Konichiwa everyone! Kitsune-sama here! (⌒ω⌒)ノ

I am going to be moving the Rules over into this separate pinned post for Easy spotting at the top of the Community page.

Looking over the Rules on the Sidebar itself I am noticing it is long, it is wordy, and most people are not going to read it on the sidebar. Plus I think it is making people who are lurking and wanting to post feel intimidated.

So I will move the rules here and place quick rules in the sidebar to keep it short, simple and to the point with a link to the full rules for people to go over at their leisure instead. Also, I am re-arranging and modifying the Rules just a smidge.

In a weeks time I will remove this upper part and it will only show the rules itself. Just leaving this here for regulars to see and know that I am not removing the rules, just moving them.



#1: Please be respectful to everyone in this community. Everyone is human and everyone deserves respect. Disrespect to others will not be tolerated. So if you’re a bigot, racist, anti-furry or an actual chaser that harasasses femboys, do not bother joining. You will not be welcomed. ↑_(ΦwΦ)Ψ

#2: This is an 18+ Community. If you are over the age, you are welcome! If you are under the age of 18… Well… GET OUT!!! ((╬◣﹏◢))

#3: All Character depictions must be 18 years or older. Please do not post anything that looks younger than 18. This type of imagery is not allowed by Yiffit’s own instance rules and it is especially not good for this community. If you want to post any pictures of femboy yiff with characters obviously under the age of 18, please find another instance to post that on. (>﹏<)

#4: All artwork must contain at least one furry boy character that dresses and looks feminine. The scene can have boys that dress like boys and girls that dress like girls, and trans characters that dress however they identify, but it must have a furry boy that dresses and looks feminine. ( ̄︿ ̄)

#5: Your title must have besides a normal title, you must provide Artist name and Sex of the characters in the image.

  • If Their is only a male, it should be marked [M]
  • If their is a male and Female it should be marked [M/F]
  • If their is a male, a gynomorph, another male, an andromorph and a female, then it should be marked [M/G/M/A/F]
  • In the body of the post a Source must be included linking to where the image was found. This is non negotiable.

So your title must look like:

  • Title [Artist Name] [Sex] or

  • Title (Sex) [Artist Name]

Artists deserve credit for the time and effort they put into making the piece you want to share with the community, and people should know where you found the piece you intend to share. links to the Artists Profile, or links to the picture on the artists account is acceptable.

E621.net as a source is only acceptable in 2 cases, the artist posts exclusively to e621.net or the arts source is so old it has long since disappeared from the internet. So e621.net is the only source.

If your image does not meet either criteria to use e621.net as a source, you will be asked to edit the source of the image to a proper site and given 24 hours to fix, otherwise your post will be deleted and you will be given a warning. ( ̄ω ̄;)

#6: SFW Material is allowed and does not have to be marked NSFW. This means the image must contain no visible genitalia! And please do not alter the art to censor or hide the visible genitalia. ( ^▽^)っ✂╰⋃╯ 〣( ºΔº )〣 If the artist provides an NSFW version and an SFW version of the same image, it is recommended to share the NSFW version instead and link to the SFW version in the same post. NSFW content is still the same and must always be marked NSFW per the instance rules! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚

#7: Are you an artist? Do you draw furry femboys? Wonderful! you have full permission to self promote your own artwork to the community! Be sure to include [OC] in the title of any artwork that is your own! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

#8: Please, no IRL femboy pictures or fursuit pictures. I do understand some people want to see such images, but that can be made for another community. This community is specifically targeted towards hand drawn, 3d modeled, and animated content. Please respect this. ( ̄ヘ ̄)

#9: Actual femboys are 100% welcomed in this community! But they must adhere to both Rule #1 and Rule #2 if they want to be here. (≧ω≦)

#10: Please… Do everyone in the community a favor and leave the Spam in the kitchen. I know it is yummy and delicious, but it’s not fun on the internet and is considered a war crime to share in countries like Zamunda. So please, do everyone a favor and don’t leave spam in our community. (⌐■_■)