I have some friends my age still listening to the same bands they used to 20 years ago, complaining about how music today sounds all the same. However I discover something new almost every day and I’m not kidding.

It’s true that some of my discoveries are bands from decades before I was born, so they can’t be considered new, although they are new to me if that makes sense.

What about you? Still listening to the same tunes you used to listen to when you were a teenager?

  • @[email protected]M
    61 year ago

    I actively seek new music (and discover older music that I previously didn’t listen to, just like you described) but also have bands that I’ve been a fan of since I was a kid that I still listen to. I exclusively listened to 60s and 70s rock when I was growing up, Zeppelin and The Beatles are still two of my favorite bands, but I have definitely expanded my palette since then. I agree that the “music these days” take is a tired one; if your only source of new music is the hits radio, of course, it will all sound the same.

    I have this beef with people who say new country music sucks (or any genre for that matter) - sure there are bro-country singers that only sing about trucks and beer, but there are also insanely talented country musicians and songwriters out there right now.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Yeah! So many music available that it’s impossible to get bored. I am not the biggest Beatles fan, but I really cringe when somebody says they are not that good, they are still copied!

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I have this beef with people who say new country music sucks

      Aren’t the decent guys calling themselves “Americana” nowadays? Coulter Wall, Tyler Childers, etc? The pop-with-fiddles they play on Country radio is mostly terrible.

      • @[email protected]M
        01 year ago

        Honestly, I think most musicians don’t care about the categorization or genre labels. Country and Americana could be interchangeable for the most part, but Americana seems a little broader to me. Per your example, Childers has more of a bluegrass influence, while Wall has more of a cowboy/western country influence. Both of those genres are certainly under the country and americana umbrellas.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Fair enough. I feel like people (me) want to differentiate between “guy with a guitar on his porch” music and the highly produced big-stadium-show stuff. Bluegrass, folk, and outlaw country on one side vs top40 Country on the other.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Yes I definitely try and seek out new bands and sub-genres. Just the act of searching is fun.

    Also, Reign in Blood on repeat for 35 years

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Reign in Blood

      I see you are a man of culture. I’m not really into the thrash metal scene beyond some albums from Testament or Machine Head, but that album is amazing. What Rick Rubin achieved there was wonderful.

  • perezoso
    51 year ago

    I try to always listen to new stuff. 1001albumsgenerator.com is a great project for getting out of your comfort zone and discovering some missed gems. It can be a slog at times though.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      I linked it somewhere else in the thread. I’m finding there a lot of “new” stuff really interesting, even some of my favourites album are included here!

    • flux
      1 year ago

      I’ve been meeting up with some friends for five years going through the 1001 albums book. You’d be surprised How much to can identify items in modern music that trace back decades. I love finding albums I overlooked or some that I thought I knew better but never really sat down with the entire album. I also set up and /c/[email protected] if anyone what’s to discuss albums.

      • perezoso
        11 year ago

        Cool, I’ve got the generator running as a small group with a group chat alongside. Most weeks someone will also suggest an album outside of the generator for everyone to listen to and rate.

        If I can work out how to I’ll add that community!

  • bird
    41 year ago

    I am super into consuming new and contemporary music (mainly pop and R&B). I traditionally used a subreddit to follow all of the new releases, so I’ll have to see how to stay as current all things considered.

    My listening habits usually revolve around rotating the new stuff ad nauseam until all meaning and emotion is gone, then accepting more new music as it releases.

    I love looking at my yearly top 100 song playlists and shuffling them for some spice.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I still listen to everything I did 10 years ago, but I’ve added a lot of new music too since then. The rate I’ve been finding new music at has skyrocketed since I discovered bandcamp a few years ago.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Both honestly. There are plenty of bands that I used to listen to as a teenager that I still listen to now, both their old stuff and new stuff. I also have found new bands making new music and old bands making new music with a great back catalogue.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Not new bands but new to me. I managed to be a mild metalhead my whole life yet never listened to Iron Maiden. I started on their music a few months ago. I can’t believe I waited until I was in my forties to pick them up. Amazing guitar work and great vocals.

