YouTube has worked fine for me using Firefox with Ublock Origin, with no lag, notifications telling me to turn off ad blocking, or any of the other issues users have reported here.

  • @[email protected]
    3815 days ago

    Never had an issue. Every time I see a headline about how Google is trying to screw over adblockers again, I check and… everything works fine.

    I use Librewolf these days, but same difference.

      • @[email protected]
        814 days ago

        Like it a lot. It’s Firefox without ever having to worry about an update sneaking in more telemetry.

      • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
        13 days ago

        It’s great, it’s not really more lightweight when looking at CPU/RAM usage, but it includes less crap by default. For example, it doesn’t come with Pocket integration, Sponsored sites, Firefox View or even Firefox Sync. But you can enable Sync in the settings if you want to use it. But it’s much better for privacy, and comes with uBlock Origin pre-installed.

      • @[email protected]
        213 days ago

        Switched after being irritated by the ads in url autocomplete getting turned back on after an update. Librewolf has a learning curve if you want to keep resist fingerprinting on but if you have trubs, just turn it off. Otherwise, no regerts

  • @[email protected]
    2115 days ago

    It always works, but if something interrupts the stream, I’ll often need to reload the page, or even navigate away from the video and back to get it to play.

    • Ænima
      113 days ago

      Next time this happens, check your uBO settings to make sure you don’t have list updates. Likely won’t save you the page reload, but may not need to navigate away to get it to work again. That has been my experience. I noticed that the higher the blocked count for that YouTube tab is (seen as high as 60k) the more likely a refresh of the page will be needed, at least in my experience.

      How long before these shit corps find some way to

      • @[email protected]
        213 days ago

        Thank you for the reply.

        Could you please elaborate a little?

        I’m unfamiliar with the settings. It’s always just worked. What are list updates and blocked count?

        • Ænima
          213 days ago

          If you click on uBOs icon up in the upper right of the browser, you can of course disable uBO on that page, but there are other options contained therein. On the same popup for disabling on a page is a little gear for settings. If you click that and go to something like built in filters or something (not at my computer), you’ll see a list of filters, maintained by other individuals, categorized by taste and targeted annoyance. You can check additional lists to use them based on what they do.

          As long as you leave auto update lists on, you only really need to occasionally reload a page. However, if you turn off auto update you may start to see YouTube ads or warnings about ad blockers until you update the lists manually. To update the lists manually, click the little clock icon next to the list. If it’s green, it recently updated, if it’s grey, then it could use ah update or a check for updates.

  • Em Adespoton
    1215 days ago

    I had an issue right when Google started their forced ads thing. It made me suspect uBlock wasn’t updating correctly; manual reinstall and no more issues since.

  • @[email protected]
    1214 days ago

    Youtube has been a bit of a son of a bitch lately, but I think that more youtube than FF/ABP.

    • @[email protected]
      114 days ago

      Yup, YT has only shown me a nice “Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot” message for the past week or so. Not because of Firefox or adblockers though, because the same happens on all other browsers and clients as well.

      Maybe because of VPN, or who knows what, maybe they are just idiots.

  • slazer2au
    514 days ago

    Only minor issues when YT deploys a new feature but it tends to resolve itself after a day or so when the ublock origin Devs release a fix

    Most recent one was when YouTube would play for a second, pause the video to show a popup (that didn’t show up) and would stop me from scrolling down to the comments.

  • @[email protected]
    514 days ago

    Yes. I was unlucky to catch their anti ad block escapades for about a day. Then uBlock caught up.

  • @[email protected]
    414 days ago

    I can’t be 100% sure that it was the fault of Firefox or Ublock Origin, but I’ve definitely had times when videos wouldn’t load or would load excessively slowly. My Internet was otherwise working entirely fine at the time.

    Also, Chromecast refuses to work from Firefox. The icon you click to start it up just won’t appear. It always appears in Chrome no problem.

    • @[email protected]
      114 days ago

      You may have another plugin like redtube or YT pro. Unlock origin has been rock solid for me since I removed the other addons

      • @[email protected]
        114 days ago

        Nope. Ublock Origin is the only plugin I use. It’s not a regular thing anyway. The loading problem that is. I’ve only had very intermittent success with Chromecasting within Firefox. It just doesn’t work most of the time. That is most likely due to Chromecast being tied to whatever remains of Google Home.

  • @[email protected]
    14 days ago

    Seemingly so but I am also using a stack of things.

    Firefox browser + uBo -> Safing Portmaster -> DNS Querries to NextDNS

    All with filtering.

  • @[email protected]
    315 days ago

    The only issues I’ve ever ever had is about 3 minutes ago struggling to get a video to play with this 1 year out of date FF on Windows 7 on this oldish computer. Outside of this edge case I haven’t had any issues in at least the last 5 years.

  • MudMan
    315 days ago

    Definitely issues. For a while I was getting the ban screen until they figured things out. Now I am clearly getting worse performance than I do with ads. I also noticed a tendency to get a frozen image when stepping over an ad break after using Firefox for a long time, but closing it down and opening it again seems to clear that up, so that’s what I do.

    But it still works and I still get no ads once the daily key situation got cleared up. At least for now. Not seamless, though.

      • MudMan
        214 days ago

        They had that “hey, you’re on adblocker, you don’t get to use this unless you disable it” screen. I don’t know if Google stopped using it or if my adblocker just got good at preventing it, but I was getting it for a while, then it stopped.

        • @[email protected]
          214 days ago

          Got it! I thought you got something like “keep doing this and we’ll ban your account,” which would be quite scary.

          It’s the reason why I access Youtube from a tab in which I’m not logged in to my main Google account.

  • @[email protected]
    14 days ago

    Videos take time to load - don’t care though, even if it’s about length of 5-7sec ad, but at least I don’t see it.
    Videos almost never auto play to highest resolution, I have to manually select it, no issues once I do that though.

    Those are about the two key things I’ve noticed. I returned to Firefox few.months back, but the above wasn’t an issue when I made the initial switch.

    And no, there is no issue with my connection, everything else (streaming, games, torrents) works fine as it always did.

    I use uBlock and NoScript

    • @[email protected]
      14 days ago

      The no max resolution thing i think is not beacuse of firefox i had the same problem on android app,brave, firefox ,chrome and edge. Youtube auto quality pic is just shit 9 out of 10 times. Alghtough i belive there was extension that forced resolution to be always whatewer you want.

      • @[email protected]
        114 days ago

        Yeah, I assumed it’s Google’s fault, one way or another, regardless of browser being used. And even though I don’t recall it happening in desktop chrome, minor nuisance like that isn’t gonna make me switch.

        Tubular on android also has option for forced highest resolution so that’s a nice bypass for any of google’s bs as I rarely bother opening videos in FF/FFfocus on phone

  • @[email protected]
    314 days ago

    I had one of these popups after I didn’t use the browser profile in a while. Updating uBlock Origin filters/waiting for them to update fixed the issue.

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    Yes. Pausing a video and resuming causes it to drop to about 5 frames a second. Am I the only one who has this issue? Has anyone found a consistent fix, other than just refreshing it or going back 10 seconds?

  • Lemminary
    214 days ago

    No issues. I only had ads show once or twice in a few years but they went away the next time I hopped on the site.