So as you can see in the picture, I threw a party last year. AEW is a pro wrestling company, much like WWE. They had this big outdoor show at Wembley Stadium in London. Sold something like 80,000 tickets. We watched live on PPV.

It’s the first time I ever threw a wrestling watch party. I invited 4 people. I bought cheese, soft pretzels, bought chips/queso. I had vodka, whiskey, beer, and 3 different THC vape pens along with edible gummies. I also had coke (the soda), barqs root beer, and one of the special novelty mountain dew flavors.

I cooked chicken, and cut the cheese into cubes with individual toothpicks. I got out my good plates. And used the projector to make the screen 90 inches.

Only 2 people showed up. Nobody ate hardly anything. Nobody drank anything. Hardly anything was said. This picture was taken AFTER the party. We went through 1 bag of chips, and 1 1/2 jars of queso.

I literally could have just bought 1 bag of chips, 2 jars of queso, and saved $100 and 2 days of prep work.

I even had 2 different styles of BBQ sauce for the chicken.

Yes, it’s a year later, and I’m still mildly infuriated over it!

  • @[email protected]
    929 minutes ago

    There’s a tough lesson I learned about trying to get my friends into board games: It’s easier to turn gamers into your friends than it is to turn your friends into gamers. I’ve learned that some of my friends are never going to share my interests as much as I’d like, but that just means I needed to find people who were already in whatever hobby and start hanging out with them and some of them will eventually be your real friends.

    Making and keeping friends as an adult is way more difficult than it seems it should be, but it’s a painful reality.

  • @[email protected]
    101 hour ago

    Don’t be discouraged. This may not have worked out like you hoped and planned, but keep doing awesome things. Somebody will love you for it and you’ll have a lot of fun.

    • @[email protected]
      16 minutes ago

      Absolutely this. Can confirm from experience. I got it from my Ma, whenever family was hosting growing up she was doing the most. Flexing at every opportunity. Obviously good to play with a budget you wouldn’t mind burning so you don’t chew off too much, but keep being extra.

  • @[email protected]
    219 minutes ago

    Well now you don’t have to cook for a couple days. Also, my rule of thumb is that 50% of invitees ever show, and of those only 50% will participate fully (i.e. not leave early, show up really late, have already eaten, etc.). It’s good to have more stuff on hand in the freezer or pantry, in case that equation isn’t exact. Then, you can prep some quickly to meet demand.

  • Bo7a
    82 hours ago

    Can we please be friends? I’ll make sure those lovely snacks don’t go to waste. I can bring two grackles, a bluejay, and a couple of raccoons to fill out the party. Oh, and my wife!

  • FuglyDuck
    273 hours ago

    That’s…. A lot of chicken. Even for four peeps.

    I’m sorry you went to all that trouble, though.

    I’d drop a few recipes for what to do with it… but uhm, I hope that chicken is long gone by now, heh.

    Side note, you need better friends! Pro wrestling isn’t my jam, at least I’d hang out. Maybe shout insults at the heel or something.

    • humanplayer2
      63 hours ago

      Hang out, vape the THC, devour that chicken! OP, this is amazing hosting!

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      That’s a lot of chicken? I had to check the picture like 5 times to make sure I wasn’t missing something. That’s 12 wings for 4 people… 3 wings a person. I still feel like I’m missing something.

      • FuglyDuck
        21 hour ago

        Yeah. So for a watch party, people are going to be hitting the finger food, right? Grazing is how people eat at these kinds of things.

        Keep in mind recommended serving size would be 4-6 ounces- about one drumstick; but again, it’s kinda hard to graze a drumstick. That’s full on entree material. Two, if they’re small (these look large.)

        I’d suggest something like buffalo wings, set out in a crock pot or slow cooker, so they’re ready to be grazed on their terms. (If you do go for drumsticks, well, they’re gonna have to be kept warm. If you don’t have something like a giant slow cooker, or a catering warming pan, that means the oven, which means they’re liable to be over looked.)

  • chingadera
    83 hours ago

    Hey man, you still did a great thing. Don’t let that go to waste. You cared for people.

  • atro_city
    73 hours ago

    Has anybody done a reverse image search be sure this is real?

    • @[email protected]
      131 hour ago

      Making up a story for 37 people on Lemmy is way sadder than throwing a party with low turnout.

  • Cralder
    43 hours ago

    This is so strange to me. I hear stories like this all the time but I have hard time understanding who would not show up or not eat the food that was obviously for the party.

    Did they know there would be food beforehand? Could they have eaten before because they thought there wouldn’t be anything at the party? What about the other 2 people? Did they tell you they were not coming or did they say they were coming and then just didn’t show up? Did they say why they didn’t show up?

  • @[email protected]
    43 hours ago

    Some people simply don’t know how to be good friends. You really shouldn’t take it personal

    I’ve just had to learn my closest friends simply aren’t capable of providing emotional connection like I’d like. I’m working on becoming a better friend to them, meeting them where they are , trying to figure out how to provide for and validate my own emotional needs, so I can eventually work up the courage, or whatever it is I need, to meet friends that are more emotionally mature enough to have the real connections I’m looking for

    I once delayed a party where I had tons of family over because my friends hadn’t arrived. They didn’t get there until like 10 or something, after I’d already told them to just fuck off. The thing is, they are my friends and they legit care about me in their own (weird to me) ways. I’ve just come to realize they’ve got legit issues, as I do (part of why we’re drawn to being friends), that they’re working on to varying degrees, and I simply can’t expect more from them than they’re capable of giving

    Good luck finding a chill healthy tribe of folks that shares similar values to your own!

