• @[email protected]
              71 month ago

              Like someone else mentioned, all this would do is incenstivize tipping culture from a restaurant/worker point of view, rather then the better option… Company that employs the person should be paying them, crazy idea.

        • @[email protected]
          -31 month ago

          Politics is funny, like an oversized truck driven by an oversized grandma whose reflexes have slowed with time. The truck is unwieldy due to its size, and the driver often unable to see over the steering wheel until there is a bump that causes her to glance at more of the road than she’s used to seeing. Even when Grandma does react, the truck is slow to move, and if it moves quickly it runs the risk of tipping over.

          We do need bigger change. That change will NOT happen overnight, too much damage has been done. What we need to do is walk back the worst damage, reinforce codes and laws to stop them being overturned by holiday worshipping dick heads, tackle creating a foundation to work off of, and then work towards larger, more meaningful change. In that order. Maybe swap around the middle as needed if blocked by certain justices.

          Every single inch will be fought for. Every real change challenged. Harris and the party she hopefully recreates will need our support. Even Old Man Willow Biden bowed when we sang our song loudly enough, together.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            But this is not an improvement, this is dividing the middle and poor classes into two categories from a taxation perspective, those who get all their earnings from their employer and those who get some from their employer plus some from clients as tip, your friends could have the same total income but pay 10k less in taxes because half of it is tip.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              And we can effectively shift that balance. I will never willingly advocate for things that hurt people. Though I can be ignorant just like anyone else. What I will do is ask us to come together and seek positive change in the most effective ways, even if that means a temporary set back, so long as there are plans to shore it up quickly. This is because I recognize that short-term sacrifices will probably be necessary to achieve a more positive, bigger picture outcome.

              HOWEVER, as we are seeing and experiencing, we as a united voice can help enact better changes and less sacrifices by all yelling into the wind. Seems that when enough people do it, our voices carry rather well.

              • @[email protected]
                21 month ago

                Ok, so you’re just here to talk like a politician instead of talking about the subject of the conversation, got it 👍

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        This is stepping backwards. It actively incentivizes companies to not pay a liveable wage because tipped income doesn’t get taxed.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            I just tried fixing the typo and fucking autocorrect changed it back four times before it gave up and accepted that “Incentivizes” is a word.

            Up until I wrote this post, when it took another 4 tries…

      • @[email protected]
        01 month ago

        That’s what they told us with Obama, and Clinton and look where we are. Fuck that. Either actually be a leftist or get out of the way for someone who will.