This is a topic I enjoyed seeing over at the other place, so I thought I’d try to get it going here if people are interested.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 year ago

    Call of Duty: Cold War.

    It’s free on PS+. It’s the only game I’ve played for the PS5 that actually supports full mouse and keyboard, too, which is cool.

    Crazy how I used to not really like COD because it was so arcadey, and now that is the one thing that makes it more appealing than most other modern shooters currently with large, active playerbases.

    I still have a lot of the same critisms I always had about this series though. Most of the maps are garbage. The constant barrage of sounds and popups is irritating and distracting from the fun. The gunplay feels too samey for every weapon, and “aim” is a joke given how not only aim assistance works, but also how little spread and recoil there is to compensate for when aiming down sights to where everything but a shotgun feels like a laser beam. And the god awful netcode that can have you getting killed from a dude right in front of you that never appeared on your screen until after you were dead.