The nearest abortion clinic – in Chicago – was too far away and too expensive for her mother to provide her with the procedure

  • Archmage Azor
    13410 months ago

    Of course, now that the baby is out the pro-lifers say that they can both go die in a ditch

  • @[email protected]
    12410 months ago

    This is what Republicans want for all of us.

    If Republicans win the next election, they will institute a national abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest.

    If you want to stop this, the only way to do so is to vote for Biden. I really hope people understand this.

    • @[email protected]
      5310 months ago

      What it’s going to take is to vote in Biden, then whoever the Democrats run in 2028, 2032, 2036. Until enough of the Republican justices die in office that actual jurists can replace them.

      • DessertStorms
        -710 months ago

        It’s not even a way to stop them.
        Biden has literally been president during this whole Roe v Wade overturning.
        It’s so exhausting to see libs walk this line so close to being actual progressives, but not, all for their precious capitalism.
        You’re never going to beat the system by playing within the rules it’s set you, the house always wins.

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            He could have pushed to have it codified.

            He could have also pushed student loan forgiveness for all borrowers instead of the bullshit means testing that got it shut down.

            • @[email protected]
              2210 months ago

              Without 60 votes in the Senate, shit, without 50, it codification of abortion rights wasn’t happening. And he did push loan forgiveness, the Supreme Court shut that down.

              • @[email protected]
                -1410 months ago

                It got shut down because of the means testing he included. If he hadn’t excluded some borrowers it would have gone through.

                • @[email protected]
                  1710 months ago

                  Nope, it got shut down because the court ruled that it amounted to the executive appropriating money. Means testing is constitutional.

            • prole
              1410 months ago

              It wasn’t the means testing that shut it down, if anything it wouldn’t have made it as far as it did without the means testing. As it is, people were already complaining that it was a giveaway to wealthy folks who don’t need it. Take away the income limit and it would have less than zero chance of succeeding.

              The president has very little power over legislative decisions. Yes, he could have used the bully pulpit to advocate for abortion legislation, but it would have accomplished nothing.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Why can’t Biden do something to safeguard abortion in his current term?

      If he can’t do something on his current term, why will he be able to do something on his next one?

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Voting is good, yes.

      So is protesting. We must use all the tools at our disposal, provided they are used to protect and support the most marginalized of our communities.

  • @[email protected]
    9910 months ago

    And the nurse’s comment on finding a 13 yr old pregnant? “What have you been doing?” For fucks sake, I hate the world.

    • @[email protected]
      7110 months ago

      Ah yes let’s slut shame the 13 year olds instead of doing our due diligence as mandated reporters. Smh.

  • Maiznieks
    9810 months ago

    Is this what they want? Ruined lives? Fucking idiots.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Yes, actually. Conservatism flourishes most when people are suffering, unhealthy and impoverished.

      It is a plague in desperate need of a cure.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        The poor are supposed to be punished via all sorts or laws that keep them poor, for the “crime” of being poor.

        Kinda reminds me how in my country - Portugal - during the Fascist Dictatorship abortion was illegal but the daughters of the wealthy (and you could only be wealthy if part of the regime, so these were the very same people who made the laws) could just go next door to Spain to get an abortion whilst the rest (almost all of them, as there was crushing poverty in the country back then) couldn’t afford to.

        Whilst the outright Evil of the people passing this kind of law is bad, it’s the hypocrisy that really makes it trully disgusting.

    • @[email protected]
      4210 months ago

      It’s literally what they want. You think that girl’s going to stand up for herself at work when she’s got a kid at home?

      • ColorcodedResistor
        2310 months ago

        well shit. you nailed it, i was that kid at home and my mother beat the shit out of me to vent her frustrations from the apathy work gave her. what’s worse than being abused. seeing those around you foster that abuse because, lol single mother = prey.

    • ZILtoid1991
      10 months ago

      In theory, they want the girl to give up the baby for adoption.

      In practice, they instead often end up being shamed to keep it, and so on, and so on…

  • @[email protected]
    7910 months ago

    An abortion is not something you should need to be able to afford. It’s not a luxury, it’s a (often necessary) medical procedure. So fucked up, all of this. I hope the family can achieve some semblance of happiness some day

    • Jannis
      4910 months ago

      Wouldn’t they like to marry the girl to her rapist, because sex outside of marriage is a sin or something?

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        Not in a monogamous society. Rapists don’t want to get tied down to only a single child wife. Also, there’s no dowry in our society for the rapist to take the burden of raising the girl off the parents’ hands.

  • @[email protected]
    4610 months ago

    This is just completely disgusting. When everyone failed her the law wasn’t even on her side. Say what you want about abortions in general, but the audacity that people have to make getting abortions under rape or complications political is just disgusting. My heart truly goes out to this little girl, and her family, but especially the little girl. I can’t imagine the amount of life altering trauma she has gone through, and how this is going to affect her for the rest of her life. This shouldn’t happen to anyone. What the fuck is wrong with people.

