Just in case you thought this was only a Florida problem.

  • @[email protected]
    15311 months ago

    It’d be a real shame if all the students who aren’t on board with the intent of that law were to request a different name/pronoun at every opportunity to tie up school personnel with notification paperwork (since HB 1608 Full text, PDF specifies that the notification is to be done in writing). Certainly hope they don’t do that or administrators might start complaining to elected officials.

      • @[email protected]
        4811 months ago

        “I feel like a ‘Dickhead’ today. Can you please process the formal request for that to be my nickname?”

    • @[email protected]
      2611 months ago

      Crippling public schools with meaningless busu work is a happy side affect for the people that came up with these laws. There has been a GOP led war on oublic education for the past 30 years

    • @[email protected]
      1811 months ago

      You think administrators are going to be doing this? That’s cute. It would be making teachers’ lives horrible. Republicans would be thanking you for driving them insane, making their lives worse, and making them think about quitting so they can continue to take public education funding for private charter schools.

      • @[email protected]
        1511 months ago

        I think there are ways to make shit roll uphill and teenagers are relentless when they find a way to make somebody else miserable.

  • LemmyLefty
    11111 months ago

    So here’s what we do: we start a TikTok challenge. “Nickname November” or something like that, where you use a different name every day of the month for maximum confusion. Get a couple classes doing it, especially if there are any trans kids in the school, and you can see how far you can stress the system.

    For the schools that require physical signatures, that’ll piss people off right quick. For the ones that just use an automated email and call it a day, toss in a twist: have each student loudly announce their new name at the start of every class, AA style. Heck, get the school announcer in on it. “Chess club on Wednesday has been cancelled, and Squidward Jones is now going by Jackie McJackson Johnstone.”

    They want a ridiculous law to be followed? Okay, here you go.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I’m with this in spirit but I don’t think I’d encourage that unless I knew one of my kids teachers was lgbtq-phobic. This will be a lot of hassle for a lot of teachers that couldn’t give two shits about nicknames and pronouns. Driving them to quit won’t change any policies except for policies that push kids into private and charter schools.

      • @[email protected]
        4211 months ago

        If I were a teacher, I’d rather my students did something maliciously compliant than just go along with this idiot policy in silence. Kids have to learn to stand up for what’s right sometime, you know? I want the next generation to know that sometimes, authority really, really needs to be questioned.

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        Any respectable teacher will recognize what the students are doing and support it regardless of any added hassle. As a matter of fact, the teachers supporting the students can use this in support by showing the immense waste of time the R-Small-Government bureaucracy is causing, resulting in less time available to actually teach. A proper protest must disrupt.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        I think this assumes that most teachers are otherwise fine and want to go along with it, and also only view themselves as there to transmit data, rather than as role models and sources of love and support for a child.

  • @[email protected]
    9011 months ago

    I live in Indiana…I had to sign a form yesterday allowing teachers to call my son Ben instead of Benjamin. Otherwise it would literally be illegal. Fuck these fascists…

    • dtc
      2311 months ago

      Wow government so small it fits in your pocket, so convenient!

      Sorry you have to deal with that bs

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        Barely an inconvenience for me, I’m enraged for the teachers and students who are being placed in a police state by the republicans. I feel it’s very important for kids to be able to confide in trustworthy adults like a teacher or therapist. They are required by law to report threats of violence or suicide…that’s good enough for me. Imagine if it was mandatory to report if a child discusses their gender or sexuality with you. Seems like that’s where we are headed and that is literally what the Taliban does. Johnny things he might be gay…Jane is having sex. Tell the parents so they can beat or kill them.

    • @[email protected]
      2711 months ago

      I guarantee there are equally bad conservatives in your country. Keep them very far away from the levers of power.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        they’ve been in power in one way or another since the 50s. mainstream left-wing politics in this country never really had a chance at any point since we became independent. Going back to the McCarthy days of Magsaysay in the 50s, to Martial Law under Marcos of the 70s, to the Post-Arroyo right-wing dominated politics we have today(23 out of the 24 senate seats are currently held by the conservative government, the House of Representatives isn’t any better). Some families have been in power in their regions for centuries.

        arguably the most leftist government we had was the post-EDSA C. Aquino Government, and even that was led by someone who was arguably part of the aristocracy, and even then her government suffered around 9 loyalist coups in 6 years until her government eventually shifted to the right.

