it’s that time of year again; time to let the semantics and the pedantics fly! because it’s time for another round of ARBITRARY DEFINITIONS WRESTLING!!!


  • a word/phrase/genre/etc. is provided, participants “discuss” how that word/phrase/genre/etc. should be defined. (keeping in mind that definitions should have some utility, otherwise they’re just meaningless tags that tell the reader nothing; or don’t keep this in mind, maybe you have a better theory on how words should be used ~ if so, tell us about it!)
  • try to be nice

this week’s definition is, “role-playing game.” (pictured is the world’s best role-plying game according to some experts.)

how do you define a “role-playing game” in video game terms?

i present to you our starting point; the so-called authority: the dictionary:

per Oxford Languages: “a game in which players take on the roles of imaginary characters who engage in adventures, typically in a particular computerized fantasy setting overseen by a referee.”

let the semantics and the pedantics fly, it’s round one of ARBITRARY DEFINITIONS WRESTLING.

(note that participating in ARBITRARY DEFINITIONS WRESTLING is foolish and, as such: i will not be participating. however, i may step in as referee to break up any fighting.)