• @[email protected]
    8710 hours ago

    Eh, rabbit could be cis. Up to rabbit to tell us how they identify. Sometimes men like to look pretty too :3

    • @[email protected]
      407 hours ago

      Yep. I find this “female clothes => they’re trans” pretty questionable. Because… clothes have no gender. Men can wear dresses and heels as well.
      And that goes for cis and trans men, I also know some trans guys that just like wearing a skirt.

      • @[email protected]
        176 hours ago

        I am 100% cis straight man; I have been dressed up in drag more than once in my life and even went out in public with it. Its fun! Getting to wear pretty and cute outfits and whatnot.10/10 would do again.

        So I totally know where Bugs is coming from in this and it is NO indication of his self-identity.

        • @[email protected]
          86 hours ago

          Was gonna say as a man that doesn’t mind getting sissied for a kink scene, I’m 100% cis, and I agree with your assessment.

      • @[email protected]
        56 hours ago

        I agree, but I think this usually comes from a place of Bugs Bunny being many trans women’s first introduction to something outside the gender norm, and so they project that back onto the character.

        That, or they’re t4t and Bugs dressing up made them feel funny as kids in the same way that Robinhood from that one Disney movie did with furries.

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        Agree. Bugs doesn’t normally have boobs though. I feel like that’s a bit different. Still doesn’t have to mean someone’s trans though.

          • WillStealYourUsername
            43 hours ago

            Gender is a spectrum, but trans just means not cis, with cis meaning identifying with your assigned at birth gender.

          • @[email protected]
            26 hours ago

            Cis and trans are Latin prefixes and opposites of each other - cis basically translating out to “same” and trans being “different.” To be cis means to be the same gender that the doctor assigned you when you were born, while trans people transition to a gender different from their assigned gender. So you can’t be on a spectrum of more trans or less trans because you’re transitioning to x, y, or z.

            There are spectrums that people choose from, though, if you want to get into some of the finer details. Some people use the prefix demi, meaning “partially” (like in demigod), to signify a gender that they most closely relate to but don’t feel properly identifies them. Like somebody who is a demigirl most closely relates to being a woman, but doesn’t feel like womanhood fits them. This is why the umbrella term non-binary exists, for people who feel like they fall somewhere outside the traditional designated roles of “man” or “woman” and more closely relate to a secret, third thing.

          • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
            7 hours ago

            I don’t know if you could call it a spectrum, but there are certainly more types of transgender people than cisgender. MTF, FTM, gender fluid, non-binary, and maybe even more. I wouldn’t say there are degrees of transgenderism, tho. You are or you aren’t.

            Sexuality, on the other hand, is definitely a spectrum.