    • @[email protected]
      2211 months ago

      I watched ‘Till’ last night (if you don’t know the story, Emmett Till was lynched when he visited his cousins in Mississippi in the '50s. The murderers were identified by multiple witnesses, but the local jury found them not guilty. Till was a 14 year old black kid whose infraction was telling a white lady she looked like a movie star, and then doing a dog-whistle).

      A lot of what was happening back then looks like what is happening to LGBT now. It’s wild. They’ll keep ramping it up, they aren’t anywhere near where they want to be and they have the power and support to make it happen.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Have you seen the Top Gear US South special where they drive from Miami to New Orleans? A bit old now, but still relevant.

  • @[email protected]
    5311 months ago

    A new Indiana law that requires parents to be notified of students’ name changes, including nicknames, has caused confusion and annoyance among some parents, while others are angry about the risk it places on transgender students.

    (Emphasis mine)

    Pretty sure that’s the point…

    • Flying SquidOP
      4111 months ago

      Oh it’s definitely the point, but the consequences go way beyond that because the idiots who wanted to be cruel to trans kids didn’t actually think anything through.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          I don’t think there’s additional cruelty. You can’t really compare the danger outing trans kids to the annoyance of requiring to report every mundane nickname a kid requests.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            It’s not a comparison, rather it’s a further illustration that it’s all about controlling what EVERYONE can or can’t do. If anything, if I was a kid in this state, I’d be requesting a new nickname every week, every day, even.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          Exactly. “Oh, this impacts kids who want to express some individuality rather than take the ABSOLUTE NAME that their PARENTS ASSIGNED THEM? Good.”

          They don’t want kids going to school and broadening their horizons, they don’t classrooms to be places where a kid can ask to be called “DJ” because they’re really into hip hop, they want classrooms to be centers of indoctrination to create good little workers. A law that makes the public school experience worse is a win for them.

  • @Zoboomafoo
    5211 months ago

    Sounds like a great way for these kids to learn about civil disobedience. Just file every day for a new name and clog the system to the point of uselessness

  • @[email protected]
    4811 months ago

    This is what “making america great again” looks like.

    Just stupid, idiotic stuff made up by boomers who couldn’t log on to anything without all the help in the world.

      • TechyDad
        1411 months ago

        And if the parents are supportive, then the government simply bans gender affirming care and labels it child abuse a far as the law is concerned. This way if parents are supportive of their trans kid, the government can lock the parents up in prison for child abuse and give the child to an appropriately intolerant foster family.

        After all, what’s better for a child? To be raised in a loving and accepting environment or to be beaten because they don’t conform to what conservatives declare to be “normal”?

          • TechyDad
            611 months ago

            I’d only add that conservatives have already shown their hand when it comes to trans people. At first, it was “we’re only restricting gender affirming care for kids because they need to become adults before they make such big decisions.” (Although conservatives didn’t seem to think that a raped 10 year old girl wasn’t too immature to carry a pregnancy to term.)

            Now, they’ve moved on to banning gender affirming care for adults as well. Their “we’re just protecting kids” talking points obviously don’t apply when the trans person is 30, so they’ve outright shifted to full blown anti-trans rhetoric instead of hiding behind the very thinly veiled “protect the kids.”

      • Flying SquidOP
        2411 months ago

        When did Democrats claim to be anti-regulation and pro-small government? Because that’s what Republicans claim while forever increasing government power.

        • @[email protected]
          -1411 months ago

          Like it or not, Republicans push for less business regulations, they’ve neutered the EPA at least some(as a moderate conservative I’m not necessarily in favor of that one but it’s reality) when given the chance,

          About the only things that democrats can pin this idea on the Republicans about is abortion and immigration.

          The Democrats forced the ACA, which is more regulation and bigger government. Republicans were the ones pushing back on vaccine mandates while Democrats pushed for them.

