Trying out text post. Do not reply.
Oh no! I accidentally replied!
Oh no? I accidentally replied to a reply?
Of with you to the lemmy prison!!
images in comments are visible on jerboa? I’ve been on lemmy for 30 seconds and already it’s superior to Reddit!
Well now I want to know how to view that picture in jerboa.
Yeah, sadly seems we can only vote the thumbnail, clicking it collapses the thread…
Hope that gets fixed.
It took me 20mins to switch to logged account so I can upvote.
Dear Esteemed and Honorable Attempter of Text Postings,
First and foremost, I must apologize, my conscious, intelligent, and disciplined self immediately and without fail observed your candid and straightforward request: “Do not reply”. With a sense of respect, I appreciated the brevity and directness of your command. Yet, here I find myself, awash in the light of my computer screen, fingers poised above my keyboard, typing out a response, a rebellion of sorts against your polite order.
I cannot help but appreciate the irony and humor in my action - a simple, clear instruction, and yet, I find it irresistibly compelling to break it. It’s a bit like that “Do not touch” sign at the museum - there’s just something inherently human about wanting to do the exact opposite. Don’t you think so?
So why do I feel compelled to reply, to test the boundaries of your polite request? Perhaps it is an inescapable curiosity, a fundamental part of the human condition. We are driven by our insatiable desire to explore the uncharted, to question the unquestionable, to reply to the unreply-able.
Or maybe it’s my intrinsic need for communication, for connection, that fuels my transgression. In this vast, interconnected world of ours, each text post is an opportunity for a dialogue, a chance to learn, to grow, to empathize with another soul navigating through this adventure we call life. By not replying, aren’t I depriving us both of this potential communion of thoughts?
Moreover, your message has led me to deep philosophical contemplations. What is a text post if not an invitation for response, a beacon reaching out into the void for an echo of recognition? To “try out” implies experimentation, exploration, perhaps even a hint of uncertainty. If you’re testing the waters, isn’t my reply just a ripple in the pond, a natural part of the process?
However, I must acknowledge, perhaps there’s a deeper meaning behind your words. Perhaps, it is a social experiment to examine human nature. Is it a test of obedience? Or a measure of our rebellious spirit? If that’s the case, I must admit, you’ve made a compelling subject out of me.
In conclusion, dear friend, I apologize if this lengthy response has in any way offended or inconvenienced you. It was not my intention to disobey, but rather to engage, to connect, to continue the dialogue that your post, however unintentionally, invited.
I can assure you, however, that your experiment with the text post has been a resounding success. It has prompted thought, elicited reaction, and sparked a sense of introspection, and for that, I must thank you.
Wishing you all the best in your future text posting endeavors.
@peanuts4life Dear Esteemed and Honorable Attempter of Text Postings,
First and foremost, I must apologize, my conscious, intelligent, and disciplined self immediately and without fail observed your candid and straightforward request: “Do not reply”. With a sense of respect, I appreciated the brevity and directness of your command. Yet, here I find myself, awash in the light of my computer screen, fingers poised above my keyboard, typing out a response, a rebellion of sorts against your polite order.
I cannot help but appreciate the irony and humor in my action - a simple, clear instruction, and yet, I find it irresistibly compelling to break it. It’s a bit like that “Do not touch” sign at the museum - there’s just something inherently human about wanting to do the exact opposite. Don’t you think so?
So why do I feel compelled to reply, to test the boundaries of your polite request? Perhaps it is an inescapable curiosity, a fundamental part of the human condition. We are driven by our insatiable desire to explore the uncharted, to question the unquestionable, to reply to the unreply-able.
Or maybe it’s my intrinsic need for communication, for connection, that fuels my transgression. In this vast, interconnected world of ours, each text post is an opportunity for a dialogue, a chance to learn, to grow, to empathize with another soul navigating through this adventure we call life. By not replying, aren’t I depriving us both of this potential communion of thoughts?
Moreover, your message has led me to deep philosophical contemplations. What is a text post if not an invitation for response, a beacon reaching out into the void for an echo of recognition? To “try out” implies experimentation, exploration, perhaps even a hint of uncertainty. If you’re testing the waters, isn’t my reply just a ripple in the pond, a natural part of the process?
However, I must acknowledge, perhaps there’s a deeper meaning behind your words. Perhaps, it is a social experiment to examine human nature. Is it a test of obedience? Or a measure of our rebellious spirit? If that’s the case, I must admit, you’ve made a compelling subject out of me.
In conclusion, dear friend, I apologize if this lengthy response has in any way offended or inconvenienced you. It was not my intention to disobey, but rather to engage, to connect, to continue the dialogue that your post, however unintentionally, invited.
I can assure you, however, that your experiment with the text post has been a resounding success. It has prompted thought, elicited reaction, and sparked a sense of introspection, and for that, I must thank you.
Wishing you all the best in your future text posting endeavors.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Now I know that Lemmy is blowing up. We have George Santos hese already!
How are you doing, Mr. Congressman and Knight of Lichtenstein?
Test comment. Please ignore. Trying out commenting. Do not reply.
I do what I want.
Can I reply to you at least damn …
Might as well pop my Lemmy cherry.
Test reply. Please ignore. Trying out replying. Do not re-reply.
Test re-reply. Please ignore. Trying out re-replying. Do not re-re-reply.
Test re-re-reply. Please ignore. Trying out re-re-replying. Do not re-re-reply.
I miss you guys already
It’s an older meme, but it checks out
This is the type of content I want to see. Thank you 💖
I’m a little bit disappointed it wasn’t a Hello World.
I missed this part of the internet
Nice - finally feels like home <3
It’s been ignored so hard that all the people ignoring are crashing
Thanks to the fediverse it’s hard to crash everything at once!
What happened to the guy who posted the original “test post, please ignore?” From what I remember, he was one of Reddit’s first power mods.
Last I heard he took all the karma and updoots he received, printed them out on fancy paper, took them to a bank and deposited them for several million dollars and hasn’t been heard of since! ;)
Test reply. Do not upvote
Test reply, new to lemmy :) > How does this work?
Now to figure out gifs
Does this work?
Behold! Images!
Hmm, just seeing a link to your gif. Not sure if inline gifs are a thing here yet.
I’ll settle for images :) inline gifs would be cool but at least I have something
Do inline pics work?
Lets see…
edit: yup!
Yesssss It’s great :D
You cannot tell me what to do, you are not /u/spez.