    • Monkeytennis
      1 year ago

      I rented their Live After Death from Lovefilm about 15 years ago, and that’s what got me into them. Couldn’t believe I’d written them off as an 80s band I wouldn’t like.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I mostly still listen to the same stuff I used to. Most of my favorite bands are still coming out with albums, so every time something new drops I get to add that into the mix. Occasionally I’ll add in a new song, whether I hear it in a videogame (my husband loves videogame music, so I’ve added some great tracks as a result) or the radio or with a friend, but I haven’t had a new artist grab me the way my favorites did once upon a time. In that way, I might just be resistant to change.

    I definitely don’t necessarily have the time to look for new stuff, so I usually stumble upon it. I don’t agree that all music today sounds the same - at least, not anymore “the same” than what was coming out ten years ago. Sure, some things within a genre might be similar, but I don’t think it’s any more “same-y” now than it used to be. If you’re finding new stuff you enjoy, past or present, I think that’s awesome.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Some internet radios can be great to find out new bands, but I agree with you: things can get a bit same-y if always listening to the same genre.

  • leem
    1 year ago

    I used to go out and purposefully look for new music from time to time. Lately I’ve just been playing Spotify radios of artists I like and finding new artists through that. They have a new feature on the mobile app that’s kinda like TikTok. You click on tropicalia or norm core or whatever and it plays you similarly tagged songs. After 10-20 songs, it recommends new related hashtags to try out.

    A good way to find new music if you’re into less popular stuff is to go by the label. If you like an artist, check out the labels they’ve released their albums on! chances are that you’ll find a few other artists you’ll like too.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Ive struggled a lot with getting into new music. Its just too easy to be in a comfortable loop of what you know and are used to, I guess.

    This year I’ve started a personal project where i listen to at least one unique album a day, normally 2 or 3. I’ve discovered so much music, both old stuff thats ‘new to me’, and recent releases. Its got me into a few genres that i never listened too, as well.

    Plus, theres so many bands that I ‘liked’ but had actually really only known the hits, like AC/DC for example, and its fun to actually listen through an album for once and get to know them better!

    So yeah thats for sure something I’d recommend if you have the time for it

    • @[email protected]OP
      31 year ago

      I’m doing something similar following this project https://1001albumsgenerator.com you don’t need to register with an email, although it helps. A new album is suggested everyday, and even if they are not they kind of music you usually like, I am sure you will be able to appreciate why it was included in the list.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Youtube has put me onto a lot of Australian stuff lately, such as Smoko (The Chats) and Hertz (Amyl and the Sniffers) as well as some more indie stuff like Wet Leg. I might just be old but these bands are all new to me and I love it.

  • culturerevolt
    31 year ago

    I actively seek out new bands or releases in my favorite genres, but I still absolutely listen to the same things as I did 10, or even 20, years ago.

  • flux
    1 year ago

    Don’t be too hard on your friends. This is actually scientifically proven. https://neurosciencenews.com/music-youth-17765/ You love the music that you “grew up with as you were forming an identity” You can always change but it is more work to create new memories and nostalgia based on different or “new” songs.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      Of course not 😅 I’m not judging them at all, I finished years ago that phase where I thought my music taste what better than theirs now I just know it is /s

  • ed
    31 year ago

    @[email protected] @[email protected] Why can’t it be both? Classic albums are classic for a reason, and there is a ton of new music to get into. I hope I don’t get into the rut of a fixed playlist, though most of my new music comes from online discovery, whereas it used to mates / social.

    Also nothing wrong with exploring the long tail of music history.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      Yeah both options are the best, I am not even able to pick one or the other. Actually, why would you do that? So many great music that’s it’s impossible to pick just one.

      I was opening the question due to some people saying music “it’s not the same anymore”, when they actually mean “I still listen to the same music I used to”. Nothing wrong with that either, but my point is there is still good music to be discovered.

  • Man Zonder Poespas
    21 year ago

    I still browse Rateyourmusic for new releases that seem interesting, but less and less seems interesting to me nowadays. Maybe that’s the first sign of me getting old…

    • @[email protected]OP
      31 year ago

      But I thought the first sign of getting old was making those noises when sitting down, etc.

      I have never used rateyourmusic to check new stuff, but it was mentioned before in the thread. Is it good?

      • Man Zonder Poespas
        21 year ago

        Yeah I regularly check the top albums of 2023 to see what’s popular now, maybe while filtering out some genres that I’m not super interested in, and on the forums people talk about some lesser known new releases too.

        Of course, the website is filled with slightly pretentious music nerds, but that’s exactly how I like it.