I find it odd that when filling out a form that asked me what my religion is one of the choices is Atheist.

What now? That is the that opposite of religion.

  • mechoman444
    2015 days ago

    Atheism is not a religion or worldview.

    Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god or God’s.

    Many atheists including myself adhere to the statement of simply being unconvinced that there is a God or having no credible evidence to indicate a God’s existence.

    Maybe the form we were filling out legitimately needed that information but typically outside of a very specific set of data. I don’t see why any form would ever ask you what your religion or lack of religion might be.

    • RubberDuck
      314 days ago

      In the medical world plenty of religions forbid certain things… like blood transfusions. I can’t really think of other places but I’m sure there are other legitimate use cases.

      But I usually just trike out stuff that is irrelevant. If they seem it relevant they can press the issue and explain why.

    • @[email protected]
      115 days ago

      Surely atheism is the belief in the lack of a god. Agnosticism is the lack of belief in a god.

      • Bahnd Rollard
        715 days ago

        Sorta, break down the roots of the words. Atheists activly deny that there is are gods (anti-theism), Agnostics (a-gnostic) are those who dont know, are unconvinced or those who simply dont care. If you really want to be pedantic (annoy your religious friends), point out that most theists are also atheists in a sense as they deny all gods, except for their own.

          • Bahnd Rollard
            214 days ago

            The issue is that in conversation its hard for theists to tell the difference between the two. To them it dosen’t matter if I say “I think your wrong” or “I simply dont care”, a lot of them will see someone who needs to be “saved”. A non-zero number of them will be very annoying about that or be obstructive because of it, so its best to handle all religion based conversations with kid-gloves.

        • @[email protected]
          213 days ago

          Atheists activly deny that there is are gods (anti-theism), Agnostics (a-gnostic)

          Wild to me that you would put these so close. A-theist, as in “not a theist”, you got it right with gnosticism

          The etymology of the word through French, Latin, and to Greek all mean that, too, “godless”, not “against god”

    • @[email protected]
      -815 days ago

      Atheism is, in point if fact, a world view.

      There is a world. You have a perspective on that world. The assumptions you make and the things you believe, rational and irrational, are a world view. The concept that there is (or is not) credible evidence that gods, or planets, or whatever fundamental facets of existence, imaginary or otherwise, are either a world view themselves or are deeply rooted in your world view.

      Q: does your world include unicorns? A: i don’t know.

      The answer stems from having a world view that does not categorically include nor exclude unicorns. But more to the point, when answering questions like:

      Q: what is most likely the source of existence? A: <anything you damned well please>

      The answer, if actually responding to the question, is a world view, or deeply tied to a world view.

      As to forms: forms are often limiting and don’t include information we consider relevant, or do include information we consider irrelevant. So it goes. In any case, they would ask that information precisely because world views provide broad but effective indicators about an individual. Knowing that a large incoming group of hotel guests is Christian, for example, can be a useful metric, because you’ll know that your hotel will make above-average pay-to-watch porn sales that weekend.

      • @[email protected]
        15 days ago

        It is NOT a world view for the simple, basic, fundamental fact, that not all atheists believe the same thing.

        Much, much less congruent than even “Christian”. 'Not Christian" is also not a world view, for the same fucking reason, numpty.

        • @[email protected]
          13 days ago

          Then, in conversation regarding atheists, I shall heretofore say “atheistic world view”, rather than calling atheism a world view.

      • mechoman444
        13 days ago

        Just using Google ai. Think before you speak.

        world view: a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. “I have broadened my worldview by experiencing a whole new culture”

        Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

        Atheism is not a worldview in the sense that it is a lack of belief in gods, and does not provide a comprehensive view of the world. However, many atheists tend to have a worldview that includes empiricist, positivist, or materialist beliefs, and a strong belief in science. This worldview is sometimes called “scientism”.

        Atheism is the rejection of the idea that gods exist, and is not a belief system that answers other questions about a person’s beliefs. Atheists typically believe that the existence of gods is highly improbable, and that there is no persuasive evidence to support the belief.

        Atheism is different from identifying as an atheist. While most atheists hold an atheistic worldview, not all of them do. In fact, only about half of those who hold an atheistic worldview identify as atheists.

        • @[email protected]
          113 days ago

          I did say “or are deeply rooted on a world view.”

          world view: a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. “I have broadened my worldview by experiencing a whole new culture”

          Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

          Disbelief is a conception. By nature of the topic, it’s a conception of the world. If someone were to say “I don’t believe in black holes,” that is by nature a conception of the world. One might reference it as merely an aspect of the world view, but it’s still an atheistic (or theistic, or black-holist or anti blackholist) world view.

          An atheistic world view doesn’t mean atheism is what the world view is about, it means that by nature, the view excludes gods. Most people, for example, adhere to a non-unicornist world view.

          • mechoman444
            113 days ago

            I lack a belief in a god or God’s. That is not a world view.

            However my world view stems from human secularism. One does not have to be an atheist to be a human secularist.

            Lacking in particular belief does not define me as a whole person.

            If you don’t believe in unicorns that doesn’t make you a “ununicornist”.

            In the same sense not believing in God doesn’t necessarily make me an atheist.

            But more importantly you’re not using the words you’re using correctly which is why I included the definitions or the concepts you’re missing. I can tell you simply ignore those.

            • @[email protected]
              113 days ago

              Simply because it’s a commons, and I like that, I’m going to use definitions from Wikipedia.

              I think we differ on what a world view is. Secular Humanism is, to me, more accurately described as Wikipedia describes it - a philosophy, belief, or life stance. These have to do with what you identify with, or values and ideologies you live by. And yes, secular humanists need not be atheist.

              A world view is much more broad than a philosophy, belief, or stance, or the having or not having of any particular belief.

              So yes, atheism is not a world view. But one can have an atheistic world view, without atheism being a world view. The world view and the individual who holds it are not defined in total by any particular facet of that world view, any more than “a brown-haired person” or “a person who has no cats” are complete descriptors for any single individual.

              So “an atheistic world view” simply references one of a large number of world views, all of which fundamentally lack a belief in gods.

              Yes, lacking in a particular belief does not define you as a whole person. I would not expect that it did, even if you held atheism as a belief, as in the less broad senses of atheism as defined on Wikipedia.

              If I don’t believe in unicorns, it totally makes me a non-unicornist, which is clearly only relevant when discussion or actions come up that involve unicorns, like when I’m posting in a non-unicornist or unicornist context. But it doesn’t necessarily make me an anti-unicornist.