Did he do it for the memes?

  • @[email protected]
    63 months ago

    The choices are

    • Be “better” and help Trump win, or
    • Help Trump lose

    Seems like an easy choice to me.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      Even as a vegetable, Biden’s administration wouldn’t let the country fall into a kleptocracy. And that’s enough for me.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Letting the country fall into a kleptocracy is exactly what Biden and his democratic party handlers are doing with their insistence of “nothing would fundamentally change” by pushing through the weakest presidential candidates and placing the status quo over actual progress.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      It is not nearly so binary. This issue is complex and intertwining - think rocket science where to get more thrust you need more fuel, but adding more fuel adds more weight, so you need even more thrust… that’s mere child’s play compared to politics.

      For one thing, replacing Biden now may help Trump win, but it may also help Trump lose, whereas in contrast NOT replacing Biden now may help Trump lose, or it could help Trump win.

      And somehow, we’re all back to everything Everything, EVERYthing being all about Trump, all the time.:-( Democracy has had cracks in it forever, especially when mixed with capitalism, and he exposes all of those.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        replacing Biden now may help Trump win, but it may also help Trump lose, whereas in contrast NOT replacing Biden now may help Trump lose, or it could help Trump win.

        Either that quote doesn’t really mean anything, or maybe I’m missing the nuance to it.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Both action or inaction may either increase or lessen the likelihood of either outcome. Hence why politics is more complex than rocket science - think quantum entanglement.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            Turning the thermostat up will either cool the house or warm it. Turning the thermostat down will either warm the house or cool it.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Touching the thermostat will either cool the house or warm it. Leaving the thermostat alone (aka, not touching it) may also allow the house to become warmer or cooler than it is now (you know, bc weather).

              Fyi this is asynchronous communication - you are allowed to spend more time thinking before speaking, if you don’t understand something.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        The voters can’t replace Biden, and as I’ve mentioned in another comment, they’re not making these decisions blindly. They’ve likely come to the conclusion that replacing Biden would cost more votes than it’d gain. Right or wrong, they’re not going in blindly.

        All the voters can do is vote. And realistically, on election day, a vote not made for Biden is a vote in Trump’s favour.

        If you’re okay with that, that’s your decision. But I believe Trump has said that if it were up to him, the genocide would’ve been “completed” by now.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          The voters couldn’t even practically choose anyone other than Biden in that sham of a primary. People were warning about Biden since long before the primary and yet democratic party leadership decided they knew better than the voters and forced him through. Now you’re blaming their fuck up on voters.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            You don’t know for a fact that it is a fuck up.

            You (should) know for a fact that, if you consider Trump getting elected to be a fuck up, that not voting for Biden would be a fuck up because it’d be helping Trump win.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              We can see the fuck up in motion right now as the democratic party runs around with their hair on fire. What should be a slam dunk election is in doubt (and wasn’t even clear before the debate) because the candidate is that weak, just like how Trump should have been easy to win against in 2016 but they forced through Hillary and we’ve been living through this nightmare ever since.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          The general election isn’t for another four months. That is the time to STFU and vote. Although who are we kidding, >90% of people live somewhere where their votes barely matter if at all - maybe, maybe helping Trump voters see that Biden’s re-election is “real”, but otherwise every city will vote Dem and every rural area will vote Repub and there’s like 10 counties that will determine the course of the entire world for the foreseeable future. Btw I’m not worried about either me or you, but I am worried about the independents in those 10 counties.

          Our news media is out for blood, like sharks in the water. Right or wrong, or left or whatever, they don’t care, they smell PROFIT to be made by ruthlessly making fun of every tiny thing that Biden will do from now on. We ignore this at our peril - I’m not saying that I take evil glee from this horrid fact, merely that this inconvenient truth should be accounted for. We can bow before facts, or we can be crushed by them in turn - but either way, we will have to reconcile with them. The choice is whether we do so before, and use them to turn the situation to our advantage as best we can, or whether we wake up some day later wishing that we had done so previously. Exactly like 2016 with Hillary, or like that other time with RBG, but this time there will be no second chances, bc this at least looks to be our last election. Maybe second to last, possibly with yet another interspersal of another Dem, but there are no guarantees for such - Trump has already declared his intentions to become a dictator, and SCOTUS has already made it legal for him to do so.

          And in the midst of all of this, with the stakes higher than they’ve ever been for our little democracy experiment… Biden, well, “has a cold”. Okay then, so hype up on crack, cocaine, or whatever you need to do, just get it done, or move aside and let Gavin Newsom or Pete Buttigieg or AOC or Gretchen Whitmer or whoever take the lead. This is not the time to be playing authoritian games with our literal democracy at stake. BuT hE’s OuR lEaDeR? Then LEAD. He’s old - it’s not his fault, but the Democratic primary choosing him would be our fault.

          I agree that they had some kind of strategy in place. It relied on deception. It failed. Now that the cat is out of the bag, and we all saw what has been happening with our very own eyes and heard it with our very own ears, the strategy of telling everyone “he’s fine, you don’t see it but behind closed doors everything is totally fine, I totally have a girlfriend, you don’t know her bc she goes to another school, in fact she’s in Canada, but we are totally happy together… t-t-totally, yeah!” - this approach (!?!), is backfiring.

          People are tire of being lied to. They won’t vote. Trump now has a greater likelihood of winning. That’s… no bueno.:-( Maybe we should do something about it? Something other than simply saying “what are you going to do?”, before it’s too late and nothing is all that can be done, as it gets even later in the game. It might be time to update the strategy, to fit the new set of updated facts. Otherwise, we roll the dice and hope for the best - but now is our last chance to affect change, if we really do want to see Trump not win?

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            Not to mention Mega donors publicly stating that debate Biden is the Biden they got at donor events. The curtain has been well and truly pulled back.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Two thirds of democratic voters want him gone



              Personally I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well he’s done, and think the media has been terribly unfair to him. However, that was then, and this is now… and if those two issues combined work together to get Trump elected, that won’t be good for the nation, or the world.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          All the voters can do is vote.

          And protest, and contact representatives, and organize, and join their local party… Again with the national party lines meant to make people disengage.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      No. This is an either/or fallacy the DNC has been pushing for over a year to quell any dissent. Well the chickens have come home to roost. We can apply pressure to change the candidate. That’s an option. We do not have to have either Trump or Biden and nothing else.

      • @[email protected]
        -23 months ago

        It’s interesting to see all the pro-Trump accounts suddenly change their talking points to “Biden should step down.” It makes you wonder…

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Oh joy. That’s a new one. Nobody has ever called me a pro Trump person for attempting to remind people that there are other options. Never before.

          Just kidding. This is exactly how we got here. People like you bullying anyone that dares talk about Biden having electability issues. It was too effective and now we’re in this dumb position that could have been avoided so easily.