TL;DR: to NFTs and eSports

  • @arkthos
    37 months ago

    I agree for the most part. A company holding an iron grip on the game and keep the competitive scene alive as a marketing tactic is a recipe for disaster if we are to take it seriously as a long term sport. A company will not hesitate to shut things down if they unanimously decide they no longer want it to exist.

    Regarding whether esports are sports or not is kind of arbitrary. The same as how we call competitive chess and darts and formula 1 sports despite being more mental than physical in nature.

    • TheRealKuni
      37 months ago

      Formula 1 is extremely physical. Try looking at the drivers’ necks and then tell me it isn’t a physical sport.

      • TheRealKuni
        37 months ago

        Formula 1 is extremely physical and is absolutely a sport. The average person’s neck would give out after one lap in an F1 car, if they were even able to drive the thing (which you cannot without significant experience and training).