I’m talking about artists who completely changed genre or otherwise became unrecognisable. Share some that you know of!

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    i’m with you for patd, fever is amazing and i’m not a fan of bachelor and later, but man i’m sorry to hear you don’t like mcrs newer stuff as much as i do. as much as i do love bullets, imo their golden era is three cheers and tbp

    have you listened to foundations of decay? if so, how you feel about that one? sorry for all of the questions ;) i just like taking the chance to talk about mcr with anyone who’ll listen haha

    • dogA
      21 year ago

      don’t get me wrong, i adore the black parade and three cheers :3 it’s everything after that that didn’t resonate anywhere near as well with me. and no worries :3 i totally understand xD tbh i haven’t listened to foundations of decay o: i’ll give it a shot, ty 💙