
I have had to use windows for a long time because of school (word and excel, the ms version, was like mandatory, tho free), and I have been interested in trying or at least learning linux more.

I tried once before on Manjaro but I messed up the install and I was having annoying issues with the graphics drivers with an nvidia card (having to manually change the settings for two monitors and the refresh rate every time i rebooted, for instance). That was around 4 years ago now though.

My main question was what distro I should try? I am fairly experienced so I know my way around things but not in linux, and I am okay with learning curves.

It seems like everyone has a different answer for this so I wanted to hear suggestions. Thank you

  • Dae
    51 year ago

    Personally, I started with Mint Cinnamon. It’s a really good branching point for people coming from Windows. It keeps things nice and simple.

    If you have some more tech know-how, are good at figuring things out and like customization, Kubuntu is a nice pick, since the KDE Plasma desktop environment has a lot of options. But it rally doesn’t hold your hand at all, so be ready to figure it out yourself.

    Just remember though, at the end of the day, Linux isn’t Windows, no matter how much your desktop environment might look like it. You will have to learn a whole new OS, and your Windows knowledge only transfers superficially.