Deleted something I shouldn’t have. I learned my lesson, but I had to revert to a backup that was about 3 days old. My bad.

  • SmokeInFog
    71 year ago

    I might be in danger of being “that guy”, but how come you’re not doing more frequent backups?

    • seahorse [Ohio]OPM
      51 year ago

      Digital ocean does a backup once a week over the weekends. That’s just the schedule I’m on. I suppose I could do my own but that would require finding somewhere to store 60 GB. I’ll look into it though.

      • @WanderA
        61 year ago

        What I do is create a new live snapshot before doing any changes to the server. I don’t use digitalocean, but I think their snapshots cost 6 cents per GB/month, and are only charged like that if you retain them the whole month.

        If everything goes well after a change and you delete the snapshot a day or two later (or after the next backup), it’s basically free or very cheap. I think it’s just a minimum of $0.01 per snapshot.