The 4th of July feels like a sad holiday to me. We celebrate an independence won over two centuries ago, like an out of shape former athlete reminiscing about his glory days on the high school football team.

What we need independence from today isn’t the British — who seem about as threatening as a glass of warm Ovaltine — but from modern tyrannies like big business and, of course, the national security state.

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    I’m with you on this 4th being a sad one, that’s for sure. It was easy to lightly appreciate what the battles of long ago had wrought us. We had stability and a positive outlook.

    Now we have one side that is foaming at the mouth to get power back so they can abuse it and the other that will do what they always do: come up with 100 different ideas and end up doing nothing.

    This election doesn’t decide anything. It’s just a marker of when everything will go to complete shit… Now? Or later? Eventually the right will be in power and they will play the same script they always play. “This group is terrorists, so the white house must do this horrible thing.” They’ll manufacturer some garbage their base will gobble up (laden in fear mongering and hatred as usual), and the atrocities will commence.

    Enjoy this 4th, it may be the last “normal” one. Just beware of the super patriot dressed in the flag. He’s far more likely to murder his fellow countryman for not having identical beliefs.