtually never results in a medical emergency. This is generally viewed as a failure to become pregnant, not a failure of a pregnancy.

              A miscarriage is when the embryo does implant, but the pregnancy fails. This include ectopic pregnancies where the embryo is able to implant and begin growing, but the implantation occurs outside of the ovaries (usually in the Fallopian Tubes). A miscarriage is almost always a medical emergency, especially an ectopic pregnancy.

              1 in 50 pregnancies are ectopic, and this is the most dangerous diagnosis you can have in a red state. The embryo remains “alive” and “healthy” (as far as the law is concerned), but it is doomed to miscarry since it is implanted outside of the ovaries uterus (and there is no real way to re-implant the embryo). But, because the embryo is still “alive”, red state policies treat the termination of an ectopic pregnancy as an illegal abortion, so doctors are forced to wait until it escalates into a medical emergency (which it 100% will), because treating it proactively before it becomes an emergency doesn’t pass the “medically necessary” requirements that Republican men with no understanding of female anatomy wrote into law.

              But again, waiting until a woman is bleeding out or going septic is waiting too late, so women die.

              • @[email protected]
                1022 hours ago

                Great write up but implantation in viable pregnancies should be occurring in the uterus, not the ovaries.

              • @[email protected]
                324 hours ago

                I was referring to the many instances in which the blastocyst does implant, but fails to grow past the initial stages of development. Progression to the point of differentiation of tissues is the hurdle that many fertilized ova fail to clear. Failure of implantation is still important to discuss in the political context given that there are so many people with an absolute absence of biology education that think that life begins at fertilization.

                • Todd BonzalezOP
                  923 hours ago

                  I would be interested in a source on this claim, because 20% is roughly the number I’m getting from multiple reputable sources.

                  Regardless, pregnancy complications when the embryo is still a blastocyst isn’t something that typically represents a medical emergency, so it’s not really what anyone is talking about in regards to women being denied lifesaving medical care.