Yeah you did, ad hominem would be me saying you’re wrong because of a personal character trait. I just stated a simple observation about you. Like I said, clueless.
Oh, huh! I didn’t know it worked like that! If I had, I could’ve just pointed out that you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and have a cartoonish worldview, and I could have avoided all the trouble of making actual arguments. That’s so much easier!
Its not an as hominem attack kid ^^
Ad hominem would be: you are an idiot and therefore wrong.
What he says is “you write wrong stuff and are therfore an idiot”
So, you’re saying that the Global South (either Africa or South America) has made major, concerted attempts at creating effective capitalist states?
There’s a few examples. Australia, of course, though Leftists will obviously discount it.
Chile very deliberately adopted capitalism, though it was under an oppressive dictator. Even so, it’s #3 on the list of South American countries for per-capita GDP these days, and is topping the list for political freedoms.
Uruguay, with it’s famously beige recent politics, is #1.
Of course, you have Indonesia, which has been doing pretty well recently. I wonder why? (/s)
Malaysia and Singapore are technically in the northern hemisphere, so they don’t count I guess…
Most of South America has historically swung radically back and forth between left and right (yes, in part due to US pressure). There’s a leftward swing again. Let’s see how it goes this time! Good news is that if it fails, they can just blame external forces yet again.
First of all, capitalism is very obviously the model of relations in majority of Global South countries such a Brazil, India, Colombia and many others. The fact that you can’t even name these countries says volumes.
However, whether these countries are capitalist or not is missing the point entirely. The reason Global South is poor has to do with the western capitalist empire having colonized these countries and continuing to brutally exploit them by stealing labour and resources out of these countries to prop up western lifestyle. The two books I linked in the post details the atrocities the west has committed against these countries in the name of capitalism.
India and Colombia are both in the northern hemisphere. Anyway, they’re not exactly enthusiastic capitalists.
Western empires weren’t even really capitalist at the point that they colonized Colombia or India. And they’ve been gone for ages (nearly a century in India, much more for Colombia)…you think the wealth of the US, Europe, Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc, are all being extracted somehow from India and Colombia and the rest of the Global South? By what mechanism? They don’t export a lot aside from raw materials, and even there they’re not exactly top of the list. So…how are capitalist countries living on extracted labor and resources? Are they piped through secret underground pipelines?
Bad things happened in the past. Some continue to happen. That’s true. Doesn’t change the fact that communism is a stupid system.
Go read the link I gave you explaining the definition of Global South, it’s not based solely on the hemisphere. We’re also talking about colonialism that’s happening today not some ancient history. However, much of the colonialism absolutely did initially happen under capitalism. The British empire being one of the biggest colonialist projects in history.
Maybe spend the time to minimally educate yourself on the subject you’re attempting to debate here instead of opnining about things you very clearly don’t have any clue about?
The fact that you think communism is a stupid system is really just the cherry on top.
Careful! By including more of the world in the Global South, you’re gonna start seeing more and more thriving capitalist countries, which kinda underlines my initial point.
You know that Hong Kong (occupied by the evil British!) provided the inspiration for Deng Xiaoping’s U-turn? Now it’s a joke to call China communist, and it’s GDP per capita looks like this…
Yes, Britain is capitalist these days. No, it was not a modern capitalist society in the 1700s–or at least, it was only just emerging. India was given to the East India Company by edict of the King.
Maybe spend the time to minimally educate yourself on the subject you’re attempting to debate here instead of opining about things you very clearly don’t have any clue about? The fact that you think communism could ever work in the real world is just the cherry on top.
The Global South should give capitalism a try one of these decades. It paid off for Asia and Europe…
idk man, the Philippines has been trying capitalism for a while and it only empowered the aristocrats here even more and turned them into oligarchs.
You used so many words to say that you’re clueless.
Leftists and ad-hominem attacks, name a more iconic duo
The fact that you’re using ad hominem incorrectly here really underscores my point.
