looks like subscribing to kbin.social magazines is not working again but any other community i could find on stuff like beehaw.org or lemmy.ml let me subscribe and now i really have a pretty good home feed going :D hope y’all are still enjoying it too! i hope a lot of people stay. imo the internet is too mature for companies to force people away or make ridiculous changes to their entire userbase. decentralized, federated stuff keeps the control to the users :D

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    I’ve spent most of the weekend on Mastodon and Lemmy. Not looked at twitter nearly as much as I normally do. All of my subscribed communities are here, pawb.social and beehaw for now. I love being able to crosspost from Mastodon to Lemmy (can you crosspost to multiple lemmy communities in one masto post?) - bit annoyed that following a community on Mastodon boosts every single comment made in said community. I hope a solution is found for that problem.

    • dogOPA
      31 year ago

      noice :D i did see a few posts mentioning that as well and i think some people are aware that is happening. i’m not a mastodon user myself. i never could find an instance i liked, rip

  • @WanderMA
    51 year ago

    I think kbin is getting hammered. Unfortunately they’re not as spread out / decentralized as Lemmy.

    • dogOPA
      41 year ago

      yeah, that’s fair xD poor kbin. i’m glad we can subscribe to kbin magazines here, though :D