Named tropical storms and hurricanes, which have become more intense, have caused about 20,000 more deaths from 1988 to 2019

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      This is a tough one. Greed corrupts all whether rich or poor. You are probably thinking of the top 5-10 richest people in your comment like the bezos, musk, Zuckerberg right? At their stage greed for wealth likely is no longer a motivator. Power and reputation is more important even at the cost of capital. The greediest insatiable scumbags are likely poor or still trying to rise up in equity. Most fail anyways, so I’m not sure at which point in wealth do you call the cops and put them in rehab as you are suggesting.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        A hundred million sounds ok as a start. Not the top 5 people, far more would need to be brought back down to earth.

        You might say “how would that allow investment in large projects?”

        To which I would say that would mean one would have to include more people in the initial ownership/investment of a large project, which would be better than incentivizing lone lunatics with god complexes creating little empires.

        Also, police don’t have to come to their door, the IRS can just take the excess money like they garnish the wages of regular folk. They could easily do that with stocks or other placeholders for capital if we empowered and funded them to do so.

        And if a US citizen decides to expatriate rather than pay back the system that facilitated their success to begin with, we can put them on a list and deny them access to our markets. Good riddance to proven bad actors.

        We could fund investigation and oversight, we just dont. We could make a leaps and bounds more equitable system that doesn’t leave our worst off out in the cold as we do by design as a threat to the peasants. It’s disingenuous though to claim in a world where thousandths of a penny are tracked globally in capital markets to claim that we can’t, we just won’t.

        But OMG, capping net worth at 100 mill and tying it to inflation? No one will want to work or invent or excel with only the potential to earn 99.9 million dollars in their life! No one would get out of bed amirite?

        Literally any game with an economy, especially with other players, has to add drains to the economy, or it would break the game. The US even used to have something closer to that prior to Reagan giving the store away to his rich buddies when he wasn’t shaming poor mothers and incarcerating people suffering addiction.

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Oh look everybody, now even the weather is RaCiSt!1!!

    Along with math and tests and air and apparently everything else.

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      111 months ago

      I love when people just openly admit to not having read the article by spewing hot takes like this.

  • FiveMacs
    -311 months ago

    The heck does race have to do with mother nature being pissed off at humans for killing the earth

    • Flying Squid
      1011 months ago

      Race has to do with where people are forced to live, at least in the U.S. Are you really not aware of that?

      • superkret
        1111 months ago

        Also has to do with socio-economic status, which determines if you are inside a brick house during a storm or on the street, in a truck or on a bicycle, working from home due to the forecast or forced to man your shift at the Waffle House.

        • hh93
          311 months ago

          Or if you have a the ability to easily leave the area completely

    • @SquishyPandaDev
      411 months ago

      Dude where the fuck were you when Katrina hit. New Orleans was left to rot because it is a black city.