Anyone have any ideas on how to kill God? I was thinking a out it and I think for a lot of people “God” is just this undefined “thing” out there that they can attribute other things to.

Like imagine a caveman kid talking to their caveman parent and asking questions like “Why is there a day and a night? Why is sky blue? Why is dog died?”

And the caveman parent just makes something up.

When people don’t know the cause of something, they can create a cause out of their imagination.

God will always be lurking in the imaginations of stupid people, and we will always have stupid people on this planet.

For a while this scared me because I’m a stupid person with an imagination, so I knew the idea of “God” will stay with me till I die (since I can’t think about anything when I die).

So I think the only way to kill God is if everyone dies. But even then it’s a gamble because there’s a whole “if a tree falls in a forest?” aspect.

Anyone else have any ideas?

  • spaceghoti
    27 hours ago

    When it comes to the Christian God, that’s easy.

    The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron.

    In building the temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built.

    While the Bible never says what was used to fix Jesus to the cross, tradition says it was three iron nails. There are two reasons why the account of the crucifixion is atypical of normal Roman executions: first of all, they didn’t usually waste good iron nailing victims to their crosses. They tied them to the posts. Secondly, crucifixion victims normally took days to die of dehydration and suffocation, which is why the Romans did it that way. But Jesus allegedly died in hours, not days.

    So clearly, Yahweh has a weakness to iron. I fear no gods I know how to kill.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      He could have died quickly if soldiers were piercing his heart with the spear of Longinus.