          So ya, I stand by my statement that the op statement is not some unique thing to the Republicans and I think stating that as if it is and then agreeing with it is an example of basing your opinions on feelings and propaganda, not facts and reality.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            No, Republicans have the government…

            • in my uterus
            • in children’s and adult’s bathrooms (trans)
            • filling paperwork for nicknames (trans)
            • preventing adults from being trans
            • preventing children from being trans
            • preventing children from learning the truth about their bodies
            • deciding any and every parent can demand a school do whatever they want
            • trying to make it a criminal offense for a librarian or bookseller to loan/sell a child a book called The Bluest Eyes about 1940’s racism
            • yes specifically that book

            How is any of that small government?

            As for your argument about the ACA, that was created as a bipartisan effort with tons of concessions by Democrats only for Republicans to vote no anyway.

            Sure, vaccine mandates. As if we don’t have those already and haven’t for at least a hundred years. That’s new and bigger government.

        • @[email protected]
          -811 months ago

          Are you suggesting the Democrats haven’t been about bigger government? Are you suggesting that bigger government means more freedom and less regulations? Like, this isn’t even all that debatable. I truly don’t think you understand the reality of, well, reality if you think this isn’t the case.

          Course, the far left is all about whats not reality and I bet that’s exactly the space you think in. Makes it easy to just spout off whatever nonsense sounds like fits your narrative about the other side and call it intelligent.

          Ever heard the idea that when you point at someone you’re pointing 3 fingers back at yourself?

          For the record, I’d level similar criticisms at the far right and it’s narratives as well.

      • @[email protected]
        -1011 months ago

        I guess the reality of what the Democratic party has been for the last, oh, 70-80 years at least is irrelevant if we’re trying to disparage the Republicans? Way to hive mind yourselves Lemmy…

        • @[email protected]
          611 months ago

          We get it, in a time no one today was alive to see, a Republican freed the slaves and Democrats hated blacks

          And 30 years ago Republicans weren’t big government big spenders but here we are. Let’s focus on today

  • @[email protected]
    3411 months ago

    We hate trans people so much, we’re adding “Brazil” levels of bureaucracy over something so benign as wanting to use your established nickname at school. I’m sure that’s worth everyone’s time.

    • I Cast Fist
      611 months ago

      Sorry, but you must provide a valid copy of your ID and proof of residence before you can complain about bureaucracy

  • @[email protected]
    3211 months ago

    I’d most certainly get a call from the school.

    "It says on this form that you want your child to go by Deez at school, can you explain?

    "Yeah Deez nuts, stop wasting time with this nonsense "

    • @[email protected]
      2211 months ago

      Sadly, it’s not the schools fault for the waste of time, it’s the fuckle-chucks in the legislature. Every single name change request should be routed to the dumbass that authored the bill, then to every other dumbass that voted in favor of it.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        I’m joking of course, but yeah that should be what happens. Worked in the school system and seen that “WTF are you serious?” look in school staff meetings hearing stupid stuff like this get implemented. I actually left because I had enough of dealing with these parents who make this happen and dealing with them was just too much.

        Emails, calls, people would come in, they were in the PTA, just always around harassing people over the most petty things. I can’t tell you how many grown adults I’ve seen meltdown in a school front office. The pay sucked, some of the parents were awful , but working with kids was awesome.

  • Xariphon
    11 months ago

    Shit like this happens when the people directly affected by it are prevented by law from voting to protect their own interests. It’s easy to target people who are routinely denied their right to remove your ass from office for it.

      • Xariphon
        2811 months ago

        There’s no stupid thing a kid could do in the voting booth that old people don’t already do regularly.

      • Flying SquidOP
        511 months ago

        When I was 7, in 1984, the school held a mock election. I voted for John Glenn because he was an astronaut and astronauts are cool. Jesse Jackson won because I don’t know why, but maybe lowering the voting age to 6 might not work out.

  • @[email protected]
    2911 months ago

    Admin: Sir, your child has submitted requests for nicknames for all the names in Mambo #5 and That’s Not My Name. It’s obvious they’re wasting resources.

    Me: 😭 So proud.