  • @[email protected]
    4010 months ago

    Wow that is some serious bullshit right there. For the rest of this girls life she is going to have to share custody with the man that raped her.

    • stopthatgirl7
      10 months ago

      They don’t know who it was. It was a complete stranger who raped her when she was playing in her yard. The police haven’t even investigated. He’d have to come forward first.

      • @[email protected]
        2610 months ago

        It’s not a middle eastern thing, It stems from people in power who don’t see women as having any value, except as house slaves/property. Those people try to justify their ideas by pointing to old texts, where other similar minded people have snuck in the notions of women as property or of less value than men.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            That’s what it has become, but I don’t think any of the old religions was founded on the oppression of women, but people in power have conveniently added that sort of thing, when religion became a tool of power

            • @[email protected]
              210 months ago

              Religion was invented as a tool of power, whether used for good or bad. Don’t eat “unclean” animals because they make people sick or kill you. That message apparently didn’t work as well as “God says no”.

      • @[email protected]
        2410 months ago

        So you see a story about sexual violence in Mississippi and your first thought is “I bet a Muslim did this.”

        Makes total sense; the good ol’ Christian boys in Missisip are beyond suspicion.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          I guess sarcasm doesn’t translate well over text, even in a case that I thought was clear.

          The anti-abortion laws in much of the US are a pretty extreme measure to control women. The area of the world that practices the most extreme control of women is the middle east. The link between the two besides that is religious extremism, regardless of religion.

          The people most afraid of “sharia law” are the ones passing sharia laws.

          At no point did I intend to blame Muslims for Christians doing the exact same shit. My point was the hypocrisy of those American Christians and the direction they seem intent on pursuing.

      • @[email protected]
        1410 months ago

        In Saudi Arabia she would been allowed an abortion. Saudi Arabia is literally more progressive in this area than Mississippi.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Look at that. Using Islamophobia as an excuse to be racist against several large people groups/ cultures. Such enlightenment.

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          No, my thought is that it sounds like religious extremism. And the principles of y’all Qaeda aren’t much different from the terrorists they claim to hate.

    • @[email protected]
      4010 months ago

      This is literally what they wanted, of course it’s worth it.

      They think they haven’t gone far enough yet, not that the price to pay is too high. Not like they’re paying the price themselves, and they’re incapable of feeling empathy for people like this girl who are affected by their psychopathic legislation. If they themselves or anyone in their immediate family needs an abortion, they’ll go get one somewhere else because they’re good people and they have a good reason for it, unlike all those woke socialist Nazi sluts

    • Cyborganism
      710 months ago

      As if she was their problem.

      They only want control over her. The rest ain’t their problem.

  • @[email protected]
    2810 months ago

    To understand why this is happening, you have to go back in history to the end of the slave trade. When the ability to kidnap people from Africa and bring them back to enslave them was legally ended, the white enslavers realized that the only way they could keep slavery going was to force people to breed more slaves. Google that history. It is utterly abhorrent but necessary to understand where the Republican Party is coming from today.

    Since the end of slavery, a certain contingent in the U.S. has never gotten over the fact that they couldn’t legally have a sub-class of citizens that they could use for free or nearly-free labor. So they kept trying to find other ways to keep people oppressed, and they expanded that oppression beyond just black people and to any of the “less desirable” groups. Think not just Black people, but also Irish, immigrants, Appalachia. They pit these groups against one another because divided people are easier to control. But the goal is the same - have large groups of people poor for generations who have no other option but to work for slave wages and keep the people at the top very, very rich.

    Slavery in the U.S. was a huge economic force, one that a certain contingent (the very wealthy) never got over losing. The next best thing was to create whole groups of people who are desperate enough to work for almost nothing. That’s what we have in this country now. And it works best if those people are constantly putting out more children. That keeps them even more stuck and more desperate, and it keeps a steady supply of cheap labor coming.

    It’s no coincidence that they want abortion ended but also want to ensure those same people are continually subjected to sub-standard education, that those same people are “allowed” to send their kids to work (defeating years of progress through child labor laws), that those people are also unable to access higher education, government benefits, or virtually anything that could potentially make their lives better.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Slavery in the U.S. was a huge economic force, one that a certain contingent (the very wealthy) never got over losing. The next best thing was to create whole groups of people who are desperate enough to work for almost nothing. That’s what we have in this country now. And it works best if those people are constantly putting out more children. That keeps them even more stuck and more desperate, and it keeps a steady supply of cheap labor coming.

      In my experience the only difference between a certain kind of right-wing “libertarian” person and a slavery apologist is just the amount of time you’ve spent arguing with them. Their arguments (pro-child marriage, anti-abortion, anti-minimum wage) end up converging at “well, in some cases it’s /more/ expensive to provide people room and board than it would be to pay them in cash”.