  • 𝔼𝕩𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕒
    7 hours ago

    That’s fucked up I’m sorry, I’d have eaten an entire plate of cheese hors d’vors myself and taken half that chicken with me afterwards. I’m not even into wrestling and I’d have come for that food.

    You’re a good friend for providing that for a watch party (on top of paying for ppv) and I’m sorry your friends don’t appreciate how well you maintain your half of the bridge. The least the 2 could have done is tried the cheese and chicken.

    Edit holy shit are those pre stuffed pretzel bites. Bro wtf is wrong with these people I’d have asked if anyone wanted any and eaten the entire plate. (I may or may not have portion control issues but seriously, they didnt touch any of that delicious looking food)

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 hours ago

      Yep, and they were locally sourced from a bakery. I think they cost about $25, and I put them in the convection oven at a low tempature. Not enough to cook them, but enough for them to be always warm, with melty cheese inside.

      Edit: oh, and that stack of 2 plates? It was 3 plates. I used a plate for the chicken, and cheeses. I also had a few beers, and some jack n cokes.

      The other 2 plates, their plates, you can see were unused. Everybody just ate chips off the orange serving platter.

  • Electric
    267 hours ago

    Shit that looks delicious but maybe they just weren’t hungry (could have eaten before). And I don’t mean to disrespect you but you did not have to do this much for watching a wrestling game. Though it does suck 2 people flaked.

    • @[email protected]
      196 hours ago

      Also, having been on the other side of such a situation: it’s not cool to pressure or guilt trip your guests. Either be hospitable and let them do whatever they want, or don’t invite them.

      If people aren’t hungry, then they aren’t hungry. Maybe they are on a diet, maybe they misunderstood OP’s intention and ate beforehand. Maybe they are recovering from something and don’t want to eat too much.

      And as for the two that did not showed up. It’s a good practice to reconfirm the night before. Sometimes people forget. Sometimes life gets in the way.

      If they did reconfirm and still didn’t show up and did not have a good excuse, then I would start looking for better friends.

      Hope OP has better success next time. I do understand that the situation sucks.

      But it’s also a situation that, in my opinion, is preventable.

      • Carighan Maconar
        75 hours ago

        And as for the two that did not showed up. It’s a good practice to reconfirm the night before. Sometimes people forget. Sometimes life gets in the way.

        It’s why for board gaming, nowadays we plan on this weird mix of snacks: Most is just bagged stuff so we can always not open bags, and the little fresh stuff that there is - usually one guy who loves to bake - is not done just for that evening, he makes a whole lot, brings some to board gaming and the rest goes to colleagues in the office.

        And if we know before hand that nobody has eaten but we all want a major meal, we’ll order something and in turn plan for even less snacks.

        • FuglyDuck
          23 hours ago

          For DnD night I’ll usually make stuff that’s good for leftovers.

          Speaking of… I need to go get stuff for chili.

    • @[email protected]
      156 hours ago

      So I have a friend that sounds a bit like OP.

      He plans some event and invites a few people (including myself). I said I already had plans, but would try and make it if my other plans ended early.

      Weekend comes around and he prepares a preposterous amount of food for everyone. Like enough to feed a family for an entire month.

      My other plans don’t end up ending early, so I wasn’t able to make it. He then sends me pics of all the food that hadn’t been eaten and does this little guilt trippy dance he always does: “my friends and I were really excited to have you join us, guess I gotta throw all this away now”

      Like bro…I never said I could go in the first place! And even if I was there, there is no WAY I’d be eating all that food lmao.

      I really don’t understand this behavior. It’s like they get a pleasure out of playing the victim constantly.

      Not saying this is you, OP. Just wanted to vent a little bit haha

      • Carighan Maconar
        56 hours ago

        I will add that while I don’t know OP’s friends that seems like a ridiculous amount of food for just 5 people, unless you know they’re skipping their main meal that day before. And you need to confirm that, something I learned with organizing board gaming. You can’t just assume people will be hungry/thirsty.

        It sounds silly, because we have this assumption that we should “just have enough stuff” (and being hungry right now, the stuff in the OP pic looks yummy!), but we’re also not throwing a kid’s birthday party, we can just ask and collectively organize and plan.

  • GodlessCommie
    177 hours ago

    I feel your pain, several years ago I made Thanksgiving dinner for about 15 friends, everything prepped the day before, and we had a hard ice that night, everything frozen over and no one showed

    • @[email protected]OP
      117 hours ago

      Ah, that sucks too. At least you can take solace in the knowledge that it was unsafe to drive. Still sucks, but it’s a bit less insulting. My thing was on a sunny August day.

      • subignition
        56 hours ago

        did you miss the part where the streets were frozen? they probably didn’t want to risk their lives for food

        • GodlessCommie
          124 minutes ago

          That’s what it was, they were frozen solid. It sucked but I wouldn’t have gone out there either. At least I had plenty to eat until it thawed outside