You called me clueless based on a single sentence in an attempt to dismiss what I said. I didn’t use ‘ad hominem’ wrong, lol.
Yeah you did, ad hominem would be me saying you’re wrong because of a personal character trait. I just stated a simple observation about you. Like I said, clueless.
Oh, huh! I didn’t know it worked like that! If I had, I could’ve just pointed out that you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and have a cartoonish worldview, and I could have avoided all the trouble of making actual arguments. That’s so much easier!
Alternatively you could’ve spent the time to educate yourself instead of making vapid comments on a public forum exposing yourself as an ignoramus.
I’ve been reading and studying for decades, and yet somehow your worldview remains inconsistent and incoherent to me.
I’m sure it’s my fault.
Its not an as hominem attack kid ^^ Ad hominem would be: you are an idiot and therefore wrong. What he says is “you write wrong stuff and are therfore an idiot”
Huge difference
So, you’re saying that the Global South (either Africa or South America) has made major, concerted attempts at creating effective capitalist states?
There’s a few examples. Australia, of course, though Leftists will obviously discount it.
Chile very deliberately adopted capitalism, though it was under an oppressive dictator. Even so, it’s #3 on the list of South American countries for per-capita GDP these days, and is topping the list for political freedoms.
Uruguay, with it’s famously beige recent politics, is #1.
Of course, you have Indonesia, which has been doing pretty well recently. I wonder why? (/s)
Malaysia and Singapore are technically in the northern hemisphere, so they don’t count I guess…
Most of South America has historically swung radically back and forth between left and right (yes, in part due to US pressure). There’s a leftward swing again. Let’s see how it goes this time! Good news is that if it fails, they can just blame external forces yet again.
Australia isn’t considered part of the global south. Read more here:
First of all, capitalism is very obviously the model of relations in majority of Global South countries such a Brazil, India, Colombia and many others. The fact that you can’t even name these countries says volumes.
However, whether these countries are capitalist or not is missing the point entirely. The reason Global South is poor has to do with the western capitalist empire having colonized these countries and continuing to brutally exploit them by stealing labour and resources out of these countries to prop up western lifestyle. The two books I linked in the post details the atrocities the west has committed against these countries in the name of capitalism.
India and Colombia are both in the northern hemisphere. Anyway, they’re not exactly enthusiastic capitalists.
Western empires weren’t even really capitalist at the point that they colonized Colombia or India. And they’ve been gone for ages (nearly a century in India, much more for Colombia)…you think the wealth of the US, Europe, Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc, are all being extracted somehow from India and Colombia and the rest of the Global South? By what mechanism? They don’t export a lot aside from raw materials, and even there they’re not exactly top of the list. So…how are capitalist countries living on extracted labor and resources? Are they piped through secret underground pipelines?
Bad things happened in the past. Some continue to happen. That’s true. Doesn’t change the fact that communism is a stupid system.
Go read the link I gave you explaining the definition of Global South, it’s not based solely on the hemisphere. We’re also talking about colonialism that’s happening today not some ancient history. However, much of the colonialism absolutely did initially happen under capitalism. The British empire being one of the biggest colonialist projects in history.
Maybe spend the time to minimally educate yourself on the subject you’re attempting to debate here instead of opnining about things you very clearly don’t have any clue about?
The fact that you think communism is a stupid system is really just the cherry on top.
Careful! By including more of the world in the Global South, you’re gonna start seeing more and more thriving capitalist countries, which kinda underlines my initial point.
You know that Hong Kong (occupied by the evil British!) provided the inspiration for Deng Xiaoping’s U-turn? Now it’s a joke to call China communist, and it’s GDP per capita looks like this…
Yes, Britain is capitalist these days. No, it was not a modern capitalist society in the 1700s–or at least, it was only just emerging. India was given to the East India Company by edict of the King.
Maybe spend the time to minimally educate yourself on the subject you’re attempting to debate here instead of opining about things you very clearly don’t have any clue about? The fact that you think communism could ever work in the real world is just the cherry on top.