• @[email protected]
      2626 days ago

      Yeah, but benzos. And it he didn’t have to do it - in fact, no Western doctors would do it. He had to go to Russia to get doctors reckless enough to put him into a medically unnecessary coma.

    • @[email protected]
      1026 days ago

      I thought it was benzos, but it’s been so long since I’ve thought of this sham, so I might be off.

      • @[email protected]
        1026 days ago

        Might have very well been, but I’m not gonna look it up. My brother used to think he was an intellectual, and I had to shoot him down. Fuck this guy forever.

    • @[email protected]
      625 days ago

      Is this the guy that had to be put into a coma to overcome alcoholism?

      No, this is the guy that had himself put into a coma to overcome an addiction.

    • Mocking Moniker
      -226 days ago

      No, he was put into a coma to fight a very powerful anti anxiety drug. It was caused by malpractice. It was administered irresponsibly.

  • @[email protected]
    1826 days ago

    I’m very much not a conservative, nor am I too involved in politics, but I swear at the beginning what he was saying kinda made sense? I stopped “following” him a bit after that but from what I remember he wasn’t that bad at first. I hope at least, I was younger so I may remember only partially.

    • @[email protected]
      3526 days ago

      He was less insane in the early days, but it was mostly generic self-help stuff other than the occasional outburst against the liberal menace. “Clean your room, value yourself” sort of thing.

    • @[email protected]OP
      2426 days ago

      at the beginning what he was saying kinda made sense?

      He had to ease people in and build a following before he got to the really crazy and/or chauvinist and bigoted stuff.

      If he’d come right out and said what he REALLY meant immediately, his theories would never have been taken seriously by anyone.

      Which they of course still shouldn’t be.

    • @[email protected]
      1426 days ago

      Abuse of prescription drugs and an experimental detox and recovery seriously fucked up his brain.

      Like, on some level I feel bad for him. His wife was dying of cancer so he got a script from his doctor and then lost control and broke his brain.

      On the other hand though… Fuck him. His actions have caused and are still causing harm to people. He should have retired when he had the chance.

    • @[email protected]
      26 days ago

      Broken clocks are right twice a day too.

      Like a lot of his stuff about sucking it up, cleaning your room, getting small victories, and preaching to an ignored male demographic landed well. But if you dig deeper he’s not really selling anything a self help book wouldn’t, and a lot of his other points veer off into standard Conservative Christianity.

      And that’s before he started getting really weird with the carnivore, culture war, drug use, etc. nonsense

    • @[email protected]OP
      725 days ago

      Yeah, conservatives sometimes do that. The “classic liberals” they’re referring to are liberals by 1700s (if not 1600s) standards.

      So basically progressive enough to be against flogging their slaves in front of guests or punishing loitering with deportation to Australia.

  • @[email protected]
    525 days ago

    I’ve been increasingly unhappy since hearing the incessant yammering of Jordan Peterson. Has he been incessantly yammering since his birth in 1962?