Winn always made my skin crawl!

  • @[email protected]
    2010 hours ago

    Maybe I’m alone on this, but I found a lot of the story lines with Neelix from Voyager to be hard to watch.

    • @[email protected]
      119 hours ago

      If they’d only stopped making him so damned childish.

      Ever seen Avenue5? Spike was what Neelix shoulda been and it’s hilarious.

      • @[email protected]
        35 hours ago

        Spike is awesome. I need them to make a lot more Avenue 5. I’m holding out hope that it’ll get the Red Dwarf treatment.

        • @[email protected]
          55 hours ago

          Hot take: i never understood the whole controversy around him dating an alien with a very short lifespan.

          She isnt a child in their society, just a (young) woman. Had she remained with the okampa she would likely have had romantic partners around that same time in her life, possibly children as well. For that matter, as far as I know neelix isn’t interested in her for her age in any way either, so I have a hard time seeing how it is considered creepy or inappropriate. Also, the actress was a normal adult woman, so that wasn’t weird either (I cringe more at the scenes of O’Brien and teen aged Keiko in that one TNG episode, at least they didnt kiss I guess).

          I found him more annoying for his petty jealousy and overused mister vulcan interactions (although I generally enjoyed their dynamic).

          • @[email protected]
            24 hours ago

            agreed. OH NOE SHE’S TWOOOO she’s not a fuckign human so that makes her a grown woman who’s expected to have kids at this point. Gentle and thinking the best of people =/= naive and childish.

      • Maestro
        78 hours ago

        I have never seen Avenue 5, but as an old Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan I suddenly saw a foul-mouthed English bad boy Neelix in my head and it was hilarious 😂

    • @[email protected]
      109 hours ago

      I found most of Voyager to be too cringy to watch.

      It was just such a weird vibe, like they targeted it for kids who liked trek, and ultra-horny neckbeards at the exact same time.

      • @[email protected]
        118 hours ago

        The hormones didn’t come in until seven of nine in the way late seasons. And she’s no different than Troi, except more useful on the ship.

        Are you forgetting the leotard stretching scene…? Or almost anything Troi wore in the early seasons?

        • @[email protected]
          28 hours ago

          No, that was bad too.

          I mean, s1 and s2 was very cringy too, but they had episodes that were very well written by people other than Roddenberry, and we all tend to blank out trauma in our past.

          Voyager? This wasn’t the first trek show in decades, we weren’t dying for want of decent scifi, we had tng, ds9, b5, farscape was coming online, stargate too, and before Voy finished we had The Phantom Menace and the Matrix.

          The mid-late 90s were a golden age for media, our standards had increased dramatically particularly for writing.

          For TNG I’d say 50% of episodes are either forgettable or near-unwatchable, with a bias towards the early seasons, S3 and S4 are just gold though.

          Voyager, I have a few episodes I like (, but many more I can’t watch, the writing is just so uneven.

          Btw, I have a warm spot in my heart for Enterprise, I think it got a majorly unfair rap, but the first 2 seasons are similar in their unevenness, though Season 4 is again, just gold.

          • @[email protected]
            3 hours ago

            we had The Phantom Menace

            Hey, I thought we were talking about decent examples of sci fi

            TNG … 50%

            I’d put it more like 25%. That being said, I def consult episode guides when I’m rewatching and skip accordingly.