• 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️M
    1 month ago

    I can’t even remember what took me the most tries to beat naturally; it might have been Alecto actually. That bitch was hard af even with cheese tactics. Unnaturally, it’s how many times I have tried to kill Mohg, Lord of Blood, at RL30 or lower; I managed to do it at level 1 only yesterday for the first time ever. And it took for-fucking-ever 😩.

    I found ER pretty easy if actually leveling based on what stones you found in the area and always putting runes into levels after a major boss (remembrance bosses, really). Midir in DS3 has the record for most attempts in the games I have beaten; Owl takes it for all of them period (I still haven’t beaten him to get to the rest of the game; but I saw a speed run where they cheesed him and I might just do that to get past the fuck). And it’s not even like Midir was difficult, it was just a war of attrition with how often she would just take off to the entire other side of the room the moment I finally got in range to hit her.